A visit to Hogsmeade...

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Chapter 11: A visit to Hogsmeade, a duel of swords and unexpected decisions

Sakura was depressed by Syaoran's behavior and did not feel like eating anything.

"It's been two weeks and he is still annoying," explained Sakura to her friends.

"I never thought Li was that kind of person," Tomoyo said.

"Since he is the only son of the Li family, I suppose he is a bit spoiled," Meiling said.

"And how's your relationship with Cedric, Meiling?" Ginny asked, trying to change the subject.

"Wonderful, could not be better," Meiling said, but seeing the sad expression of Sakura decided to explain something else. "Well, I had a couple of run-ins with Choo, but I put her in her place."

"You didn't fight with her, did you?" said Rika, a little worried.

"No, not at all, I did what you told me Rika, I didn't resort to violence."

"What did Choo also like Cedric?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione, you don't know anything about it, of course Choo liked Cedric, it was obvious a mile away. And from what Meiling told me Choo behaved like a harpy."

"And how did you handle it, Meiling?"

"I gave hiera few cookies to eat and she grew nostrils, Cedric found it very funny and Choo got angry with him. Now Cedric and I are a couple."

"I told the twins not to sell you their crap!"

"Quiet Hermione, they didn't do it, I was inspired by her invention and transformed her pills into biscuits of Chinese fortune, Choo fell round."

"Syaoran also deserves to eat those cookies too," said Sakura painedly.

A"nd after that Sakura? You can't be with someone who is so possessive, it would hurt you in the end," Hermione said.

"Mmm... You're not the best person to give that advice, Hermione."

"What do you mean, Ginny?"

"Because your case is the same as Sakura, Ron does not respect you, he only sees you as an object of which he can dispose at will, you are like his toy, the toy of a spoiled child who does not tolerate that someone even looks at it."

Hermione remained mute and was about to answer in a bad way to the redhead but in that Sakura intervened.

"Is Ron possessive too?"

"Well, I know that sometimes he behaves badly but..."

"But nothing, my brother is not good for you Hermione, it hurts me because I speak of my brother, but it is the truth."

"What if we go to Hogsmeade tomorrow," Rika said nervously.

"Rika is a wonderful idea, what if we all go girls," said Tomoyo.

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