The request of Dumbledore...

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Chapter 7: The request of Dumbledore, aromatic coffee and a teacher not so cold

"Damn Dumbledore!" Snape complained, "It's not enough that I have to put up with the whole group of mentally retarded people I have for students, and now the company of that woman imposes itself on me."

The professor arrived in his quarters and collapsed on his couch. An hour earlier he was called in by Dumbledore, and the old headmaster told him that Miss Maki Matsumoto, from now on, would help Snape prepare his preclassroom for each class.

"This is outrageous Dumbledore! I don't need any help."

"I had reports of small accidents that happened in your classroom, because your students are flocking as quickly as possible to take away the material needed to make the potions. Miss Matsumoto, gladly offered to help you with that problem."

"What report Dumbledore, who was the mom's son who said that?"

"Severus, no student told me in person, I heard it from some teachers in the teachers' lounge, while we shared an exquisite muggle coffee prepared by Miss Matsumoto."

"So now the other teachers are talking behind my back."

"No one is talking behind your back, my boy, but if you came to the teachers' lounge at least once, I assure you that you would share pleasant conversations with your colleagues."

"I am not a child for you to order me to go and talk to someone I don't care, and to all this, what was that woman doing inside the teachers' room, if she is a muggle?"

2Miss Matsumoto, is for all intents and purposes a witch until Miss Kinomoto recovers all the clow cards. Besides, she's a guest at school; you don't expect me to restrict her entrance to the teachers' lounge, do you?"

"You can go where you please, but you won't go to my classroom! Period, it's over, you understand me Dumbledore?"



Now the man was ruminating his defeat against the director, who had won and now would have to endure the presence of the woman in his classroom, and that is that he not only convinced him that the woman would help him prepare the class materials before he started each of these, but also that she would stay in his classroom during them!

"I would have remained silent, at least I would not have had that woman during my classes," he said bitterly, "perhaps if I had said something else..."



But I already have Kinomoto helping me!" He remembered that he told the principal.

"Miss Kinomoto, only helps you at night and only in your pantry. Punishment in which Severus I disagree, she had to capture the clow card as appropriate, but you punished her without seeing that aspect."

"I'll take away her punishment, but don't put that woman on me."

"Severus, you cannot take away a student's punishment just for not wanting to accept Miss Matsumoto's help."

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