Dumbledore's concern

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Chapter 13: Dumbledore's concern, farewells, to enjoy the last chapter

Sakura was in the office of Dumbledore, lends to listen to the reason why the director sent her to call.

"Sakura," said the director, who already had a great appreciation for the card captor and began to call her by name, "I see that you feel much better."

"Thank you sir, the recovery of the Clow letters will not be a problem, I assure you."

"This is precisely what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Something wrong, sir?"

"Well, actually I was very worried, the fact that the clow cards came to Hogwarts involved a series of problems, problems that in the long run became a reality. You see Sakura, not all cards have a friendly personality like the cards Forest and Flower, some decided to attack you."

"You mean when the Water card threw me out of the boat causing me to almost drown?"

"Yes, fortunately Harry, like a gentleman he is, proceeded to rescue his damsel in distress."

Sakura turned red like a tomato, how would the director know about her relationship with Harry?

"Oh, love, a magic that makes us forget our fears. Now Harry knows how to swim and you Sakura no longer feel uncomfortable with the ghosts of the school. Isn't that right?"

Sakura could only look at the floor and move her foot as if she were a little girl.

"Hem, sir, about the Clow cards."

"Oh yes, as I told you Sakura, not all the Clow cards have a gentle nature, some decided to attack you and other students, if not for our dear cephalopod..."

"Excuse me?"

"I am referring to the giant squid," said the director paternally.

"Sakura," continued the director, "the incident of the lake was not the only one, the card that possessed Miss Sasaki, tried to hurt the first year students, and another card wounded Mr. Li and Mr. Weasley."

Sakura frowned.

"My child, I know that you and your friends had some differences, but believe me, like love, friendship is the other strength we must have in our lives. I'm sure Ron and Syaoran will mature with this experience, please don't throw away their friendship."

"You are right sir, I can't act childishly," said Sakura and Dumbledore smiled at her.

"Going back to the issue that concerns us," Dumbledore continued, "although your performance in catching the cards was more than exemplary, there are still many more cards and the possibility of a student being hurt, I'm afraid, is very high. That's why Professor Flitwick and I came up with a plan."

"A plan, sir?"

"That's right, you see, when the Clow cards were unleashed by accident, they went to Hogwarts as the most magical place in the area, but the school is so large, not only the structure of the castle, the owls, the quidditch field, the greenhouses, the other school grounds like the lake and even the forbidden forest. Therefore, we saw that it would be more convenient to focus the magic of the school in a place that already contains an important amount of magic."

"And what is that place, sir?"

"I refer to the room of the necessities, a magical room hidden from most students, only visible to those who require its prompt appearance, a room ready to change its functionality depending on the needs of those who need it. That's where Professor Flitwick and I locked up the clow cards."

"Really, have they been captured?"

"Only a descendant of the magician Clow can capture the cards, the only thing we teachers can do is to corner the cards. Now these are locked in the room of the necessities, apparently a card seems to guard the entrance of the room, once you capture this one, you will be able to capture all the other cards without problems."

"All of them, sir?"

"Well, you can do it if you want one a day."

"Sir, I would like, well, I would like..."

"Talk to your friends first and tell them about the cards," Dumbledore said with a smile.



Sakura after leaving Dumbledore's office called her friends and told them the news.

"Then now you will be able to go back home," Ginny said, amid joy and sorrow.

"No, I don't want to go home! I'm very happy here with Cedric by my side," complained Meiling.

"I don't want to leave either, it's so much fun to do magic," said Rika sadly.

"It will be a shame to come back so soon," Tomoyo told them.

"You know, the director told me that it wasn't necessary to catch all the Clow cards at once."

"That's great Sakura, you can stay longer," Hermione said to them cheerfully, "but what will Li's mother say."

"I know Syaoran's mother, she is very strict and she will want her son to stay all year until the end of the course," Meiling said.

"What about Miss Maki?" Ginny asked

The girls looked at each other worried and decided to go see the woman, she was probably in the potion lab. When they arrived, they saw that Miss Maki was sitting and leaning on Snape's shoulder! The man smiled (something the girls never saw) and caressed her long black hair as he whispered tender words of love.

"I see."

"Yes, I see."

"So that's what it was."

"Great, the twins won't believe me."

"What a sweet scene."

"Don't rat them out, Ginny, please."

The girls quietly withdrew, confident that Ms. Maki would also like to stay in school longer.



Sakura went the next day where the room of the necessities and saw that it was the Shield card guarded the place, using the Sword card, captured it and kept it in her pocket.

"And now what will you do Sakura?" Kero asked her.

"I know that one day the classes will end, but in the meantime, I plan to enjoy every day that I stay here in Hogwarts with my friends and Harry."

"And then?"

"Then we'll keep in touch, you know, the carnival doesn't have to end while we still keep our friendship."


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