Working in the greenhouse...

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Chapter 6: Working in the greenhouse, a green prophecy and a tropical forest

"With the punishments in the nights with Snape I am exhausted," Sakura complained.

"Remember that until you catch all the cards, you can't go back to Japan." Kero reminded her.

"I can't stand this," said Sakura and collapsed in her bed.

"But what do you say, if it's only tomorrow, you better hurry to your classes in the greenhouse or they'll give you more punishments, remember that today you share classes with Griffindor."

Sakura got up reluctantly and went to the greenhouse with the same look as a criminal going to the electric chair.



"As I was saying to you, to prepare the magic infusion, we must add strawberries specially cultivated in the greenhouse," Sprout explained, while showing the class a giant strawberry the size of a watermelon, which was an electric green color.

"Are you sure they should look like this? Meilling asked, "I thought they were smaller and red."

"The muggle strawberries are like that, girl, but the strawberries we need must look like this."

The teacher explained to everyone the correct way of growing the strange strawberries and sent them to practice in pairs.

Sakura was working at the bottom of the greenhouse when suddenly found a couple of clow cards: The Rain and The Forest.

"Finally my luck is changing!"

"Well Sakura, little by little you will catch them all."

"Catch them now..."


"What, you didn't understand the joke..."

"Sakura, you have seen a lot of anime."

"Have you never seen pokemon?"

"In my spare time, all I do is practice martial arts."

"Only that?"

"Well, I'm also a girl, I'm also interested..."

The friends kept on talking and did not realize that all their companions were already finishing their work, so the two girls panicked went to finish their work as quickly as possible and left with the time just before the teacher closed the greenhouse, Sakura had forgotten to write her name on the clow cards.



Already very late in the afternoon, with the classes she shared with Slyterin in divination, the teacher after seeing through the window said to the students:

"I see a misfortune looming over the school... I see a green threat that will bring misfortune and death."

"What kind of misfortune, Professor?" Asked Makaias Frounelle, a student of Slyterin.

"It will be in the shape of trees and..." The teacher fainted just as she stood in front of her favorite armchair.

Sakura who did not know about how deceitful her teacher was, was very frightened.



Already at night while she was serving her punishment with Snape, Cedric knocked at the door.

"Professor Snape, I am sorry to bother you but Director Dumbledore requests the presence of Sakura Kinomoto in the greenhouses."

"What's going on?" Snape asked.

"I'm not quite sure sir, Professor Sprout sent me to come as soon as possible to you."

"Well, me and Miss Kinomoto will be right there."

Snape told Sakura about the order of Dumbledore and they both hurried towards the greenhouses. Upon arrival they saw that both the roofs and glass walls of one of them had exploded, due to what appeared to be a tropical forest that had grown out of control from within the structure.

"I don't understand Albus, the crystals were reinforced with magic; however, they exploded easily."

"I fear that the magic involved has to do with the magician Clow, and speaking of it, I see that the capturer of the clow cards has arrived."

Dumbledore explained to Sakura that most likely a Clow card was involved. He and Sakura would go into the greenhouse and try to fix things.

Sakura thanked the director for his help, since this one made to go backwards the branches and roots of the trees that otherwise would have crushed Sakura. In the end, they arrived at the clow cards, and Sakura captured Rain with the Water card, and the Forest card was delivered on its own.

"I'm very sorry for what happened director, if I hadn't forgotten the cards in the greenhouse and written my name to them this wouldn't have happened."

"So you were the responsible Miss Kinomoto," said Professor Sprout when she heard Sakura's confession when she was leaving the greenhouses with Dumbledore.

The chief of the badgers, imposed a punishment on Sakura, which consisted of helping in the greenhouses every afternoon for a month.

"So this was the misfortune that Professor Trelawney warned us about," said Sakura weeping, while from the window of the divination class Professor Trelawney said to herself:

"How fortunate that I saw how the greenhouse was about to explode from my window, now that I have more credibility I will ask Dumbledore for a raise, jo, jo, jo, jo"

"I want to go home!" Sakura cried down in the greenhouses.


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