2-2. Dawn of an Emerald Beauty

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It's oddly foggy out in the morning. The slight chill of the weather didn't bother most of the dinosaurs, but some particularly seem rather suspicious about porchlights being left on during those hours. The obscure, subtle noises of hissing are heard throughout some of the streets on the island. Is it a snake creeping around, perhaps?
Several hours later, nothing seemed too unusual during the afternoon... except for a few porchlights that were found out to be broken around the streets of Ffarquhar, somehow.
"Who did this? Anyone?" a random workman called-out, holding a detached light with anger and skepticism. Several people discovered the same thing, but couldn't answer about what happened. The issue wasn't merely in Ffarquhar though; there were many items left shattered nearby houses in Knapford, and a few areas of Wellsworth.
Sir Topham Hatt soon became aware of the crisis going on; His office-door shortly creaked upon opening, and to his right was a slight crack on the wall, caused by the point of a golden shard almost the size of a sword (if not bigger). He gently yanks it off, and glances around to see that there were numerous similar blades that pierced other property on Sodor. He knew now, the only culprit of this would be a monster of sorts.

The dinosaurs however, all seemed quite peaceful at the sheds. Hatt arrives with his typical stoic look and concern; the monsters either looked blank or nonchalant towards the man in charge, even with the gold blade clearly seen in his hands. They all exchange glances at one another when Hatt asks about it, as none of them seemed to possess any sort of thin yellow-colored spikes or plates of the sort. Since Edward is planning to go on a night hunt later, Topham mostly expects him to figure out who or what is responsible for the blade-attack.

The fog returned during the late-evening, along with the (mostly) silent atmosphere surrounding Edward on his way to Brendam Docks. A few sharp objects (of the same yellow hue) is shot at his limb out of nowhere, so in suspicion he turned his walk to a short sprint, until he was finally able to catch the glimpse of a dark-green figure (appearing very slender and graceful) at the docks. The figure turns away from the blue dinosaur in response, with multiple blades suddenly fired at him. Even when flying shards come at his eyes and constant steam wheeshes at him, Edward remains persistent, now that the likely cause of all the damages from earlier had just been uncovered... almost, that is.
Once the figure stopped a short second for once, Edward didn't halt in the chase and expected another set of blades to be shot towards his face; they were, except he now dodged and charged forward on all-fours, only for the move to be cancelled-out by the spiky reveal of the green monster's whip-like tail. The alerted dock manager couldn't help but glance upward, as Edward let out a shrieking-roar of pain like no other monster, and left a look of fright by the brights of his eyes and teeth.

 The alerted dock manager couldn't help but glance upward, as Edward let out a shrieking-roar of pain like no other monster, and left a look of fright by the brights of his eyes and teeth

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The manager doesn't scream, but with fright he hurries inside an undamaged building and contacts Sir Topham Hatt on the telephone about the scene.
"Sir..! Sir! Edward has just gone berserk, I believe!"
"Berserk?" Hatt responded, slightly puzzled because Edward is usually quite calm... and then he heard another shriek coming from outside. "Oh, I do get it now." he continued.
He eventually prepares his serious-suited self one more time for the night, and attempts drive to the scene as soon as possible, even with tiredness steadily shrouding his head.
Topham fortunately makes it to Brendam, finding Edward acting "unusually erratic" before catching sight of the thing that made him shriek earlier.
"For something that seems deadly, that monster looks quite beautiful..." remarked Hatt quietly, trying to keep his focus on the two beasts without suddenly dozing off in the car. Edward then tries to back himself out of his opponent's range, almost lying his spiny back against the same building the dock manager remained inside of, flinching when the last spikes flew towards him.
Of course, luckily no one was hurt.
The blue dinosaur slows his heavy breathing to recover smoothly and lessen the pain, but notices the green monster he just dueled with seemingly vanished out of sight. The only things he saw now were two spikes that were stuck dangerously close to his own head. He takes a hold of one like a dagger, then simply drops it. He then sat, released some steam, figured taking a rest, and then...
Out of surprise, James comes nearby from behind Edward, having watched the whole fight from a distance. With awkward short stares, James showed some brief anger as he had the thought Edward couldn't handle the battle on his own, and knowing where this was going, Edward gave a nonchalant face yet with a slight tiny "grin", having to get used to fact that other monsters would underestimate him from time to time.

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