2-3. Diesel 10, Monster of Malice

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The more monsters that come into the island, the more sheer suspicion that arose from none other than that one high-ranking organization, the Sodor Council.
"Honestly, how does the Fat Controller retain his composure so much, even when these beasts are wandering about in cities?" one of the council members asked, noticeably flustered.
"I suppose he thinks he might have a connection with the monsters, in some way..." another member replied.
"In what way, how?"
In response, one other man shrugs slightly. "Telepathy, maybe... No? I know it's quite ridiculous to believe, but it could very well be possible."
"Indeed. In a world full of monsters, anything can likely be regarded as possible." another member told in the most formal way he could. "Still, I would think we should do something about the beasts; either we try to keep under control or have them run off from Sodor, but really, the overall plan here is to prevent further harm from reaching the lives of more innocents." he continued sternly while standing up as if he was a 'leader-figure' of the council.
He then turned to his left towards a window, seeing what appears to be something large marching about and tearing through everything in its path from afar. It looked like a 4-horned devil of sorts, with evil-looking eyes, leaving constant deadly explosions as it walked.
"That thing is demolishing everything in sight! We can't let it enter Knapford's borders."
In an attempt to defend said town, the Sudrian Military is sent to deal with the rampaging beast, armed with a few modified cannons and long-ranged tanks to try and make heavy damage on the enemy ahead.

Sir Topham Hatt meanwhile is at least glad that no monster would usually bother him at his office. He soon receives another call on the telephone again, but this time it wasn't a company or anything relating to the business-field.
Hatt recognizes the voice, which was that of his wife Lady Hatt. He made a smile of joy upon hearing from her, especially after a long while. Topham proceeded to ask several general "How are you doing"-type questions to her, as well as brief talks about their children, (5 year-old) Stephen & (4 year-old) Bridget Hatt. Lady Hatt apparently planned to move back to Sodor after she and the kids spent a few years residing in the Mainland. Genuinely pleased, Hatt simply couldn't wait to meet up with his family again sooner or later after work. After a sweet goodbye, he hung up. It's been quite a while since he actually did show passion.
The excitement soon halts when he then notices something was trembling among the streets. It wasn't anything of the ordinary, at least in his view. Glancing at the window, he takes a look at a certain golden-scaled beast with bronze stripes and smashing numerous buildings and approaching Knapford. Sir Topham Hatt turned stern again, as the creature from afar was known to him as Diesel 10, aka, the Monster of Malice.

All of the steamer-dinosaurs soon become alerted by the sounds of explosive chaos among the island. The diesels weren't lying when they've had referred to a "surprise" coming.
Two assistant-workman arrived into the office, again.
"Sir, there's another threat—"
"Yes." Hatt cut him off. It wasn't very common for him to interrupt others. "Diesel 10 is coming."
"Who?" one worker said.
"Diesel 10, the diesel-king. He last time I remember seeing him attack Sodor was in 1942." Hatt informed.
"So what does this mean, sir?" the other asks.
Topham cautiously suggests a plan, knowing that military-might alone wouldn't be enough to defeat D10.
What appeared from behind the massive diesel were three familiar foes fought by the steamer-dinosaurs during the last 3 years: 'Devious' Diesel and the Iron Twins. D10 stood about 10 feet taller than the three, unleashing a display of dominance. The military orders for more back-up reinforcements, as just one monster was difficult enough to deal with.
"The last time he laid waste among the vicinity there was nothing that could stop him." STH continued
"So, are you going to send the steamies after him, or something?"
"Sure, add chaos to chaos. That certainly doesn't sound like asking for total-war on the island." said the second worker, with the obvious sarcastic tone.
"Yes, though I'd suggest an immediate evacuation-procedure to done, especially at Knapford, Ffarquhar and Brendam... and Wellsworth, if Edward isn't present at a convenient time that is." Hatt added, trying to stay strategic with every detail. At the same time he had some worry on his face, hoping his wife and children don't end up caught within the chaos.
"Alrighty, sir." the workers said without any further questions. They now just want to be certain, that Hatt likely knows what he is doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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