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The bell rings loudly, signing the class has finally end. Sighing a little, I begin to pack my things into my bag before leaving my seat. I make sure to bid my teacher goodbye before leave his class to my next ones. As I walk down the hallway, everyone begin to throw me disgust looks and I know why. I'm the only one in this school ground that's poor and has nothing to myself. Not even a bloody cellphone, honestly but I never care about it. I quicken my pace to next class, not bothering to go for a locker break knowing that I really don't have anything to take from there since I have everything I need in my bag. It takes me couple minutes to finally reach my next class and sigh a little, seeing the class is still vacant. Walking to my seat, I quickly settle down and take out everything for this class from my bag. 

"Let's get over this.", I sigh, quietly. 

I wait in the class for couple minutes, reading my book as usual 'til I hear another bell rings, signing the class is about to starts. I look up, to see students starting to filling the class up and practically ignoring my existence in the class. They practically pretend that I'm not even in the classroom, reading my book as they only make more noises. It irritates me a little, but I quickly calm myself down. I know my very own place in this damned ground, so I decide to leave things behind. Shaking my head a little, I begin to mind my own business 'til our teacher enters, starting his class. 

"Alright, I'm gonna call out for attendance, as usual.", says Mr Peterson. 

We all response in hums, so he begins to call out names of every students in the class. Even better, he skips my name during the attendance call and I don't bother to tell him that, knowing that every single one people in this ground hates me with guts. I don't really know why, but I never ask why. I'm already used with this kind of treatment and discrimination. It started since elementary school and I practically learnt myself that everyone around me hates for my existence. My parents, especially Mum, would always tell me that I'm such a good, handsome boy but truthfully, I don't feel any of those. I never find myself good-looking like other boys in my age, nor have any same characteristics as them, but I accept for who I am. After the attendance is done, we finally proceed with the class. Mr Peterson orders us to turn our textbooks to page 89 for a new topic to study, today when suddenly the door of his class burst open. It's none other than everyone's favorite people in the school, Thor. He's popular and sportsman. He's rich and very good-looking. Everyone loves him, including me. I mean, who doesn't? He has everything, all in package. 

"Sorry, Mr Peterson.", he chuckles. 

Mr Peterson grumbles a little, but dismiss it. Thor quickly make his way at the back of the class, where all his group of friends are at. The class continue 'til I feel someone pull my chair, making me smashing my face hard against the table before fall on my butt. Groaning in pain, the only noise I could hear in the class is everyone's laughter. They're all laughing at me, some even have nerves to record my incident. Mr Peterson does nothing, but watch with amused looks. Shaking my head, I can tell that my face are all red but I shrug them off. Looking for my chair, I don't feel bit surprised or shock to see my chair is next to his seat. Evil smirk plasters on his face, his hand still holding on my chair. Pursing my lips, I look down to the floor before sigh a little. 

"C'mon, get up and take your chair. You're slowing down the class, now.", tells Mr Peterson. 

I know exactly the meaning behind those words, but I do nothing than oblige to his word. I don't want to get detention and have any of my parents to be called to school for this. Sighing, I get up from the floor and wince a little, before walking to him for my chair. Pretending to play with his phone, he ignore my existence 'til I clear my throat. His fingers stop abruptly from typing so fast on his phone, averting his hard, cold blue gazes on me which have me flinching, even just a stare. 

"What the hell do you want from me? Can't you see I'm busy here? Fuck off!", he spat, angrily. 

Flinching at his hard tone, I begin to lower my head but never leave 'til I get my chair. I can feel his hard gazes burning holes on me and I try my best not to runaway, staying on my ground. 

"C-Can I have my c-chair, p-please?", I ask, stuttering. 

I can tell everyone is recording everything right now, in this class and he soon to burst into fit laughter, making everyone else to follow suit. He looks at me back, before his face instantly change to tight ones. Getting up on his feet, there he is standing what could be 6' 5" while I'm like 6 foot. Yes, I'm tall but he's taller and could be the tallest in this school. Gulping, I look up to him with fear shading in my eyes and on my face. I plead once more for my chair, but it seems to upset him even more because the next thing I know, I'm being held up in the air with his tight fist bundling on my worn-out tees and my feet is dangling off the ground. I look at him, absolutely petrified as I hold his forearm for my dear life since I don't want to drop from this height. 

"What terms don't you understand if I tell you to fuck off, huh?", he grits his teeth. 

Whimpering fearfully, I beg him to have little mercy on me. He looks at me with amused smirk and I thought he'd have one but I'm indeed wrong when he suddenly throw me across the class. My back hits the wall hard before I drop to the ground, gasping and whimpering painfully as I try to catch my breath. The pain is unbearable, but that doesn't stop Thor from hurting me. He practically hits me, while I'm still on the ground and in pain 'til he has enough. I'm on the verge of losing my consciousness, staying on the ground and have no effort to get up. I have no energy to beg him for another mercy, for I know that he doesn't own one. There, I welcome you, my favorite bully and also my 7-years crush. Sighing heavily, I finally fall into my darkness while others continue to learn in the class. 

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