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The school has finally ended and I'm now walking back home. I have exactly 2 hours before my work shift starts. The walk from school to home takes me about 45 minutes, since it's pretty far away. My body still in complete pain, but I have to bear with it just so I could get home. I could never go to the school nurse, as I never trust anyone in that school ground. Not even the janitor or the cafeteria workers. Truthfully, I'm practically paranoid with everyone in that ground, as they're capable in anything just to harm me. While walking back home, I enjoy the cold breeze in the street. That helps me a little to take my mind off the pain. I don't realize that I'm being stalk by him and his friends 'til loud car honk scares the life out of me. Screaming at the top of my lung, I practically jump about a feet off the ground before turn around to see them laughing their asses in Thor's car, across the street. Pursing my lips, I turn my back and continue to walk back home. I manage to lost them, as I don't want them to follow me home and know where I live exactly. 

Sighing a little in relief, I look at my old house with small smile plaster on my face as I manage to get home in record of time. Walking up the porch, I begin to unlock the front door and inform my arrival back home to anyone in the house. Shutting the door behind, I begin to hang my scarfs to the coat hanger and put my key into the bowl, entering my small, old house. I head straight to the kitchen for a glass of water, but instead I meet Mum in there with a very frustrated looks on her face. That instantly tells me, there's trouble. 

"Hey, Mum.", I greet, snapping her off. 

Shaking her head, she looks up to me and faking a smile before greeting me back. Walking to me, she gives me a hug and kiss on my cheek before pull away a little. I could literally see in her eyes the frustration, exhaustion but she covers them with soft smile. This is Mum. No matter how hard things is, she'd always hide them away from people, especially us and she's really good at them, but I'm better. 

"What's wrong, Mum? I know something's up. I can see them in your eyes and please don't lie to me. Let me help you, please.", I say. 

She looks at me in surprised, but smile, knows better. Nodding to me, she pulls me into the kitchen and let me have a seat on a stool at the counter island, before explaining to me what troubles her, a lot. I listen to everything she tells, attentively 'til she ends them. Looking at her in disbelief, I begin to purse my lips as I stare at the empty counter island in the kitchen. 

"So, you're leaving me and Sam alone at home for couple of months? You and Dad are leaving to Scotland for works?", I ask, for clarification. 

She nods, sadly before looks at me with sadness fill her green eyes. If the works there mean a lot to them, then why should I hold them back? Smiling softly, I shake my head to her before assures her that we'll be fine by ourselves at home. She doesn't looks convince, but after few more assurance from me, she finally gives in. 

"Well, let's hope the work there can actually help us to pay some of the debts here. Also, to pay your studies and fill the house with good stocks.", tells Mum.

I smile and nod, agreeing to her. She looks at me for a little, before smiling softly and hugs me tightly, thanking me for understanding her and Dad's situation. We talk for a little more before I decide to get ready for work. Kissing on her cheek softly, I head out from the kitchen and head upstairs to my room. Jogging up the stairs, I quickly enter my room and quickly put my bag on the bed before quickly get change into my work uniform. It's been almost 2½ years I've been working at a gourmet restaurant in the city centre as a waiter and barista. The pay is pretty good and able to help me pay some debts and use the balance as my school's pocket money. Heading to the bathroom, I quickly have a look at myself on the mirror, doing my hair before I head out. Just as I'm about to grab my work bag from my room, I accidentally bump into Sam, my youngest sister. She isn't much of young now, as to her mindset that she's now a teenager. She's already in her senior year at her middle school and next year will be entering the high school. She's already have those rebellious attitude and it's giving us bit of problem but deep down, I know that she still has a good heart. A heart of gold, but she's covering them up with her rebellious act so that nobody would pick on her.

"Hey, bro.", she waves.

Nodding to her in return, I wave back to her before grabbing my work bag and work cap. Shutting my bedroom door, I'm about to leave when I remember about Mum and Dad's thing that Mum and I discussed, earlier. Stopping my step, I turn around to face my only youngest sister before sighing a little.

"Sam, there's something I need to talk with you. Maybe after I got back from work. Alright? I promise that you're not in trouble. I promise.", I tell.

Sam looks at me in surprised, pursing her lips before shrugs a little. Nodding to me, she bids me goodbye before giving me a tight hug. Smiling softly, I hug her back tightly as if my life depends on it. Pulling away from her, I wave her goodbye before heading downstairs to bid Mum goodbye. I quickly head to the kitchen to look for Mum and smile as I see her slim figure in there. Walking towards her, I hug her from behind making her shrieks a little in my arms before chuckling as she looks at me.

"You scared me, honey. Well, you look handsome as usual. Good luck for today. I'll see you, dinnertime.", says Mum.

Cupping my face gently, she presses soft kiss on my forehead before bids me goodbye. Nodding to her, I kiss her on the cheeks before telling her my 'I love you's. I quickly head towards the front door, grabbing my jacket, scarf and keys before exit the house, climbing onto my bicycle. I begin to cycle my way to work as it will take me about 15-20 minutes get there. The chilly air brush gently against my face as I ride my bike to work, giving me the relaxing feeling. Sighing a little, I continue with my journey to work although I know that there's big possibility I'd be seeing him at my workplace.

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