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"Sam, dinner's ready!", I shout. 

Mum and Dad already leave to Scotland, earlier than they supposed to. I don't really mind about that, as long as they work to get the money to pay everything and come back home, soon. Then, I'm all fine. I'm in the middle washing the pot when I hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. Smiling at the thought of my sister already here for dinner, I quickly finish cleaning the dishes in the sink before put them away to the drying rack. Wiping my hands dry, I walk to the counter island and smile softly at her, as she sits across me. She still has this solemn looks on her face and I know exactly why, but she understands the reason why they left, too. Sighing a little, I look at her with pursed lips. 

"Hey, Sammy. I know that they've earlier than they supposed to, but we can't be sad about it. They have their own reasons for why they decided to leave early.", I try to talk with her. 

Huffing at me, she quietly eats her dinner without even look at me. Sighing a little, I watch her eats the dinner I made. Well, it's nothing special but it's her favorite, though. Spaghetti bolognese with meatballs. I made them specially for her. I know how much she enjoys my cooking, but I also know how much she's hurting inside to find out that our parents has left to work again. This time, for longer period than last time. I'm far too full, to eat so I just let her eat while I give her company in the kitchen. I help her to take the water before serving them to her. Thanking me hushly, she takes few sips from the glass and continue to eats her dinner, in complete silence. It doesn't take long for her to finish her dinner, before she sends them to the sink. She's about to wash the dishes, but I quickly stop her and assure her that I get it from here. 

"Don't worry, I'll do the dishes for you. You can go and get some rest. I'll be back to check on you, later.", I inform. 

She doesn't even say a word to me, yet she just leaves me in the kitchen without another word. Sighing heavily, I nod slowly before wash her dirty plate and glass before place them in the drying rack, so that later I could keep them in the cabinets. Wiping my hands dry with the paper towel, I hang the apron away and head out from the kitchen, going upstairs to check on Sammy before I get to my room, to do my homework. I'm not even sure if I have the homework when I was out in the classroom. Stopping in front of her bedroom, I gently knock onto her door before ask her permission to come in. I wait for a little, which soon to receive one from her. Slowly, I push her door open and bring my head into her small room first, before my whole body as I slowly opens the door, wider. There, I find her sitting on her single bed with her hands wrap around her legs closed to her chest. She looks sad, hurt and upset, but as well as remorse. Pursing my lips a little, I slowly walk towards her bed before taking a seat at her bedside, by end of her feet. 

"Hey, are you alright?", I ask, though I know the answer, clearly. 

Breathing a little, she looks at me before rolls her eyes, in boredom. Nodding my head slowly, I look at her before sighing once more. Pursing my lips a little, I bring my gazes to the wall and stare blankly at them while thinking for the right words to say to her. 

"I know that they left for work, but shouldn't they at least wait 'til you're back home? 'Til my soccer practice end before they left? Was that so hard for them to do? I only want some proper goodbye with them, but never get the chance every time they had to leave to work, out of states.", Sam's voice begins to sound croaky. 

I look at her with sad eyes, pulling her into a side hug. Sighing shakily, she begins to rest her head on my chest and quietly cries on my chest. She has her points, as well. We never had the chance to have proper goodbye with them before they leave to work for a very long period of time. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even someone that worth their time to have proper goodbye with, but I quickly shake them off as I hated such thoughts on myself and my own family. I try my best to calm my sister and eventually, I do manage to get her calm down. Even better, to fall asleep while comforting her. Chuckling at her, I carefully gets up from her bed and lay her on her bed, tucking her in. I make sure to give a kiss on her forehead as I wish her goodnight. Quietly, I begin to retreat myself towards the door and give her one final check, shutting the light in her room. 

"Sweet dreams, Sammy.", I whisper. 

With that, I shut the door behind and sigh a little. I just stay in the hallway for couple of minutes, in silence before retreating myself to my own bedroom. As the old wooden door creaks open, I watch my room being display fully to me before entering the room. 

"At least, I'm back in my own safe haven.", I thought to myself. 

Shutting the door behind, I walk towards my study table and check on my homework that I might still left undone. Once everything is double-checked, I finally feel ready to hit the bed. I make sure to get change into pair of basketball shorts and have no tees on as I rather be shirtless while sleeping. It feels much colder and less restricted by the material. I also make sure to brush my teeth before I head to bed. I should've get Sam to brush her teeth as well, but I don't think I have the heart to wake her up from her sleep. She looks like she deserves the sleep, more than anything else. Setting the alarm on my nightstand, I finally lay on my bed and stares blankly to the ceiling as my hands rested under my head, on the pillow. 

"It's going to be another long day, tomorrow. Let's hope there'd be no drama happen.", I mutter. 

Staring for a little while more before I finally lost myself into my own dreamland. My eyes slowly droop shut, as the darkness slowly taking over my consciousness so that I could let myself get the rest I deserve. The breath I even been holding inside my body slowly release, as if I'm breathing out all the burden off my shoulders and body, and it feels so damn good. Such a relief. As I slowly closing into deeper darkness, a dream begins to float inside my mind and that's where Thor's face begin to fill my whole dream. A smile escape onto my face, as I begin to dream of him while sleeping. 

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