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"C'mon, let me give you a ride back home." 

The invitation really does sounds good, but I'm not taking the risk of him knowing where exactly I live. I'm not taking any risk to have him, his friends or any of the kids from my school and Sam's to know exactly where we live. Pursing my lips tighter, I finally let out a heavy sigh before shaking my head as I freeze on my ground. That seems enough to alert Thor, that I'm not having the same thought as his, nor making this happening. He looks at me in surprised, confused too. God! Why does he need to make that face at this time around! It's a sin to my eyes, to look at! He's definitely a living sin to me and I'm not regretting for small bits that I'm enjoying every of this. Gulping slightly, I quickly avert my gazes from locking with his electric blue eyes to the paved street. 

"I can't let you do that, Thor. I-I just can't.", I speak. 

My voice comes out just above a whisper and I'm pretty sure that he couldn't hear me, but boy, I was so wrong! He hears me one too clear, as if he was actually standing so close to me. 

"What? Why not? It's just a car ride back home. Nothing else. What are you so afraid of?", asks Thor. 

Confusion can be hear in his voice rather too clear, I could even sense firm and upset in his tones, too. My body wants to flinch, but I don't want to keep myself looking weak in his eyes. Licking my drying lips, I try to figure and arrange the right words to say it to him, but unfortunately, I have nothing in my pockets. One thing for sure, I'm not letting him nor anyone from my and Sam's school to find out where our house is at. The last thing I want to see is my house getting vandalized, like last time. The last thing I want to do is cleaning the graffiti drawings on the walls of our house and watch Dad repairing our broken windows that was broken by rocks which been thrown by these awful kids. Those memories still float rather freshly inside my head and it's making me absolutely scared. Not only that, I'm scared for the safety of my sister who's at home, all by herself since our parents are away to some work far away from home. 

"It's just that I haven't speak with my family about giving tutor to you. Plus, my family aren't doing so well with uninvited guest. If you want to talk, we should talk somewhere else than my place.", I cover. 

Thor looks at me as if I've lost my mind, but I try to muster a convincing look on my face which I'm pretty sure that I look like shit. It's not even long when Thor gives in, before looking at me with those same smile he wears, earlier. 

"Yeah, sure. How about we go to my place first? It'd be easier for you to come when you already know the direction.", says Thor. 

He doesn't seems like giving up on giving me a car ride. I guess, it won't be a crime if I accept the ride to his place, though. Sighing defeatedly, I nod to him which makes him beaming happily. His face practically lighten up, just like a child who finally getting his pop tarts refill. He looks absolutely innocent, adorable and a beauty, but I'm fully aware that looks can be deceitful. I know exactly who he is and I just wish that I will not put my guards down, whenever I'm around him though I have like this huge crush on him. Perks of being gay, I guess. Speaking of which, I should also keep my distant from him too, to avoid myself from getting some kind of reactions whenever I'm with him. It won't be good either, if he finds out that I'm gay for him. Like fully gay for him. I watch him leading towards him black matte BMW 7Series, unlocking the car before opening the front passenger door for me. He looks at me with the same beautiful smile, hand gesturing for me to get in. Pursing my lips tighter, I finally shake my head as I give in towards him, walking to his direction though I could feel my face burning. Is he even serious of doing this to me, though? 

This is definitely something! Thor has never been acting all soft and nice towards me, no matter what but this whole day, he's been acting rather weirdly nice to me. It scared me a lot to think that he has hidden agenda behind all those acts, but I decide to keep myself silent as I don't want to ruin his mood, nor upsets him. As I'm closing in with him, he motions me to climb in which I slowly nod my head before slowly climbing into the front passenger seat of his expensive car. He makes sure to help me getting buckle up on my seat, shutting the door next before he jogs to the other side of the car. I can't help but feeling a little disturbed to watch those muscles flex and bounces against his tight-fit tees as he jogs to his side of seat, before he joins me in the car. Smiling still, he quickly brings the engine back to alive and buckling up to his seat before he drive-off from the curb. We hit the road, heading to his place as planned in complete silence. For some reasons, the drive is in complete silence and I'm very much enjoying every bits of the silence that we have throughout the journey. It goes on 'til Thor finally speaks up, breaking the silence we have in the car. 

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