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"Hey, Sam! Food's ready and I need to leave to work, now. I'll see after my shift is over!", I shout from the kitchen. 

I'm not even sure if she even hears me from her room, upstairs. Pursing my lips, I make sure to cover her food with something, so flies wouldn't come to her food and to keep it warm. I grab my water bottle and bag before heading out from the kitchen to the front door. Grabbing my house key, exiting our old, worn-out house and set my journey straight to my work. Usually, I'd ride my bike to work, but for today, I decide to walk since I need some time for myself before I start my shift. I've been giving lots of thinking to Thor's request for being his personal tutor. I wanted to discuss this with Sammy, earlier but when I met her earlier, she seemed not to be in a good mood and I decide to talk with her later, about this. Now that I'm on my way to work, I begin to think on how to explain this to my manager about my sudden resignation. Not that I don't like working at the bistro, but I'm just afraid that I might not be able to be as committed as I used to, when I start to be Thor's personal tutor. My head is already in a big mess, to have a lot of things to think about but that isn't the problem. I really wanted to help Thor, but I'm actually scared. 

I'm scared if I fail in helping him to bring his grades up. I'm scared if I fail in helping him to reach his dream to be the professional football player. I'm scared if he will hurt my loved one, for failing in tutoring him. He's capable doing anything to anyone and never afraid of anything at all. The walk to the bistro takes me about half an hour and once I reach there, I quickly head to the back and clock-in for my shift. I make sure to put my bag at its designated place and put on my apron around my waist. My notepad and pen is place inside the pocket in front of my apron, so it would be easier for me to take orders from the customers I'm serving. I head to the front, smiling at the sight of many customers fill the bistro, indoor and outdoor area. Looks like the business for today would be going fine and smooth, I thought to myself. I start working when a pair of customers call for my service and I quickly head to them with menu books in my hands. 

"Hello, I'm Loki and I'll be your waiter for today.", I smile. 

They return the smile back to me, nodding before looking through the menu that I just pass to them. Within few minutes, they finally decide on what they'd have and even ask for my recommendations before they're good to let me go to the kitchen, sending their order to the chefs. I make sure to repeat their orders back to them, making sure that I've gotten everything correct in my notepad, so I wouldn't be making any mistakes in taking their orders. Once they've confirmed everything is correct, I finally excuse myself to the kitchen with menu books and place their order in line next to other orders. 

"Hey, Zack! New order up for you.", I inform, before leaving the kitchen. 

Heading to the bar, I pass the drinks' order before telling Tim that I'll comeback for the drinks, in a few. Nodding, he starts to do the drinks that's written in the paper as I've taken the order from the customers earlier. While waiting for Tim to get the drinks ready to serve, I go and serve few other customers, bringing up more orders to the kitchen and bar before serving the ones that's ready to recent customers. My shift has only gone for few hours, though I feel like it's only few minutes I just clock-in to work. I never get the chance to have a little talk with Jenny, my manager since a lot of customers keep calling for my service. Soon enough, I hear the doorbell rings and it signing that more customers coming into our bistro. 

"Hi, welcome to-", I stop mid-sentence when I look at him and his mates. 

Pursing my lips, I nod and look down to the floor, turning around to grab the menu book from the counter. I walk to their booth, passing the menus to them before excusing myself for a bit. 

"Whoa, hold up, man!", says Jacob.

Shutting my eyes tightly, I stop before opening my eyes, feeling absolutely nervous and scared inside. Slowly, I turn around to face them and purse my lips tightly. 

"Y-Yes? A-Anything?", I ask. 

His mates look at me with smirk, while he doesn't even looks at me, at all. I feel hurt a little, though I should know that he never really looks at me as someone that he knows. He only looks at me as his toy to hit around and last resort in getting help to bring his grade up in academics. Sighing mentally, I avert my eyes back to Randy, waiting for whatever's to come out from his mouth. 

"You see, our big man here is in distress. Do you have anything to lighten him up? Like a booze or something?", asks Randy. 

I look at him in surprised, pursing my lips tightly before shaking my head to him, in respond. He looks at me in a bit confused, before ask me to bring out anything at all to calm Thor's nerves. I only shake my head in respond, not that I don't want to bring them out but it's the bistro's policy and law that any liquor, boozes cannot be serve to the underage unless they're 18 and above. You'd have to show your id to us, in order to get those from our bar. Randy starts to get a little upset with me, not wanting to give it but I was just following the policy been made by the bistro. I don't think I'd want to be responsible for whatever happens to him, if anything goes wrong when he drinks those in the middle of daylight. 

"Well, isn't that sucks? Hey, lads! C'mon, let's just look some other place that would serve us some boozes.", informs Randy, looking at me in absolute mad. 

Pursing my lips tightly, I look down and apologize to them. I could hear them leaving their booth, but I didn't know that Thor hasn't actually leave the booth, yet. Sighing heavily, I look up and look at the direction they've gone, pursing my lips. I'm about to look back at their booth when suddenly Thor order for some hot coffee and set C. I look at in surprised and disbelief, to find him still here while his mates has left. Pursing my lips, I quickly take his order down into my notepad before looking at him, if he'd want to add anything. 

"That'd be all.", Thor informs. 

His deep, husky voice really soothes me. Another reason why I love him. Nodding to him, I collect the menus back before excusing myself from his booth to get his order in line. I quickly take my leave from his booth and head straight to the kitchen, placing his order there before head out to the kitchen. I grab an empty mug and fill them with some hot coffee from the clear glass pot, bringing them to his booth and serves it to him. 

"Your coffee. Call me if you needed anything.", I tell. 

Just as I'm about to leave, he stops me. Frowning, I turn around and look at him, waiting for him to tell what he needs but the next thing he says, it only brings nothing but shock to me. 

"I'd want to talk with your manager. Right now, if possible.", he speaks. 

He looks up to me with a straight looks. There's no emotions cross in his eyes, nor his face. I couldn't figure if he's being serious or joking around, but from his looks that he has on his face, I decide to whatever he just ask for. Nodding to him, I motion him to hold on while I get her for him. Jenny is still at the cashier counter, billing a customer's order. I quickly head to her and wait 'til she's done billing them, before informing about Thor's request for her. She looks at me with deep frown, confusion is clear to see in her brown eyes. 

"Did you caused any problem to him?", she asks, as she close the register. 

Pursing my lips, I quickly shake my head in respond, promising her that I didn't. She believes me, before follows me to his booth. 

"I've brought Manager Jenny with me, just like you asked for.", I inform, as we reach his booth. 

Thor smiles, thanking me before inviting her to have a seat at his booth. For once, I couldn't help to feel concern and curious of what they're discussing about. Shaking my head, I remind myself that I'm still working and my shift isn't over, yet. With that, I get back to work like usual. 

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