The Lovegoods

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Albus and Ivy departed from the orphanage, Ivy clutching his hand and her small embroidered blanket. They apparated into the outside of the town, Otter St. Catchpole. Ivy and Albus began walking towards the Lovegood's home, passing the Weasley home on the way.

"Sir, what is their daughter's name," Ivy asked quietly as the front door of the cottage opened. 

The man with long, blonde hair stepped out with a small blonde girl trailing behind him "Hello, I am Xenophilius Lovegood, but you can call me Xeno. This is my daughter, Luna, she will be attending Hogwarts in a few years" He said this expecting her to be six and not attending Hogwarts with Luna in a few years.

The girls quietly got to know one another while Albus and Xeno talked in hushed voices.

"Who is she? Why is her hair in a grown-out buzzcut?" Xeno asked.

Abus replied: "Her name is Ivy Beatrice, we cannot find out her last name, her parentage has been erased from all records. She must be at least a half-blood or a pureblood as she is so powerful"

"What do you mean by powerful Albus"

"She is metamorphmagus and an elemental of fire, she may even be a full elemental. The squib running the orphanage hated her for her power and cut her hair short."

"What is her natural hair color, maybe we can find her parentage through that" Xeno replied.

They looked over at the small girl, the almost eleven-year-old, the size of a six-year-old. Her short hair rapidly changing colors as she talked to Luna. 

"When is her birthday," Xeno asked quickly.

"It is April first, maybe have Molly make a Weasley sweater for her" Albus replied. "You will look after her until the first of September, right?"

"Of course" Xeno assured Dumbledore.

They looked over to where the girls were sitting, and they were gone. They looked around the home and still could not find them. Dumbledore glanced out of the small window in the kitchen and saw them, under a tree, reading. 

The girls were looking at a book of Roman Numerals.

"Since your name is Ivy, we can just take away the "y" and that would leave IV" Ivy nodded yes in return. "That means we could nickname you Four"

"I would really like that" she whispered softly.

Luna responded with a smile and said "Okay Four, would you like something to eat, you look hungry"

Ivy looked up at her scared "If it is not too much trouble, I like the name Four, may I go by that"

"Of course, let's go inside make some sandwiches," Luna said walking them back into the house.

"What is a sandwich, I have only ever had porridge"

"Yuck, I don't like porridge, you will never eat that here," Luna told her. "Let's find you some fitting clothes too"

Xeno began to make ham and cheese sandwiches for the girls while talking to Dumbledore. Meanwhile, Luna was giving Ivy, now known as Four, some clothes that she had grown out of. 

Ten minutes later Four came down the stairs wearing some blue jeans and a small undershirt. It was only then when the adults saw her scars, burns, cuts, and bruises. It also revealed that she was just skin and bones. 

She ate half of her sandwich and then looked up at everybody who was staring at her. Her eyes were changing colors but she was not noticing. 

"Four, your eyes are changing colors," Luna told me looking at them dreamily.

"Four is your name now huh, like the Roman Numeral, if you would like I can change it in the Hogwarts records," Dumbledore told her gently.

"I would like that a lot," Four said, "The name Ivy Beatrice brings some bad memories."

"Well, I must be going now," Dumbledore told the family.

Dear Molly, 

I am fostering a young girl that has been at an orphanage for all her life, I was wondering if you could make her something for her birthday. Maybe a sweater, she is turning eleven years old at the very beginning of April. Her name is Four, like the number. She had changed it from her original name recently. She is smaller than your seven-year-old, Ginny. I would love for you to come meet her. 

Xenophilius Lovegood

P.S. She is very skittish because of her time at a bad orphanage. 

Xeno sent Molly Weasley this letter for a gift for Four on her eleventh birthday. Her sweater came by owl one day later. Errol, the Weasley's family owl almost died on his way to the Lovegood's home. Her sweater was a royal blue with a gold number in the middle. 

A letter came as well

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A letter came as well.

Dear Xenophilius,

It is good to hear from you. I am glad that you found this little girl she sounds very kind. I hope she has a wonderful birthday. You know this is the first time I have ever made a sweater with a number. on it but it turned out well. Your whole family and Four are invited to my home on April First for the twins birthday party. There will be cake and games. Please bring the girls over, Ginny would love to play with another girl. I am afraid when she goes to Hogwarts she will only know how to interact with guys and not girls. 

Love from, 

              Molly Weasley

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