The twins and Four walk into the compartment in the train with their new friend Lee Jordan. They sit down Lee across from the twins and Four. Four is sitting between the twins.
"So are you all of you guys related," Lee asks them with a smirk on his face. It appeared to be he had a permanent smirk on his face.
"Those two are," Four tells him pointing to the twins "I am not"
"Okay, you guys do look a lot alike," Lee says.
Fred reaches for Georges' hand and says "We do". The whole compartment erupts into deep belly laughing. They all quiet down and start talking.
"What house would you wanna be in?" One of the twins asks Lee.
"I dunno, maybe with the Hufflepuffs," he says suddenly becoming very interested with his untied shoelace, "Definitely not the Ravenclaws or the stinky Slytherins."
"Fred and I are pretty sure we'll end up in Gryffindor," George pipes up. "Yeah our whole family had been there" Fred adds.
"I don't really know, wherever I am placed," Four says in a fake wise voice, a Dumbledore voice.
The whole compartment bursts into laughter once more over that Dumbledore interpretation.
Soon the twins get restless and they look at each other and pull muggle firecrackers out of their bags. They have four in total, they hand one to Four and one to Lee. They each keep one for themselves.
"You guys in," they say in a creepy unison. Both Four and Lee nodded their heads. Four changed her hair a Weasley ginger for the occasion. They walk into different sections on the train and throw the firecrackers into the hallways and hide. Four ends up in the girls' restroom.
The firecrackers explode and create commotion all over the train. Students begin screaming, thinking it was curses flying making all of the noise. Four keeps her hair a red to blend in and walks back to their compartment.
A few minutes later Fred, George, and Lee return all with wide smiles on their faces. They sit down and Four opens up her knapsack, digging the candy she brought out. She shares it with her friends. Pranking is a bonding experience, they were now one.
The train stops and the quad walk from their compartment and hear hushed voices about the firecracker incident "people saw three redheads" and "no I saw another one with them" and so many more comments.
They walk to two people yelling for the first years, Hagrid who Four recognized and an elder woman, dressed in emerald green. They walk to a dock area and the woman in green walks to the back of the crowd of children where the twins and Four are. Her name is Professor McGonagall.
"Come with me, your mother warned us that pranking was your style, three ginger-haired children were suspected," the professor said.
"Not us, never," George says in a fake serious tone.
"We are innocent and carefree" Fred adds finishing his brother's sentence.
"We would never harm a soul," Four adds finishing the sentence.
"I doubt, that we had a witness of all three of you holding muggle firecrackers," McGonagall replies smoothly without a beat missed. "All three of you will be receiving detention, with that Four's hair turned a sad shade of blue.
The other first years had crossed the lake by now, Professor walked them across a path. They soon walk into the Great Hall, fashionably late. All of the first years had already been sorted, Dumbledore had called out all the names.
With a disapproving look he called "Fred Weasley" and George went up.
"You are not Fred," the hat bellowed, the three of them burst out laughing and Fred and George took their rightful places.
"George Weasley," with no hesitation "GRYYFINDOOR"
"Third one today eh, never thought they would have this many," the hat speaks into Four's head. "Gryffindor"
The three of them sit at their table, they notice people murmuring about them. Percy begins to talk to them about their behavior.
The food appears on the table and Four grabs some mash potatoes, cheese, and some roast beef. The twins grab the same.
"This your favorite food" George asks. Four nods her head as a response, inhaling her food. Fred and she had just finished and George finished a few seconds later.
Four nudges Fred and George to get their attention "hey, you guys got any more firecrackers" Both Fred and George reach into their pockets, Fred has one and George had two. George silently hands one to Four.
They wait until the end of dinner and start following the Gryffindor prefect, as they are leaving they throw the firecrackers into the crowd and scurry after the prefect, acting innocent.
They arrive at the portrait of the fat lady, they go inside and see the comfortable common area. The boys and girls are separated, so they go to their respected rooms.
Ten minutes later Four can be seen dragging her trunk down the girls' staircase and lugging it up the boys. She opens the door that says First Years walks inside, she sees Fred, George, and Lee look up in surprise.
She sees an empty bed and puts her trunk on the foot of it.
"Why are you here?" Lee asks.
"They started talking about hair and makeup and girly stuff, so I left and came here,"
Fred and George did not look surprised, just nodded Lee was hesitant but nodded a few seconds later.
"You three are like my brothers" Four told them as she hopped onto the bed.

The Missing Weasley: The Triplet
FanfictionMy name is Ivy Beatrice Weasley, the missing triplet to the twins Fred and George. I was taken as a baby and do not remember my family. Growing up in an orphanage is not easy, especially in a horrible one. A tall man with a silver beard visited me.