Dear Diary,
Today I took in Four. She is so small and underweight, I must make sure she eats more. She has both small and large scars lining both her arms and legs, she probably has more on her back.
She is powerful, I would love to know her ancestry soon but until then I will not prod. Her metamorphmagus abilities are cloaking her DNA well. She is so powerful, controlling three elements, usually as a small child you control all of them, but as you become older one or two of them choose you, if any. She has already met the age where some of the powers disappear though and she still has three. Well, I must be going I hear Severus yelling.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Meanwhile in the Castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:
Four was exploring the castle. Dumbledore told her to wander but to be extremely careful. She was doing just that. She was wandering around the school when she found a gigantic portrait of an extremely long, green, slithering snake.
"Why hello, my dear, another Weasley," the snake hissed seeing Four's sweater.
Four looked up at her, surprised to see the portrait talking she answered "I am not a Weasley, I am just a friend, their mom made me this warm sweater," she told the long snake "She even put my first initial on it."
"That is really nice of her, would you like to enter the common room?"
"What is a common room?"
"It is the place where the dormitory of one of the four houses is located."
"Cool, is this the Hufflepuff common room?"
"God no, no Griffindor is ever allowed in here." The fat lady told her.
"Based on that answer I will guess that this is the Slytherin common room?"
"Correct you are, you may come inside now"
Four entered the common room that seemed completely empty. In the common room, there were so many comfy armchair and benches to sit on. She jumped onto one of the long, green couches, with silver pillows by the unlit fireplace.
Looking into the fireplace that was empty, she began to feel cold in the damp and musty dungeon. She looked straight into the cold fireplace and snapped her delicate fingers and created a small flame of blue fire.
Looking at the fire, wondering why it was blue her hair turned green in confusion, the fire turned green a second later as well. Four began playing with the fire, even more, lighting up her whole hand. She did not hear a man clad in all black with shoulder-length greasy black hair creep into the common room behind her.
He tried to announce his presence by clearing the back of his throat. Four did not seem to hear him though, entranced with the color changing fire in her small hands. He walked and placed his large hand on the back of the green couch she was sitting on. She still did not notice his presence. He then made a mistake, he touched her back.
Four then burst into flames that were constantly changing color as her emotions were toying with her. The whole room began to shake and then the man clad in black began yelling at her to stop this nonsense.
That angered her even more and the room began to shake harder. It slowly became a tornado and fire zone in there. The fire was circling the blank haired man until he put his hands up, a message to her to stop and that he was not going to hurt her. The elements slowly came back into what looked like her body was soaking them up.
Severus yelled for Albus. He then sat down next to the small girl, with bright blue hair on the green couch, which was almost in ruins, much like the rest of the common room. She was curled up in a small ball, a defensive method. Everything was burned and strewn around the room.
"Why are you here, in this castle, it is summer?" He yelled into her face.
Four's hair turned a vibrant red and her eyes a beautiful green color in anger. Severus again noticed his mistake and just looked at her noticing the scars and cuts lining he arms and legs.
Dumbledore burst into the Slytherin common room and saw the scene, everything remains in ruins. He waves his wand and repaired the majority of the room. With another wave of his long wand, he repaired the rest. He walked over the green couch Severus and Four were sitting on and set his hand gently on Four's left shoulder.
"Who is this child?" Snape asked Dumbledore with a tone of his voice possibly saying that she was inferior.
"Her name is Four and she is in my care for the summer. You scared her, she has not had the easiest life"
"Looks like I will not have to teach her for a while. How old are you little one?" Severus Snape asked sneering at each and every word.
Four looked up at the greasy haired man with a sneer and mumbled quickly "Iturnedelevenamonthagosir"
"Okay," Snape told Four with a sneer and turned to Albus Dumbledore "How did she do that to my common room?"
Dumbledore looked both of them in the eyes and then turned his attention to Severus "Four here is an elemental and a metamorphmagus, she is staying with me for the summer to learn to control her powers so she can go to Hogwarts in the fall"
Severus and Albus Dumbledore talked for hours, and little did they know Four wandered off, to another couch and fell asleep.
Albus and Severus stopped talking and one in the morning when they noticed Four was no longer on the green sofa with them. They soon found her across the room on a silver couch, using a green cushion as a pillow.
Albus picked her up, she did not stir. Four was exhausted from using so much of her magical core.
Dear Diary,
Four had an altercation with Severus today and I believe the two of them may never get along sadly. She lost control, Severus scared her. Something about him must have reminded her of Mrs. Higgins. I cannot find any connection except for they both may have snuck up on her at some point.
She is too powerful for her own good. I want to be able to train her to control her emotions. I am afraid I may be unable though, she needs permanent friends to keep her grounded, always. Maybe I should find her someone going into her year that she will bond quickly with.
Her heritage is what deeply confuses me. She is so powerful. I want to be able to tell her why but I do not. Maybe it is because she has seven of something in her life after all seven is a magic number. I began thinking of the power of the Deathly Hallows and the power of three as well. I wish I knew if this meant anything.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

The Missing Weasley: The Triplet
FanfictionMy name is Ivy Beatrice Weasley, the missing triplet to the twins Fred and George. I was taken as a baby and do not remember my family. Growing up in an orphanage is not easy, especially in a horrible one. A tall man with a silver beard visited me.