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~~So… I’ve been avoiding this fanfic. I just haven't updated and as the weeks turned into months, the guilt just piled up. A part of me is even scared to come back the this, because of how long it's been. I really enjoy this story, but I’ve just been feeling guilty and not doing anything about the passing days. And so even more days piled up as I sat around sulking over not updating, and the cycle just continued. But, I’ve decided to come back to it. There is one problem though, and that is I haven’t watched Mark or Jack in a WHILE. It just happens, as I changed and as Mark and Jack changed. But this story has been finished (in my head at least) for two years now? I want to finish it, but I’m going to write it out as I had originally planned, with both Mark and Jack from when they both had their dyed green and red hair (I still miss Mark’s red hair, is that sad?). The real reason I’m writing this A.N. is because I need answers from you. I am a fanfic reader myself and I know first hand that if a fanfic stops updating for a while, people lose interest. So would any of you be interested in me even updating this? I really need everyone to answer truthfully, so I know whether or not I should update at all. There is no hate if you don’t want an update, that's fine. But if you do, then I suggest rereading the fanfic now, I know I will right after I update this, so you might just see me answering some REALLY OLD comments…

Also… Merry Christmas!~~


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