Chapter 22

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Rose Marie's P.O.V.

Today's the day of my wedding; I never thought I'd say that. I'm half excited half nervous. At least all my loved ones are going to be there. I was not sure if Chrissie was going to be there since Anita and Brian are going. I knew they couldn't hide their love anymore, and the bomb would have exploded sooner or later. Chrissie said she was going to be mature about it, but I wasn't sure  that meant swallowing her pride at my wedding with Brian and Anita there. Except for that, I didn't have any other worries. The only thing that made very upset was Dora's absence; I wanted her to be with me on this day, and I wanted it so bad. I couldn't help but remember when I asked her to be part of it; we were very excited. The fact that she didn't make it to this day killed me. Trying to push away my sadness, I think of my mother; how happy would she be right now to see me getting married? I would have loved to get married in Hamburg; that's where my parents got married. "Mother, I want to go to Nursing school" that's how it all began, and I had no idea that would lead me to this beautiful destiny.

It was 7 am, and I had just finished taking a shower. Freddie had been out doing god knows what before I woke up. I wrapped a towel around my head, and I noticed he had left me a note on my nightstand. "Your dress will arrive at 7:30 am, be sure it gets to your hands. Love, Freddie." I couldn't help but smile. He had hired someone to design my dress; he wanted it to be perfect; Freddie was perfect.

My dress had arrived; I knew it because I heard the doorbell ringing; however, I was still wrapped in a towel, and I was looking for my robe, which I couldn't find anywhere. I went downstairs holding my towel carefully so it wouldn't fall.

"Really? Out of soooo many people in this house nobody can get that?" I shouted. I sounded like a dying cat and I laughed.

"Ugh, I'm coming I'm coming. Geez. All that noise!" Roger came out from his room half asleep with his eyes still closed.

"Open ! It's my wedding dress!" I pushed him towards the door.

"I am doing that!" he groaned. He rubbed his eyes and then opened them. Then he noticed my situation. "You're naked!" He covered his mouth with one hand in surprise, and then he covered his eyes with both hands.

"Don't be stupid! Open the door!" I pushed him closer to the door.

"Okay okay" He left one hand on his eyes, and then opened the door with the other one before I could run somewhere else.

"ROGER!!" I yelled.

"For god's sake Rose cover yourself" he tried 'covering me more' with my tiny towel, but he was making it worse.

"Roger Roger just let me go!"

"This is a tiny as fuck towel what were you thinking?!" he tried covering me with a cushion; he did it too hard. I felt backwards.

"Roger, stop!"

"I've been standing here for almost two minutes, and I can't figure out what the hell is going on here dears" it was Freddie. Freddie was the one ringing the bell.

"I thought it was my dress" I said standing up.

"I was trying to cover her nudity"

"Rrroger yo-" Freddie choked on his own words. I thought it was cute.

"Is that my dress?" I pointed to the white box he was carrying on his hands; I was trying to break the tension.

"Of course, dear. Look, try it on" he said placing the box on my hands; he did it so sweetly I melted. How could he go from serious to the sweetest thing in the world in seconds?

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