Chapter 9

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Freddie's P.O.V.

It's been almost forty minutes since Rose Marie said she would go to the restroom and she hasn't come back. Roger said I was exaggerating, but considering that she is nowhere to be found I'm not , I am worried because where on earth could she possibly be? Alone, and doing what? I was already so uncomfortable with me not knowing where she is I felt like a scared little kid that wanted to run to his mother's arms. I was constantly shifting on my seat and haven't really spoke since she left. I was tired of thinking of the possible places she could've gone without telling me and why, and making up scary scenarios on my head where she's be in danger so decided to go outside I don't know where, all places probably, I needed to find her. I stood up and looked around just to make sure if she wasn't still around.

"Everything ok Fred? Where's the young lady by the way?" Brian started looking around when he asked where Rosie was.

"Brian, that's the thing, I can't find her and I'm worried you know?" I said looking at Brian in the eye. He noticed I was really worried and got up from his seat too.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Probably almost like an hour now, she got up to from the table to go the restrooms and she didn't come back" I said looking around anxious again.

"Don't panic Fred, come with me" Brian motioned me to follow him and I did as he told me.

We walked over to Roger and Dom who were dancing.

"Roger can we borrow the microphone to make an announcement? Rosie disappeared" Brian was so smart I should've done that earlier.

"Sure, it's on our table over there, Are you guys sure she isn't here?" Now Roger was starting to realize that Rosie not being around was a serious thing.

"Oh my god, Freddie don't worry we'll find her soon" Dom tried to calm me down, but at this point I knew it was too late for me to stay calm. I was already scared, anxious, desperate and worried as fuck.

"Thank you Dom, I hope so"

"I've got the microphone, you wanna do it?" Brian offered me the mic

"Yeah, I guess" I took the mic from his hand and I opened my mouth but suddenly I got nervous as if it was my first time holding a microphone in front of an audience, but it wasn't that stage panic I had, the fear that something could have happened to her invaded my body and I stood there holding the microphone with both hands shaking without knowing what to say.

"Fred, are you sure you wanna do it?" Brian touched my back as if he didn't want to hurt me. "you want me to do it?"

"Okay, thanks" I said hesitantly passing him the microphone looking blankly at no direction. Brian took it and spoke what I had tried to spoke.

"Uhh, I'd like to gather your attention folks, I need to ask if someone has seen a blonde long-haired short girl? She is one of the bridesmaids and she hasn't been seen in an hour and we don't have a clue where she is, could anybody that maybe saw where she went come to talk to me and my friend Freddie?"

As Brian finished making the announcement, the place got silent; the guests were asking each other if they have seen Rosie but apparently nobody did, that was the worst quiet moment ever.

"Brian I think we should call the police" I couldn't believe that came from Roger, Roger the one who -at first- thought I was exaggerating. The word 'police' made it even worse though, having to call the police meant that something bad happened, but yet, something inside me was ignoring the fact that maybe Rosie wasn't safe at all.

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