Chapter 23

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 Rose Marie's P.O.V.

I had an hour left to get ready for my wedding; just one hour! Debbie has just finished doing my makeup, and I heard Roger and Brian talking on the hall; that's when I knew they were heading to the ceremony, and I felt the pressure. I rushed to put on my dress. I was going to call Debbie so she could help me with the zipper, but she was doing Celine's hair, and I wanted to treasure all my minutes as much as possible; running late on the day of my wedding was the last thing I wanted to do. I put on my dress, and I had luck with the zipper. I was in the bathroom putting on my earrings when I heard a crack on the window of the room. I thought it was Roger pulling a prank on me; he'd always do that when I was nervous. I didn't hear anything for the following minutes so I discarded it was Roger. I smiled in the mirror before heading towards the door.

"I'm ready, let's go" I shouted from the hall.

"Got it, see you outside" Debbie grabbed her keys, and took Celine with her outside.


I swore it sounded like someone threw a rock, and it came from the same window.

"Roger, is that you?" I got just a little close to the window, because even though I thought it was Roger, I was afraid of how he could surprise me. "Roger stop it; we're going to be late, so finish with your prank already" I got closer because I thought maybe he didn't hear me since the window was closed, and it was very windy outside. "How did you manage to climb up here though?" I opened it, and I looked down just to realize it was not Roger, it was him, the tall man with the gross teeth. The police had been trying to find him since he abducted me, how is it possible that he took the risk to come for me again? I didn't have any more time to think of what was happening because he grabbed my wrist hard; he had a huge strong hand.

"What do you want? I gasped. He didn't reply. He continued hurting my wrist, and trying to climb inside the room at the same time. We were literally fighting each other; I was trying to get off his grip by pushing him, and he was using my wrist to help himself in the room. For some unknown reason I wasn't able to scream, and I stupidly tried to run with his hand still around arm now. My move helped him to get his knee inside. He was about to push himself in the room with his other leg, but something went wrong when he climbed, and he lost his balance; that's when I did something I never thought I'd do, I'm not trying to excuse myself but maybe I did unconsciously because I was in danger. I had pushed him out, and I did even harder than I expected; he fell, and I saw so much hate on his face when he was falling. He had a reason; he had fallen on his back hard on the pavement. I stood there frozen for a few seconds not knowing what to do. It all happened so fast. He closed his eyes , and I saw blood coming out from the back of his head. I looked at me hands, I didn't recognize myself. I couldn't believe my hands did it. I started crying. I was no longer in danger, but what did I do? I looked down at him , and now there was a huge blood puddle on the backyard. I felt it coming: panic attack.

"Rose what's wrong? We have to go. Why are you still here?" I didn't notice Debbie's footsteps; my loud breathing hadn't allowed me to.

"I don't want to go" My body was trembling.

"Rose, are you okay?" Was now the right time for me to say I just killed a man? I just shook my head. She grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Rose, listen to me. Everything will go fine okay? It's okay to be nervous. It's your wedding; it's normal." I nodded, but I was still dying inside. "We don't wanna make Freddie wait more, so we better be going now" She pulled me by the hand, and took me with her to the car. I started acting like a baby who didn't know how to walk or talk; she literally got me in the car, and all I could think of was: why was I pretending nothing had happened? I decided to let it go, but it wasn't my fault; I was blaming my shock.

I was even more shocked when we arrived to the ceremony and I hadn't fainted yet. Why? For how long could I keep hiding it? Didn't she hear the loud noise on the pavement? Not even... the neighbors?

"Deb" I wasn't even sure what I was going to say. I'd rather be dead.

"Yes?" for the first time since she found me like this, she began showing some worry. "Oh my god Rose you're pale" She got out of the car as quick as she could, and opened the door for me. "Do you want some water, or sugar, or anything to make you feel less nervous maybe? I don't know...? She stuttered as she knelt and grabbed both of my hands.

"I want to see Freddie" a tear ran down my cheek.

"Let's go inside then don't worry" she wiped off my tear. She helped me and Celine to get out of the car.

We walked in, and there was my Freddie, my poor baby. He looked as though he feared I wasn't going to show up, but I couldn't function anymore; it got worse when I saw him because he was an angel, and I was toxic next to him. I couldn't be with him anymore knowing what I did.

Robert walked me towards him, and I couldn't hide it anymore, my vision was blurry. Robert placed my hand on Freddie's; I thought I would feel better, but I didn't. He spoke to me, but at that point I couldn't even understand anything; not even what I was saying. I didn't know what I said, but I'm sure I asked for help, or at least that's what thought.

Is this the right time to stop this? 

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