Chapter: 4

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Warning! Short Chappie... Sorry...

*Kylee's P.O.V.* *Outside Benjamin's house*

I patted my baby blue dress for the sixteenth time then went to knock on the door again. I paused just shy of knocking. 

There was no way Benjamin was serious about this date. I should leave now while I still have the-

I heard the door open.

"Oh! Hello there!"

I turned to see an average height pale white woman. She had short brown hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a pink button down shirt with white jeans. She wasn't the slimmest, but she still looked like she was in shape for her age. 

"Oh... Uh, hello!" I shyly waved at her blushing.

She smiled brightly at me. "You must be Benjamin's girlfriend!"

Hearing that word always made me nervous.

"Oh... Uh, yes. I am!"

She reached out to me full of excitement. "I'm Claire Dawn, Benjamin's mother."

"Oh! Hello Miss Dawn. I'm Kylee. Uh! Kylee Allison." I shook her hand.

She chuckled waving her hand. "No need to be formal. Just call me Claire."

"Oh! Uh yes... Claire."

"Well, why are you out here? Come in. Come in." She pulled me in and closed the door. "Ben! Kylee's here! Never make a pretty lady wait!"

I heard someone start coming down the stairs.

"She hasn't texted-" Benjamin was wearing a sky blue button down shirt with jeans and a brown belt. He saw me and rushed over. "Hey, you never texted. You weren't waiting for long right?" His eyes were filled with worry.

I blushed. "Well I was trying to build up the courage to knock..."

Benjamin smiled, grabbed my hand then kissed it. "You're so cute when you're nervous." I blushed even more, and my heart fluttered.

"There's no need to be nervous, Kylee. You're family now." Claire smiled brightly.

Then footsteps came from upstairs again. 

"What's with all the ruckus?" A tall tanned man with sunken in eyes and black hair came down.  Claire rushed over to him.

"I was just meeting Benjamin's new girlfriend."

The man looked over at me. I jumped scared, and I felt Benjamin wrap his arm around my waist.

"Ah, he won't keep her for long. She'll be gone in a week." He scoffed then walked out of the room, and Claire hastily followed after him.

"Let's go. Before he decides to talk anymore shit about me." Benjamin had anger in his voice, and firmly grabbed my hand.

"Oh! Okay." We walked out, and Benjamin locked the door behind him. We walked over to the car, and Benjamin was lost in a trance. His eyes were cloudly, and he wasn't smiling.

My voice was filled with concern as I softly grabbed his hand. "Benjamin is everything okay?"

He snapped out of his trance and looked at our hands. He exhaled heavily then kissed my hand. "Yeah everything's fine. I'll drive." He opened the passenger side door of my car for me.

I got in, and he closed the door. I fastened my seatbelt as Benjamin got in and started the car.

"Who was that man-" 

"My stepfather." Benjamin spoke firmly as he backed out of the driveway.

"Oh! So Dawn isn't-" 

"No, my last name... My dad's last name is Dawson."

I raised my hands in defense."Oh... I won't talk-"

"If you want we can go see my dad over the weekend."

I blushed deeply and averted my eyes. "Are you sure he'll be okay with that?"

Benjamin playfully laughed. "I don't know. You'll be the first girlfriend of mine that he's met."

My heart skipped a beat, and I got drowned in a trance.

What would his father think of me? Would he thin I was special since I was the first girlfriend that he met? What kind of person is Benjamin's dad?

I looked at Benjamin as he drove. He was smiling again. 

I like it when he smiles... Hm,  but what did his stepfather mean when he said, "She'll be gone in a week?" 

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