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Harry's POV
I lost Y/N just twenty minutes after arriving. The last time I had seen her, she had been talking with Niall and his little group. I made a loop around the bonfire, however she was nowhere to be seen. The thought of her leaving with a guy made me anxious. I knew that she wouldn't do that though. She didn't seem like the type that would just up and leave without letting anyone know.

"Harry," a female voice called out.

I turned and internally cringed when I saw Nina, my sister's ex-friend. She had been talking trash about Gemma behind her back. Of course my sister found out and cut her out of her life.

"Nina," I replied coolly. She always used to flirt with me. Hopefully she grew out of that habit.

Her red hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and her freckles had darkened from the last time I had seen her. She smiled as she looked me up and down. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing well," I replied.

"And your sister?"

"Better than ever actually. Her business has really gotten off the ground."

She nodded. "That's good. I miss her."

I almost rolled my eyes. That was total BS.

"Can I talk to you about something? Privately?"

I tapped my foot impatiently. I didn't have time for this. "What about?"

She stepped closer and lowered her voice. "It's about Gemma. I just need you to hear me out and send her a message from me. She has blocked my number and my accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. It won't take long. Please?"

"Ten minutes," I sighed. "That's all you've got."

"Let's go down to the pier. It isn't too far down the beach."

I sighed. "Okay."

Nina tried to make small talk on our way to the pier, but my concise responses indicated I wasn't in the mood.

I stood with my arms crossed. "What do you need to say?" I expected her to make excuses or tell me to ask Gemma for her forgiveness. What I did not expect was for Nina to grab my face and kiss me. I uncrossed my arms and pushed her away from me by her shoulders.

"What the fuck, Nina!" I exclaimed with barely restrained anger.

She wiped her lips. "Oh come on, Harry. You know I have always had a thing for you," she smirked as she leaned in again.

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Leave me and my sister the hell alone. No wonder she isn't friends with you anymore."

Without another word, I hurried the hell away from her. Time to get Y/N and leave. I was starting to regret even bringing us tonight.

I saw a guy standing by himself near the water and nodded to him. And then, just ahead, I saw the back of Y/N's body. She was speaking with Niall. He noticed me and I saw her visibly tense for some reason.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and called her name, but she practically ran away.

"What's up with her?" I asked Niall.

He shrugged. "She took a walk on the beach with some guy, but when she returned, she looked really upset."

That didn't sound too good. I clapped him on the shoulder. "I should go make sure she's okay. I'll see you later."

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