All I need is love 💙

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I am the helpless voice
Of a schizophrenia patient
Living in isolation.

I hear voices
But no one does.

I see things
But no one can.
I feel worthless and miserable
But they don't.

My greatest fear is not the diagnose
But what people think of me.

They think I am dangerous
And a threat to the society.
They see me as mad
And I live life away from reality.

They talk to me from a distance
Afraid I might harm them.
Or worse, infect them.

I have no friends
Because they don't want
to be seen with me.
Even family!
Have turn their back on me.

It is said that,
"The people you love most,
Will turn their backs on you
when you need them most."

I am still human like you,
The only difference is that
I am sick and all i need is love!

By: Boakye Dacosta ALPHA

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