Adele's Tour

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                                               Chapter 1

A/N: I would like to thank firstmatechelsea for motivating me to write this along with my sister, BandGeek014.  I suggest Loving James by BandGeek014 and The Shoey Experiment by firstmatechelsea. Thanks to whoever reads this and likes my writing.  I hope you enjoy my story then.  On with the story.

I sit in my dressing room hearing the roar of fans.  I stare at myself in the mirror.  I am a little nervous that there are so many fans wanting to hear me.  I'm not too nervous though.  I'm not sweaty or shaking.  That's a good sign.

At the end of my newest concert,everyone asked "Where did she go? How can Adele vanish off the face of the Earth?" That's a question soon to be answered. 

I was at my newest concert, my first one in over a year.  I was preparing myself in my dressing room.  I was carefully warming up my voice.  I didn't want to get into more trouble with my vocal cords so I drink plenty of water like the doctor told me to do.  I try to talk as little as possible. 

I stare at myself in the mirror as my heart starts to race.  The concert is sold out.  That would be a ton of seats taken out by near a million people.  I need to make sure everything is perfect.  I check my shoes, hair, makeup, then finally my dress.  My fine, black dress.  So plain for concert attire.  The attendant comes all to soon to tell me I have 10 minutes before my performance.  I slowly attach my microphone and trudge backstage. 

I head onstage.  I pose by the piano and the attendant counts us down.  Then the curtians open as if to be late.  I start with Rolling in the Deep then finish with Skyfall and Someone Like You.  The crowd cheers and claps at me.  The attendant then pulls the curtain and soon,the concert is finished. 

I return to my dressing room and change into the clothes I arrived in, which is my casual dress and some of the jewelry I had to take off.  I decide to leave my makeup on as I roam the streets to my masion.  The streets are buzzing with people, some of which are still fans waiting me to autograph something of theirs.  I don't mind, so I sign what I see.  They all tell me how great I am.

I wander the streets in the dark and soon find my way to my mansion. My house is locked.  I unlock it and turn on all the lights.  I make myself some food, then head to bed after taking a nice warm shower. 

I sleep until 8am.  By that time, my alarm sounds.  I quickly wake and pack all my bags for the tour bus.  I take another warm shower and get ready for my next concert in my tour.  The tour starts here in LA and moves to different cities in America, ending in Wahsington D.C.  A large crowd is to be sure to show up at the nation's capital.             

The tour bus comes and grabs all my bags as I hand them to them.  I check my makeup and dress in one of my full length mirrors.  I look presentable.  I then put on shoes and head out to my bus.  I will be heading to Denver, Colorado next.  I will make up some songs as the tour bus drives us away from my home in which I carefully locked up. The windows are pulled, the doors are locked, the gates are closed, and my surveillance cameras are on.  I'm ready for this tour across America.  I'm ready to have fun onstage.

A/N: I hoped you guys like my first chapter.  I didn't get to the good part yet.  Sadly, yes I know.  If you keep reading, you'll soon find out!  Later.

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