Adele's Tour

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                                                       Chapter 30

A/N: I would like to give owllover2002 a shout out!  Thanks for being the first person to dedicate a chapter to me.  I would also like to give a shout out to LadyStoneheart.  She also dedicated a chapter to me.  Your dedications are very much appreciated.  So on that note...  Keep calm and read on!

I got over Adam quickly.  I didn't love him anyway.  I was trying to forget Kyle.  I probably won't forget Kyle...  You never forget the person you actually love.  I guess that was him... 

I mostly hung out with Kayla and Natasha while I was feeling a little down.  I then figured out what I needed...  A pet.  I was thinking of a rabbit.  Maybe a turtle?  Then it hit me... A hamster.

I looked up pet shops in Montgomery, Alabama.  I found a couple.  I trusted Pet Smart.  It was the closest to the studio, only a block away.  I'll get a hamster tomorrow.  I'm so excited.  I go to bed that night barely sleeping.

I wake in the morning, asking Kyle where we are.  He said we're right outside the studio.  I dress, eat, brush my teeth, and do my hair hastily.  Natasha and Kayla do the same.  They decided to join me during these heartfelt moments.

We enter Pet Smart.  I see the puppies.  Oh, they're so adorable.  Then the kittens.  They are just as cute.  I see fish, guinia pigs, lizards, turtles, and last but not least, hamsters. 

The cashier let me hold a couple of them.  There was a black one...  It bit on my hand...  There was a a brown and white spotted one...  It was squeamish and uncomfortable.  Then there was a light brown hamster.  It cuddled my hand.  I bought that one immediately, including a cage, hamster feed, and all other nessicary materials.

I set up the cage on my bed.  Then I placed the hamster in the cage and placed the cage on my desk.  Then I needed a name...  Spikes.  I like that name.  That will be my hamster's name...  Spikes...

I then realized I had to go to the studios.  I got Natasha and Kayla to watch Spikes.  They agreed without hesitation.  They are such great friends.

I entered the studio and signed in.  I walked to my dressing room.  I dressed into a rainbow striped dress.  I had white shoes.  Ana appeared in the room the minute I finished putting on my shoes.  She slathered on makeup, did my hair in some complex braid, and redid my nails.  I looked 10 years younger.  I warmed up a little and hurried on the stage. 

The curtians opened and I sang.  In the end, I was gasping for air with this huge, stupid grin on my face.  I looked pathetic.  No one seemed to notice though.

I returned to the dressing room, redressed, and signed autographs.  It was fun I guess.  Afterwards, I hurried off to find the tour bus.  I couldn't wait to see Spikes. 

I saw Spikes running on his little hamster wheel and I knew everything was ok.  I told Kayla and Natasha a bit about tonight.  This Montgomery concert went fast.  Soon, I climbed into bed.  There was nothing else to do.  Spikes was all tired as well.  I just had the best day in a while.

A/N: I'm sorry if my information about hamsters is not accurate.  I've never had a hamster...  I always wanted one.  I feel happy to say I finally got a day off.  That's exciting for me.  I never have those anymore...  YOLO!!!

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