Adele's Tour

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  • Dedicated to ALL READERS!!!

                                                   Chapter 17

A/N: I am a little bored now, so here comes a new chapter.  Nothing happens at my house...  Hopefully, that will pay off.  Enjoy!!!

We stopped in Portland, Oregon.  I knew I would be performing soon.Thanks to Alexa, I don't worry too much about being poisoned.  I start to think about it, and I realize that the poisoner is on this bus.  I assume that the poisoner is a security guard. 

I trust Kayla, so I ask her who she thinks it is.  I pull her aside.  I ask Natasha kindly if we could talk alone. 

"What's up?"  Kayla asked.

"Who do you think is poisoning me?" I asked.

Kayla thinks a little while then asked,"How did you and Adam come to date?"

"Well, I met him at a concert and he was just adorable and he kissed me so I accepted when he offered to be my boyfriend," I explained.

Kayla giggled a little and said,"And you know how much about him?"

I thought a little.  I really didn't know anything about him other than he's my boyfriend,"Not much," I said.

"I think it's Adam," Kayla said.

"I don't know if Adam would do that," I said.

"You don't know.  You can never be sure," Kayla said.

We went our separate ways.  I don't know what to do, either A. trust my boyfriend or B. trust my long time friend.  The answer is quite obivous but I want to see what happens.  I will make sure Natasha watches Adam quite carefully. 

My attitude changed as I got ready to sign in.  I wear a dark dress with black high heels.  I have no makeup on at the moment.  My hair is in a messy bun.  I look average and normal for now...  We all know that won't last for long...

Adam keeps trying to tell me how beautiful I am and tries to be all mushy with me.  I act mushy back and try to show I care.  I ask more about him.  He doesn't answer anything and dodges all of my questions.  Maybe his past was too difficult to remember.

I make my way to sign in.  I write my name in and the desk lady named Leslie.  She seems familiar in some weird way.  I know her in some way.  Ana is already in my dressing room sorting my dress and makeup.  I slip on the red dress.  My shoes are black, but it's a different pair from which I arrived in. 

Soon my makeup is sorted and is layered on my face.  My hair is done in some braid that wraps around my hair.  I look so perfect!  I hug Ana and warmup.  I feel the poison control injector in one of the folds of my dress.  I know I will be safe now.  I know Ana got poison control injectors.  Dr. Alexa would have to...

Leslie comes all too soon to tell me that showtime starts in 5 minutes.I clip my microphone and trudge to the piano.  I then wait...  The curtians open and I give out my speech.  I then sing the usual.

The curtians close and I return my dress and slip back into my normal attire.  I then spot Leslie.

"Hey, do you remember me from anywhere?" I asked.

"Nope, I don't exactly have a clue.  Why?" Leslie asked.

"I remember you from somewhere," I said.

"I might know you from college chorus," Leslie said.

"Yep, that's it," I said.

We said goodbye and I walk to the tour bus.  Adam looks happy to see me.  I'm relieved I didn't get poisoned this time around.  I was careful to take my poison control injector out of the folds of my dress tonight.

A/N: Thank you to my 39 readers!!!  Let's make it to 50.  If we do, I'll add as many chapters possible.  I can't make promises.  YOLO!!!

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