Adele's Tour

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                                                                                                              Chapter 39

A/N: I'm making an epilogue. This is it.  My very last time for this story.  So, I am writing more fan fictions like one on Avatar: The Last Airbender.  I may do one on something else one day.  But for now, I guess you'll have to read what I have.  Thanks again to everyone who is awesome enough to read all of this and vote and comment.  I would like to give a shout out to Jemima2468.  She is awesome so I suggest you follow and vote for her stories.  Thanks again to everyone.

One day, I actually did marry Simon.  We had a son on October 19, 2012.  His name is Angelo.  He is now a celebrity, I guess, for being my child.  He may actually show interest in music like I do. 

In the years of my recovery, Adam was tried.  He was found guilty and sentenced to twenty years in prison.  I was hoping for a life sentence.  It was one thing he threatened me, but he threatened my friends, too.  He was sentenced four years ago.  Angelo will be eighteen when he gets released.  Hopefully he will be safe. 

As for Kayla, Natasha, and Kyle, they are my past.  They remind me too much of what happened.  Simon does too at times and it's a bit overwhelming, but I have learned how to manage.  Hopefully one day I can see them again.  I write letters in replacement of talking.  I need more years of recovery. 

I don't know what else happened anymore during that tour.  It's been real fuzzy from the past few years of anti-depressants.  I no longer remember anything, but sometimes, I have brief and painful flashbacks of my struggles.  Simon does sometimes, too but less often. 

I have went through years of therapy before I was finally happy enough to get to the point where I am now.  I still go to therapy, but not as often.  Maybe one day, I can get myself off the anti-depressants and stop going to therapy.  I only take one pill a day and go to therapy once a month.  Other than that, I guess my life is what happiness is.

My son is too young to understand what happened to me, but one day, I will have to tell him about it.  He will most definitely have questions.   He will have so many questions I am unable to answer, but I can hope that he won't be too mad about that.  After all, if I wasn't kidnapped, I wouldn't have met his father. 

I guess I am safe and this is what happiness means.  Everyone will remember my little trip besides me, but I guess I like it that way.  Everyone else is happy, so I guess I am.  I feel so numb, I don't know how to feel.  All that matters is I made it out alive and my son is safe.  I don't need to worry about Adam and Kyle anymore.  I can worry about people who actually care.

A/N: Thanks again for reading all of this.  I am not sure if I should make a sequel for this book, but I don't know, so it's up to you people.  Thanks again for reading this far.  I really appreciate it.  I am once again working on more stories and hope to share more quotes with you guys in my book of quotes.  Thanks again!  YOLO!

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