Quidditch World Cup Part 1

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My eyes fluttered open, as the early summer sun shone through my curtains.
Sitting up I saw some clothes were laid out on my dressing table.

'Strange, normally I choose my clothes'

Raising an eyebrow, I rolled out of bed and landed with an elegant thud on the floor.

Sighing, I heaved myself up and begrudgingly look down at the clothes. A little note was placed delicately on top.

Morning darling,
These have been selected by myself for you to wear to the match today!
The Malfoy's should be hear at 9'o clock do make sure you're ready.


Looking at the clock, I almost chocked on my own spit.

It was 8 minutes until 9!

Quickly I disposed of my pyjamas and hurriedly threw on the outfit mother had prepared.

By the time I got my left shoe on, I could hear the loud doorbell.

"(Y/n)!! The Malfoys are here!" She shouted up to me.

I slid down the bannister, thinking it would be the most effective way down.
Only to find that I was moving agonisingly slow with several squeaks of friction.

When I finally reached the bottom, I was met with a stern look from mother, an amused Lucius and Draco who was holding one hand over his mouth to cover up his chuckles.

"I'm ready mum!" I smiled at her, causing her to smile and laugh softly.

She then gave me a small kiss on the cheek and whispered "good luck" in my ear.

Of course I knew what was going to happen when the game was done. The Death Eaters were going to attack. Luckily me and Draco will be far away from the action with Barty Crouch Jr.

Well, I say luckily, more like unfortunately. Stuck with two boys, one posh pansy the other as mad as the Weasley twins with sugar rushes (A/n: can we just imagine that for a second!) of course with the added dark wizard madness.

"Come on then children, don't want to be late" Lucius said, saying farewell to my mother, and leading us to the black carriage waiting outside.

It was comfortable at least, and the leather wasn't hot. I sat next to Draco and leaned my head on his shoulder.

It was too early to leave my comfortable bed. I guess Draco's shoulder will have to do.

—Time Skip brought to you by Natsu 🔥—

It took 2 hours to get to the Quidditch World Cup!!

I have never been in a carriage for that long. I couldn't talk to Draco probably cause his dad was there, eyeing us.

'Creepy little fu-'

"We're here!" Draco cheered, stopping my trail of thought.

Lucius got out first, then Draco, who held his hand out to me and helped my out of the carriage.

It. Was. Packed.

"Quick question, am I going to be able to breathe?" I muttered, to which Draco chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"Oh come now Riddle, lets get to our tent so we can relax before the games!" He grinned and pulled me into the crowd of people.

We finally made it our tent. It took a while...but we made it....

"It's tiny, we are not all going to fit in that!" Draco said, glaring at the supposedly 'tiny' tent.

"Look inside moron" I rolled my eyes as he climbed in.

"Oh...ok" I heard of inside.

I climbed in, followed by Lucius and...the minister of magic!?

"Minister, forgive me for asking, but what are you doing here?" I questioned sitting down on the soft plush bed

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"Minister, forgive me for asking, but what are you doing here?" I questioned sitting down on the soft plush bed.

There was only one bed but it doesn't matter since we are not staying the night.

"Ah Ms Riddle, I have come to invite you and the Malfoy's to come watch the game from my box in the stadium" He gleamed. Lucius accepted his offer, then proceeded to walk out with the minister to talk most likely about well...the ministry.

"So (Y/n)," Draco started, making me jump, "What do you think to the arrangement?" He asked, tilting his head like a puppy.

"Well, the decor is nice and the bed is really-" I was cut off by his laughter, making my cheeks warm up without my consent!

"No I mean about the arranged marriage our parents put us into!" He said, after he stopped laughing to himself.

"Oh, Uhhh, I'm not sure how to feel about it..." I spoke quietly, but he still heard me, and his smile slightly dropped.

"I'm pleased that it's you and not someone I don't care about...I mean! Like as a friend, your my best friend and...I don't want this to ruin our relationship!" I rambled, throwing myself back into the bed.

"Oh...I see what you mean, and I agree with you, and...I'm also pleased it's with you as well" he smiled softly.

'Wait, he's pleased that it's with me!?'

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