Chapter 6

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millie and i part ways at our trailers but I want to do a little exploring first. i trail around and walk towards the door. "Finn" it read and I open the door slowly. music is blaring. Taylor Swift? i stifle a giggle as I watch him dance around the room. not realising this is hella creepy but my eyes are drawn to him and I can't seem to move. his curls bounce as he mimes the words perfectly. he's so...dreamy. i watch him jump around, having fun, being himself. i got so caught up that I didn't realise the song had finished.

"river?" he squeaks out
"finn i-" im stumped, what am I supposed to say to him?
"do you like Taylor Swift too?" The smiles a genuine smile.
"yeah, she's great" i stutter. oh my god river what are you doing? you were watching him dance! thats weird!!
a silence, not an awkward or uncomfortable silence, a nice one. considering what just happened. we in some weird way.
"have you eaten?" he chucks me a breakfast bar and sits on the step. so many questions
"are you nervous?"
"Honestly? yeah I am, very nervous" i sigh and fiddle with the wrapper.
"don't be it's okay, we don't bite" he lets out a slight laugh, making my heart flutter.
"sads is cool, she's the most chilled out one out of all of us, caleb often won't answer to his name"
"wait so what does he answer to, that's his name right?"
he rolls his eyes, "chocolate daddy, yeah it's weird, I know!" we both splutter with laughter, everything about this is perfect.
"Millie is great, she's a right motor mouth but she's really sweet, she more than likely want to be your best friend, gaten is hilarious, he just jokes about everything and sings a lot, noah is great too, they all are" i watch him talk about his friends, he loves them.
i realise that im staring at him again but before I turn away he looks up at me and our eyes lock for what seems like hours, i see pink starting to rise on his cheeks and those butterflies take over and my heart pounds in my chest.

she's even more beautiful than I thought. i realise as im looking into her grey eyes and everything is still. everything is perfect. she looks away first, blushing like crazy and I feel my cheeks start to burn up. i mess with the wrapper on my water bottle and my leg bounces. it happens all the time when I'm nervous, i can't help it. i mentally scold myself for getting flustered but I can't help that either. It's the effect she has on me, she makes my heart flutter and my body can't seem to function properly. oh river I haven't even known you long, what are you doing to me?
"River?" millie calls, we both snap out of our thoughts. "oh there you are, oh hello finn"
she's looks at us both confused, "come on river! makeup time" she runs off.
"oh another thing, millie loves makeup and all that junk so she'll probably force you to have a makeover" i laugh properly this time.
"don't worry, im used it it. my best friend harper, you know the one that was sitting with me?"
"nope"I reply , popping the 'p'
"oh anyway, she's always tries to dress me up and paint my nails. honestly, i hate it" we both share a laugh as she jumps up off the step.
"ill have to meet her sometime, she sounds great" i chuckle and our eyes meet again. there's that feeling again.
"hey River? taylor...our little secret" and I wink at her and she gives me a toothy grin.
"of course! ill see you later, finn" she smiles and walked off leaving me with a huge smile on my face.

~1 hour later~

"annnnnd cut! that was great guys"
i screw my face up at the cast gushing over how 'good' river's performance was. it was shabby if you ask me. i roll my eyes for what seems like the 200th time today. i haven't even had one scene yet. not one. how ridiculous, I should be the star, when will they see that? i glance over at clara who's twisting her hair and talking to one of the extras. how lame. out the corner of my eye I spot river and finn laughing. what? urgh how I hate her. i bound over to them, purposely pushing past gaten, millie and sadie who are all huddled over a phone.
"ow!" millie yells and looks at me expectantly.
i ignore her and walk towards finn.
"hi Finn!" i snap them out of their conversation. did he just roll his eyes??
"great scene, by the way" i smile sweetly at him but he keeps a straight face.
"uh thanks" he shuffles away from me slightly as if he was uncomfortable. i huff and place my arm on his shoulder. he stays tense and glances across at millie, placing two fingers on his nose. huh?

"hey everyone!!" millie comes over cheerfully and stands between finn and i. rude. she smiles at me but I continue to talk to finn, completely ignoring River. she's looking left out. ha that'll show her. 
"so finn, are you busy this weekend?"
"yes..." he looks at me, puzzled, "I have to be here Saturday, I have to shoot a couple of scenes with the boys" i see his mouth curve upwards into a smile, "Millie will hang with you though"
"i will?" i see her try to hide the irritation in her voice. don't worry mills, it's not like I want to hang with you either, I'd rather be with finn.
"can I join?" Our heads shoot towards the direction of another British squeak. but it's a different accent, similar to Millie's though. i open my mouth to speak but the always-over excited- Brit buts in.
"yes of course River!! join us"
so now I have a weekend full of girly British squeals and no finn. urgh.

after shooting a few more scenes, we all head off home. i go to grab my bag but someone was blocking the way. yep you guessed it. Lola. i roll my eyes. I swear this is stalking.
"hi Finn. it's been forever" she comments.
"i spoke to you literally a couple of hours ago lola. can I help you?"
i wince at the sound of my own frustrated voice. i don't mean to be horrible but I'm tired and she's annoying.
after exchanging more small talk I rush off to where nick was. my brother often picks me up, it's fun because we just jam out to loud music in the car. my phone vibrates and i see a message from the group chat.

                      Stranger Chats🙃❤️
kitchen sink💘: surely she can't be that bad mill, maybe you'll get to know her.
millster💜: i don't know😩 in that case sadie, you can join.
kitchen sink💘: er I can't, i have to do that thing for my mum.
millster💜: no you don't, you're coming with us☺️
kitchen sink💘: urgh fine.
millster💜: looks like we'll both be getting to know her🙃
me: well millie, you seem to get on so well, should I add her in this group chat? 😏
schnapper😎: mills, can you stop yelling at us through text?
R😍: millie is a loud person Noah she can't help it 😂
millster💜: 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

I blush at the name I have saved for river. she really is perfect. i turn and look out the window, just in case nick sees me.
"heyyy kiddo...why you blushing? got a girl on your mind?" i can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"what? no! ew gross" i pretend to be disgusted with what he just implied. "girls? no"
"come on finn, you're 15, it's okay to start to have crushes on girls, y'know, it's part of growing up its-"
i throw my hands up to my ears.
"no!no! stop it nick!"
he laughs to himself, "okay then, guess I'll just read your diary" he grins at me.
i huff and I feel my cheeks burn up more "how many times to i have to tell you? i don't keep a diary!" i tell him, all the time he doesn't seem to get it.
"it's a journal nick, get it right. and I only use it for keeping my photography things in there" i roll my eyes at him as we both laugh.
"i forget" and then he turns up the music on the radio and drums on the steering wheel.

~Word Count 1513~
hi guys! i like this chapter a lot too, I'm quite proud of this chapter, I think its one of my favourites. what do you think of finn and river? honesty, I'd love nick as a big brother 😂 Hope you're all enjoying it!
over and out,

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