Chapter 13

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i wake to the sound of my alarm ringing. i sigh and pull the covers over my head. this is the first time I'm starting a new school without river and that scares me so much. we came back from millies pretty early this morning, so early it was pointless even having a sleep over, River didn't even sleep.

i grab my outfit that I had planned from out of my wardrobe. a pastel pink jumper that I love and my black jeans paired with my black vans. i look in the mirror, satisfied with my look. i comb out my wild hair, my mom always calls them my lions mane, which fits because they're bright orange, stick out everywhere and im a very loud person. i skip downstairs and grab my lunch out of the fridge, reading the note lilly, rivers mum, had left for me. she's the sweetest. i grab my furry coat and head off to school, playing my favourite playlist and trying to push down the fluttery feeling in my stomach.

i stop at the sight of the new dump I'd have to drag myself to every morning, alone.  a girl with long brown hair comes running over to me.
"hi!" She calls and startles me.
"hello?" i say back
"are you new here?" Her southern accent strong.
"is it obvious?" i cringe.
"not really but I would've remembered your red hair!" And she laughs at her own joke,
"hey do you think you could show me to the headmasters office?" i ask her innocently but she laughs very loudly.
"aw y'all brits are so cute" and she leads me to the office. through the halls I get a few people staring at me oddly, i should expect it, since im the "weird new kid". i wish river was here.
i spot one girl with cool green hair and she sticks her tongue out at me. i do the same, waggling mine. we grin at each other. i like her.
"so sweetie, i didn't catch you name" she asks now that we're sitting out side the office and the halls are empty.
"oh my names harper, what's yours?"
she squeals, "you're adorable, im jade i moved here a couple years ago, it's not as bad as you're imagining, what grade are you in?"
i have to think, i don't know! I've never been to an American school before.
"well, im in ninth grade here" i answer hesitantly
"you've only got this year left then in middle school anyway! you'll be fine" she gives my shoulder a reassuring pat.
"so what grade are you in?" i ask her, she's a pretty girl, wavy, brown hair that falls way down her back, she's slightly taller than me and the other students around. she has a smiley mouth and pretty golden eyes.
"im a sophomore, grade 10" she smiles, she looks much older.
"wait shouldn't you be in your own lessons?"
i chew on my nail nervously, i don't won't her to get in trouble. she laughs.
"don't worry about me, besides i have free period now and my mum works here as an English teacher, maybe you'll have her for one of your classes?" i smile at her, before flicking through one of the schools magazines.
i quickly read through some of the after school activities. there are so many!
"ah" she comments, watching me read some of the clubs
"You're interested already huh? do you have any hobbies?" She asks curious.
"yes i do, i like photography, i dance a lot but I'm struggling to pick between the two, see my dad wanted me to do base ball but i suck at that so" i turn the page over quickly, "at any sport apart from dance" i laugh nervously.
"well im sure there's a photography Things after school on a tuesday and dance on a Thursday, do you dance a lot?"
"yeah, I've entered competitions and danced at shows around my country, that is before we had to move and i had to leave my studio, i cried for hours" i tell her quietly, skimming through the book.
"drama?" She reads out loud, "are you good at that?" now it's my turn to laugh loudly.
"im terrible. i always feel so silly but my best friend, she's called river, she's great at it, she auditioned for a show a couple weeks back, and she got the part. she's always loved it!"
i could ramble on and on but the principle calls us in his office.
"ah harper, harper Wilson? am I right" he smiles at me, "i hope you enjoy it here" he hands me my time table. he nods at jade "how are things jade?"
"good good mr clarke"
i snort and giggle, they look at me confused.
"oh I see we have another stranger things fan, am i correct?" he laughs and I nod, "i May say myself, it did come as a surprise"
he hands me my locker combination. 3-1-5, i smile, easy to remember.
we say our goodbyes and jade leads me to my very first lesson of the day. science. woop.

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