Chapter 27

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*time skip: monday morning on set, 7:30 . november 2nd*

it's quiet on set this morning. i wonder round, no one seems to be here, maybe they're all avoiding me. or maybe im just avoiding them.
i hear the crunch of the frosty grass beneath my feet. it's still dark but i don't mind, i walk round for another 5 minuets before i spot a familiar red head.
"hi finn! how was the party? sorry it was my cousins birthday too so we had to go there"
she says cheerfully.
"hi sads, honestly it went terribly. i had an argument with caleb and then was mad at harper when she really didn't do anything wrong. i ended up buying more glasses with millie because i accidentally smashed our nicest ones, then we cleaned the whole house so me and millie are running on about 2 hours sleep. i haven't spoken to river at all" i rant and she listens
"wow" she says, "still fighting with Caleb?"
"yeah" i guess millie filled her in.
"yep" she says as if reading my mind, "mill told me everything"
i nod and walk round the trailers with her, telling her about my pointless drama and after a while i feel so guilty- i hadn't even asked her if her party went or if she had a good time.
i guess sometimes we get wrapped up in our own drama that we forget about everyone around us. i hope i see river today, and maybe i can makeup with caleb, as long as it keeps the peace. i hate fighting with anyone and caleb is one of my best friends, i hate fighting with him.
thinking about river makes me happy and sad at the same time. i love her, she means so much to me and i haven't even known her that long but i hope i haven't upset her, i did snap at her last night too, i think she just wanted to keep the peace with caleb and i. i seem to think a lot but i never seem to say anything.

"hey, sadie, can i ask you something?" i pick at the string hanging off my jacket
"sure go ahead" she says
"how do you, like, how do you say your sorry to someone who hurt you first but then you were horrible too? but they were a complete jerk and you kind of were too but you don't know if you should say sorry because your jerky move made them mad-"
"uh finn? i don't have a clue what you're saying. you're frazzling my brain, is this about caleb?" she asks frowning and shaking her head.
"maybe?" i say and she smiles slightly
"just say you're sorry, it doesn't matter who did what first, would you rather be fighting all the time? come one finn hear him out at least"
i think about what she says and i agree with her, i don't care anymore as long as we're friends. lola can try to hurt us all she wants but as long as we're friends, who the hell cares. i spot caleb getting out the car and waving to his mom.
"thanks sadie!" i say and i run off to caleb who looks at me nervously. he walks up to the trailers and pulls his head phones off his ears.

"hi Caleb" i say as casually as possible, he looks at me confused
"hello finn"
it's awkward for a few seconds and suddenly i want to back out.
"Caleb? im sorry, i shouldn't have been so horrible to you at the party, you had every right to be there, I should've believed you, i know it was lola who told matt and ross. can we please talk again?" i burble and he looks at me hopefully.
"really? i mean we were both wrong, i shouldn't have done that to you and river, i apologised to river. please don't be mad at her, she said some really smart stuff and i was going to apologise to you. i still feel awful for doing that and im never going to help lola again, i promise"
he says too and i smile at him. we both engulf each other into a hug.

"aww are you too making up?" millie says smiling at us
we look at each other "yes" we say in unison and we all laugh.
"im glad" river laughs from behind her,
"hi finn" she says and then she blushes.
"ooooooo" millie, noah, sadie, gaten and caleb tease and i blush too.
"shut up" i say, elbowing caleb who was standing the closest to me. they laugh and we all walk happily towards the trailers.

what a jerk. how dare he? he can't make up with finn. looks like ill have to sort them out myself.
im sitting in my trailer waiting to get my hair done, im in a scene next. i see finn and the others laughing loudly and shouting, i despise them all.
i could do a million things to hurt them:
spin lies here and there to get them all to turn against each other
just be plain mean (although this seems to obvious and risky)
ruin everything by getting someone on my side.
making rivers life hell so she quits
getting everyone so worked up they have a huge or outburst and get so mad they have to leave set (preferably millie, i want the role of eleven because finn)
intimidate them all with my insane acting skills and beauty
looks like ill have to go back to square one, intimidation.
i stroll out of my trailer and walk right in front of them
"what's up losers" i say and they all frown
"hello to you too lola" gaten mutters and i flare at him
"what a dumb party you threw finn, everyone left at like half one, borrrringggg" i roll my eyes

i like to think finn has a small crush on me, i mean look at me. im gorgeous. absolutely stunning.

he scoffs, "yeah well id like to see you try and throw a party like mine" 
millie buts in "the party was great"
"who asked you?" i say calmly
"uhh i decided I'd stick up for finn as he's my best friend" She snaps back.
perfect, we're getting somewhere.
"just shut it brown" i snap at her
"how about you shut it?"
i laugh at her but she doesn't find me funny
"leave it mill, she's just being lola" finn rolls his eyes at me and they begin to walk off

that's just the start of my revenge plan.

~Word Count 1113~
this is a boring chapter because i am kinda stuck and by that i mean i don't know what's going to happen next 😂😂 hope you all still enjoy though
over and out,

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