Coming home

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"SCOTT!!! Scott Wait!! What about Lacey?! Your a werewolf now, there is no way in hell she can be involved in this." I mean, Scott and I had just found out that he's a werewolf, and we haven't even told my dad or his mom, nobody. We didn't even know anything ourselves. If Lacey somehow got in the middle of this, I could never forgive myself... especially if she got hurt, I love my little sister, and she needs to be safe.

"Your right stiles, but what do we do? We are with her every second of every day, how are we going to keep this secret from her, I don't have control. What if I hurt her? We need to do something." Scott said

"We need to send her away..." I said slowly, putting my head down as I rubbed my hand over my fist.

"Wha- stiles... what are you talking about?.." his eyes wide as he stuttered

"Listen Scott. We don't know anything, all we know is that apparently your a werewolf, and there is a huge monster going around, killing people. She can't be in the middle of that. We need to send her somewhere, somewhere safe..." i knew it was for the best

"How would we do that? There is no way your dad will do that since he doesn't know why she needs to leave..."

I shrugged "then we will tell him Scott... he's bound to find out sometime, and this isn't just about us. To need to make sure that she stays safe.."
Scott looked as if he was having an argument with himself, a terrifying one, he seemed so scared and terrified but also understanding

"Okay, let's do this.." he said, looking up at me

We told my dad everything, obviously he thought we were crazy at first, but he knows the truth now.
He wouldn't even let Scott and I bring up the fact about Lacey leaving, he was so upset and didn't want to do it. But he soon realized that it was for the best. So that's what we decided. There was a home, a place far away from here that we could send her too. Where she would be safe. It was just going to break our hearts. I love my sister, she means everything to me, I need her. But I can't be selfish, she can't stay here. A few days passed as we called the "home" and asked if they could come over to pick her up. They are coming today, and Lacey doesn't even know yet.
I walked over to her room, knocking on the door slightly, then slowly opening it
"Hey lace.."

"Hey stiles, what's up?." She was so chippy, and happy. She was always that way. She brightened up any room she walked into, and I can't believe I'm about to ruin that

"Ummm, actually, I need to talk to you about something." She clenched her eyebrows down, giving me a confusing look

"Uh Okay. Yeah sure. Sit down." I walked over and sat down next to her on the bed, and put my hands over hers

"Huhhhh... Lace, I'm so sorry. But your going to be leaving for a little while.." her eyes shot up at me
She whispered "what.."
as if she was saying it in her mind

"Some people from a home are on there way over right now to pick you up, they'll be here in a few hours... and you need to start packing your things" I was trying so hard not to let the tears fall from my eyes

"Stil- what? What's going on? Why am I leaving? I can't leave!! Why are you guys doing this?!" She finally let the water building up her eyes break, streaming down her face like a waterfall.
"I'm sorry Lacey. Something is happening right now, that you can't know about. And you just need to leave." I coldly said. Maybe if I pushed her away a little, it might be easier
I walked over to the door way

"You should start packing, you leave right when they get here." I turned my face and closed the door, I couldn't help but fall to the floor as I heard her sobbing and calling someone.

It had been an hour since I told Lacey. And she hadn't come down at all
My head shot up as I started walking to the door, I pulled it open and there She was....
the most beautiful woman I have ever seen
The one who can make my heart skip a beat
The one I will one day marry
Lydia Martin...
Wait.... why the hell is lydia at my house?...
"Uhh,, heyyyy lydia. Surprise seeing you here.." I said, it was insanely awkward

"Shut up stiles, I came here to visit Lacey okay, that's it, and when she leaves, so do i." She stormed into the house and started walking upstairs

"Wait, I didn't even know you knew Lacey..."
she stopped in her tracks, making her spin on her heels to look at me
"I've been friends with her stiles. I only met her because of you, but even though you don't know it, her and I talk a lot. She's like a little sister to me." I was speechless. How the hell did Lacey end up being besties with Lydia Martin!? And why the hell didn't she tell me!!??
Those few hours went by and the people came. Scott and Melissa came over. Dad and I were standing on the porch while Lydia said her goodbyes. I was the last one she said bye too, then she left....
I immediately broke down when we went inside the house, and Scott was crying a bit too. We all were. We all loved her so much, and we never knew when we were ever going to see her again. But as long as she is safe, everything will be okay. Lacey just needs to be safe......

A few years later....

"Stiles.... Lacey is on the list." My eyes shot up at him as my pencil fell from my mouth

"What? How, she isn't supernatural." I walked over, snatching the piece of paper from his hands
"Scott, she's worth 40 million!" I screamed at the Alpha
"I know. Which means that we need to get her back here.... now."

When they first sent me away... I didn't know why. I would always ask myself.. was it something I did?.. did they just not want me anymore?... what could I have done wrong?

But it wasn't that. I new that my family loved me, I just never really knew why I had to leave, they just sent me away. And Only had a few hours to say goodbye , then they just, made me leave....

Until I got the call. The call from them saying that they have released me from the home, and that I get to leave.... well it's not like I'm going to say no, I've wanted to go home since the moment I left. I loved them, I don't care if they sent me away with and unknown reason, I just wanted them. I missed stiles. He and I used to be so close and tell each other everything, he instantly knew when something was wrong, and I with him. We did everything together, we used to be so close. And dad, aww I've missed my dad like crazy. Yes, he always worked late nights and was always at the station, but whenever he got the chance, he would always spend it stiles and I. I even missed Scott. He may not be a blood relative but he's just as much of a brother to me as stiles is. I just can't wait to see them...

When I finally got off the plane... well let's just say that I am definitely ready to find a bed, it was exhausting. I quickly whistled for a cab
"Hi sir, Beacon Hills please" he nodded at my request. We have a long way to go....

Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will definitely be longer. Just again, all right to teen wolf, Lacey is the only character I own. And every character is played by their same celebrity. Thank you guys so much for reading!!

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now