Chapter 2 🖤🎈

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Marie Cousins P.O.V
I woke up to my alarm blaring. I groaned, and hit the snooze button. I stretched my arms, and slammed them down my thighs. I packed my stuff last night, so all I have to worry about is getting dressed, brushing my hair, and making my lunch, and eating my breakfast. I took off my pyjamas and got dressed. I put on a red t-shirt, and jean shorts. I grabbed my backpack, and went downstairs. I put a can of soup in a pot, and put it on the stove and turned the burner on. Blue flames appeared from underneath the pot. I grabbed my brush, and pulled in through my thick hair. I found a note on the counter.

You can buy your lunch today with this money.

I took the $10 and put it in my purse.
~Time skip~
"Bye Mom." I called out.
"Have a good day!"

I opened the side door, and walked outside. The school is only around the corner, I'm lucky that way.

"Hey Marie." A voice said.

I got scared for a second. Knowing what people tell me about this place.

Turns out it was just Eddie.

"Hi Eddie." I said.

"Wanna walk with me?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." I responded.

"So, how are you liking Derry so far?" He asked.

"Well I've only been here one day-"

"Well well well." A voice said before I could finish my sentence.

Eddie grabbed my hand, and started running.

"Eddie what-" I starred to say.

"Just run." He responded.

As we turned the corner, Eddie looked back and then started walking again.

"That was Henry Bowers. Stay away from him."

"Okay?" I responded.

"EDS! A boy called. I saw him waving. We were almost at the high school.

We walked toward the boy calling Eddie.

"That's Richie." Eddie said.

I waved. Richie waved back.

"And you are?" Richie asked.

"Marie Cousins." I responded.

"That's a pretty name." Richie said, blushing a bit.

Eddie bit his lip.

"Where's your first class?" Richie asked.

"Room 19." I replied. "English."

"Me too!" Richie said.

We all walked in the school, and Richie walked me down the hall.

"See ya Eddie." I called to Eddie, walking the other direction.

He gave me a little cute wave. Which just made me smile. We finally reached room 19. I opened the door, and the teacher smiled at me. She was a short women, well, shorter then me, but she looked about as tall as the average women.

"Hello." She said.

I waved shyly.

"Your seat is the one in the back row, beside the girl with auburn hair." The teacher said.

I felt awkward. I set my stuff down on the desk, next to the girl with
auburn hair, which was long, falling onto her shoulder on one side.

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