Chapter 4

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"So if I understood you, you want us to decorate the sky deck like the kettle corn mulch festival?" I said. "Yes. Meanwhile I'm gonna distract her and when you're ready, you're gonna text me and we'll go on the sky deck and then we'll surprise her and she will fall in love with me and we will live happily ever after." Cody explained. "Okay, sounds like a plan." I said reassuring Cody. "Okay great! Thanks guys!" He said, leaving again. "I think I should get going. Thank you for this awesome night." I said hugging him. "No problem, we should do that again some day." He answered kinda nervous. "Goodnight Zack." I said. "Goodnight Y/N." When I arrived back in my cabin I changed into sweatpants and an old oversized shirt and went to bed. The next morning I got up and changed into my red/black flannel and black skinny jeans. I braided my hair and left my room. Zack, Woody and Cody were already there. "Okay great now that everyone's here I'm gonna go and distract Bailey." Cody announced. We started decorating the sky deck with corn, which took us like five hours, because Woody kept eating it. Then we put a few bales of straw on the side and two big buckets, filled with apples in the middle. "Okay, this should be it. We're done guys." I said proudly. "Great. Let me just text Cody." Woody said, pulling out his phone. "Okay they are on their way." Woody announced. We all began hiding and after a few minutes we heard Bailey and Cody, so we all came out of our hiding spot and yelled "SURPRISE!" I ran over to Bailey and hugged her. "Oh my god Y/N, you recreated the Kettlecorn mulch festival?! Just for me?!" she said, tearing up. "Actually it was C-" I started, but before I could finish London interrupted me and said: "Bailey I have another surprise for you." At the exact same moment a tall, handsome guy came around the corner. "MOOSE!" Bailey screamed, running over to him and jumping in his arms. "I missed you so much." She said, still hugging him. 

"London! I can't believe you invited her ex!" Cody whispered angrily at London. "What? She kept on telling me and Y/N how much she misses him." London answered. I walked over to Zack, who was sitting on a char, looking at his phone. "Hey." He said smiling. "Hey. You know, I feel sorry for Cody, she just wanted to impress her but Bailey's only paying attention to Moose." I said. "Oh don't worry. He will get over it, the only date he ever had was with his calculator. He took it to the cinema and even bought popcorn for it." He said, making me laugh. We both looked over to Cody, who was trying to catch an apple with his mouth, but Moose won. Then he tried arm wrestling him, but lost again. "We have to do something." I said.  Zack got up and ran to Uncle Moseby and whispered something in his ear, then he ran back to me and looked at me in anticipation. "Okay, now grab your partner and get ready for a little dance. Moseby announced. Zack offered me his hand and I took it. I looked over to Cody, who was standing on the side, all by himself, watching Moose and Bailey  dance. Both, me and Zack had no idea how to dance, so we were just jumping around, looking like idiots, laughing. I love spending time with him, because every time I'm with him it feels like the world#s standing still and it's just us against the rest of the world. When we were done Moseby said: Okay, that was wonderful, now I'm gonna introduce our new Corn queen and king... and our new corn queen is.... BAILEY!" He announced excitedly. "YES! Finally!" Bailey screamed, jumping up and down. Then Woody put her crown on her head and Moseby continued talking:"And our new corn king is... MOOSE!" Moose and Bailey hugged each other and held hands, whilst Woody took pictures of them."Hey, let's get out of here, before Cody starts crying." Zack said. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked him. "I don't know, we could just go somewhere and talk." He suggested. "Sure." 

He grabbed my Hand and then we ran away until we were both sitting in my cabin talking. "So you like Y/F/B (your favorite band)?" He asked. "Yes, how do you know?" I asked. He just pointed at one of the pictures on my wall, showing me and my best friend at Y/F/B's concert. "Yes they got me into music. I started playing guitar because of them." I told him. "Oh you can play guitar?" "Yes." "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" He asked me again. "You know that's the thing. I have no idea. I have the feeling that everyone already knows exactly what and who they wanna be. Even London knows exactly what she wants to do. It just seems like everyone already has their lives figured out, whilst I'm still struggling figuring myself out. Okay wow that was deeper than planned. sorry." I answered. "You know I think you're the first person that really gets me. Because I feel exactly the same." He said looking at me. "You know I really lik-" before he could answer, Cody opened the door and stormed into my room. "GUYS! Guess what!" He screamed. "Bailey found out your a loser and never want to talk to you again?" Zack said. I just hit him and said: That's not nice." But I had to laugh a little bit anyway. "No. She totally told Moose that she never wants to talk to him again and then she hugged me!" He almost screamed. "That means I'm 3 months ahead in my plan!" He continued. "Wow congratulations Cody." I said smiling. "Thank you!" He said and ran out of the room.

To be continued...


A/N: It's kinda short but I hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

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