Getting to Know You

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"Tikki, I cannot believe the day that I just had!" I squealed while jumping on my bed and burying my face in my oversized cat pillow. My heart was pounding and butterflies were swarming inside of me. Tikki flew over and landed on the pillow next to me.
"Do you still like Adrien?" she asked me in a singsong voice.
I had thought that I had gotten over my long time high school crush after he had gone off to college. I had four years to convince myself that I was over him, but who was I kidding? I had never found another boy that I was interested in, and seeing him today just brought back all of those old stored up emotions. However, this time the emotions felt stronger and more intense. Maybe it was because he was actually showing somewhat of an interest in me unlike in the past. There was also something different about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I just moaned in my pillow choosing not to answer Tikki.
"It's alright Marinette," she said. "You don't have to tell me. I already know how you feel."
I turned over to look at the ceiling with both of my hands tucked under my head. "You know, Tikki," I sighed, "something about seeing Adrien today made me really miss Chat."
Tikki flew over landing on my chest. "Oh, really?" she chirped. "And what makes you say that?"
"I don't know," I shrugged, "I guess seeing one long lost friend made me want to see another one as well. I know it sounds silly, but I really miss Chat."
I sat up placing Tikki to my side pulling my knees up and wrapping my arms around my legs. "I used to always find Chat annoying, but now I would give anything to hear him make one of his terrible puns." A warm tear found its way down my cheek as I added, "We were partners for so long. I trusted him with my life and believe it or not, he was one of my best friends. I can't stand not knowing where he is or how he is doing. It's eating me away inside." I leaned my head forward resting my face on my knees as I softly began to cry.
"Awe, don't feel too bad Marinette," Tikki comforted me as she rubbed against my cheek, "I'm sure you will see him again someday. He won't be gone forever. Just think... if he really went off to college like he said he was going to, then maybe he is back just like Adrien is."
Tikki's words filled my spirit with hope. Chat had said he was only leaving because he was going somewhere else for college. Maybe he really was back. But how would I find him? It's not like Paris needed us to do nightly patrols anymore, and if Ladybug was spotted, then mass hysteria might ensue.
"Tikki," I groaned, "how would I even find Chat Noir if he is really back? It's not like either of us are transforming anymore."
Tikki flew to the front of my face and lifted my chin off of my knees looking at me directly in the eyes. "You will know him when you find him, Marinette. Even if he is not dressed like Chat Noir, he is still the same person." Tikki had a huge grin on her face. "Just look for someone who acts like Chat, and you will have found your guy. I know you will find him if you are paying attention. It may not be obvious at first, but Chat is Chat. His qualities will eventually shine through no matter who he is under the mask."
With that, Tikki took off and fell asleep on my pillow. I decided to turn off the lights and do the same. Before I fell asleep, I couldn't help but to think about what Tikki had said about finding Chat. Did she know something that I didn't know? Did she know Chat's secret identity? I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind, but they remained until I must have fallen asleep.

I dreamed that I was Ladybug and I was running across the rooftops of Paris. I could see someone dressed in black in the distance running away from me. No matter how fast I ran or swung on my yoyo, I could not catch him. In fact he was getting further and further away. I finally gave up and stood there crying because I knew that would never see Chat Noir again.

"Where would you like to go to lunch today?" Adrien asked as we met up in the lobby after a long morning of work. "I picked yesterday, so it's only fair that you pick today." He flashed me a big silly grin that I was still not used to seeing him use.
For some reason, I had been craving Mexican food all day, so I told him so. He agreed that that would be a good choice and we proceeded to walk out the door together.
     "So.... Marinette," he said awkwardly as we walked towards the restaurant together, "are you..... have you been.... seeing anybody?"
     I froze in my tracks. Was Adrien Agreste asking me if I had a boyfriend? Why would he even care? Did that mean that he could be interested in me? Or maybe he just had a girlfriend of his own and he wanted to make sure that I was taken, too. That way he wouldn't be leading me on.
     When Adrien realized that I had stopped walking, he turned around and came to stand in front of me face to face. I was too embarrassed to look at him, so I studied the pink floral designs that were printed on my shoes instead.
     "Um.... no," I quivered, "uh...what about you?" I winced as I expected him to tell me all about this amazing girl that he met during his time in China. He would tell me how perfect they are for each other and how I would get to meet her someday soon.
     "Well, actually," he began here it comes, "I was kind of hoping that we could spend more time together." I looked up to see his rosy red cheeks and piercing green eyes gazing right me. I could feel my pulse thrumming in my ears as Adrien continued, "I just.... feel so bad for never truly getting to know you in high school. You were always there, but I never really paid attention." He reached forward and brushed the hair that was covering my face behind my ear causing that thrumming to become even louder. "I am paying attention now, Marinette. I just hope that you want to get to know me as well."
     I couldn't breath. Adrien wanted to spend more time with me. He wanted to actually get closer to me and to learn more about who I am. All of my childhood fantasies were coming true and I could hardly function. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't even blink.
     "Are you okay?" Adrien asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You look like you need to sit down." When I didn't respond, he grabbed my hand and lead me to a nearby bench forcing me to sit. I looked down to see that he was still holding my hand as he gazed at me with concern in his eyes.
     What was I doing? I was making a complete fool of myself. I had to snap out of it and actually say something to Adrien. But what would I say? Would I tell him that I had always had a crush on him and that I was completely freaking out right now? No, I couldn't do that. I had to play it cool.
      "I-I," I finally managed to squeak, "I would love to get to know you more, too, Adrien!"
     Adrien just chuckled and had a beautiful smile on his face. "I'm glad to hear that," he said as he stood up now offering both of his hands to help me stand. "Now let's go eat; I'm starving!"

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