Lean on Me

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Compassionate. Steadfast. Beckoning. Adrien's strikingly beautiful green eyes were the gateway into the very depths of his soul. They eased any sense of doubt that I had lurking within my mind. I could trust him. I should trust him. I had to tell him what was on my mind. That was the only way we could ever form a true, everlasting relationship, and honestly, at this point, I just wanted his comfort. I wanted Adrien to know how much I was hurting so that he could be there for me. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and to tell me that everything would be okay. I craved his affection. I craved it more than anything.

For some reason, though, taking that step of sharing my insecurities terrified me. Adrien had always been such a distant dream that the idea of opening up emotionally seemed impossible. The fact that Adrien could learn about the innermost struggles that I held deep inside of myself had seemed like an implausible idea. It was irrational, of course, but it is hard to admit that the person that I have been pining after for so many years was here in front of me.

However, those eyes told a different story. Those enchanting eyes that earnestly peered down at me as they lightly glistened in the sun. He did care about me, and he sincerely wanted to help me in any way that he could. The time had finally arrived. Now was the moment to take down the shield. I had to allow myself to become vulnerable. It was time for Adrien to see a piece of my heart, and hopefully, for me to see a piece of his.

"It's this friend I had," I began while fiddling with my thumbs. "We haven't seen each other in a long time, and I was really hoping to reconnect with that person."

Adrien smiled while gently tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, "That sounds familiar. I don't know what I would do if we had never reunited. What happened?"

Heat rushed to my face as an all too familiar blush reappeared. The fact that Adrien saw our reunion as something that he couldn't live without came as a shock to me. I wondered if I could actually share my thoughts and feelings with him, but it still just didn't seem real that he could actually have feelings for me. I had to try to trust him with mine. Even though I had not experienced his emotions yet, I hoped that in slowly opening up to him, it might break down that barrier keeping us apart.

With a deep inhale, I prepared myself to pour out my heart to the man that I hoped that I would one day form a deeply passionate relationship with. "I recently got back into contact with this friend....or so I had thought. It had been tough not hearing from this person for so long, and I had been so happy to hear that that person's life is going well. However, that person just........just stopped responding."

Adrien's muscles seemed to stiffen and become rigid as a look of recognition flickered in his eyes just before he looked away. He then took a few deep breaths before relaxing and turning back to me with an inquiring gaze. "How long has it been?" He asked with a stern seriousness that I had never heard him use before. "How long ago was it that you last heard a response from your friend?" A sense of desperation permeated through Adrien's voice. I was baffled as to why he seemed so intense as to knowing the answer to this question, but I was touched to know that he seemed to care so much.

"Uh....about a week," I meekly answered realizing how ridiculous I sounded while tilting my head down to look at the ground. "I know that a week doesn't sound like a long time, but I just feel like this person should have responded by now."

A gentle hand nestled its way beneath my chin guiding my gaze upward so that I could look, once again, into those tender green eyes. "Don't worry," Adrien's soothing voice promised, "your friend will respond soon."

The quickly fading light in the room was now a dull reminder of the diminishing relationship that I had held with Chat Noir. Just as the darkness of night is inevitable, the end of our friendship seemed so near. I gently caressed the hand that was beneath my chin within my palms lowering it to rest upon my lap. "You can't know that," I somberly stated. Adrien tilted his head, like an inquisitive cat, leaning forward ever so slightly in anticipation of what I was to say next. "It must sound so foolish to you - being so distraught over someone not responding for a mere week. It's just that....it has been so long since I have seen this person, and it just hurts thinking that he no longer wants to be my par....friend. I know that my fears may seem unmerited, but we were just so close for so long. Waiting is so hard and I don't know how to handle the pain." Silent tears began to stream down my face as I poured everything out. "Now that I know that he is out there, each day without a response feels like...... like he doesn't want to see me anymore."

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