THE Conversation

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Lunch rolled around and I was over the whole Ethan thing. At least that's what I told myself. I was currently in line when I felt an arm on my shoulder. I fought the smile and that came to my face because this egotistical shit did not need to know that I enjoy when he does things like this.

"Hey, Kian can I just say you are looking amazing in that skirt." I rolled my eyes as Jax scanned my body after saying his perverted comment that were not needed in my life.

"You my friend are a sleazy asshole." He put his hand over his heart and acted very hurt by my statement. Typical.

"Kian that is no way to talk to your future husband." Loral chimes in out of nowhere. I rolled my eyes.

"Over my dead body." I handed the lunch lady her money and began to walk towards what I call the pit. This was a place where only popular people sit and just a few loners.

"Aww come on Kian, you know you want some of this." He said, pulling up his shirt giving everyone a full view of his abs. Gaining a few howls and whistles from all around. I just rolled my eyes and took a seat at my table, but he was not far behind.

Sitting down next to me Jax began to pick at my food, knowing I never eat it all anyways "This whole flirting thing is just convenient for my ego and pitiful to yours, then again it's so big I doubt my rejection does any damage." Everyone around us laughed even Jax cracked a smile. He was by far my favorite person at this shit hole. The only person I trusted with my secrets. I told him about Ethan today and he tried to make me feel better. I could still see the black mascara on his jersey. He's not like the other jocks when he sees a "nerd" he didn't beat them down and make them feel like shit he was kind and caring. Trust me, I know from experience.

"Hundred million Kian, one Jax." He said getting up to go sit with his football friends. Once he was out of earshot everybody at the cheerleading table was already making conversation about us.

"You know he's going to ask you to homecoming right?" Loral said eating her kale salad that looked really fucking good.

"The question is will he be turned down this year? Can I get a drumroll please." Megan said and all the girls played along banging in the table in a steady rhythm speeding waiting for me to give an answer, These were the moments that I loved as a cheerleader.

  "Yes He will be getting sadly turned down." All the girls looked sad but knowing and eventually getting over returning back to their daily gossip.

In their eyes I'm the person on the cheer team who hasn't had a boyfriend but little do they know I did and sadly he just returned today. Jax unlike Ethan knows the old me and the new me and is my best friend and I wouldn't want him to waste his time on me at some dance when he can be with a girl that will show him a good time.

I was half way done with my lettuce wrap when I felt a tap on the shoulder. I looked behind me expecting to see a Hoco sign with a question mark, but it was just an asshole with a weak smile.

"Can we talk." I wanted to scream no and smash the rest of my Lettuces wrap in his face, but then I thought it through there would be questions then I'd have to lie and then somehow me and Ethan would still end up talking anyways. I got up and without a word left the cafeteria, following not too far behind. I pulled Ethan into a classroom and closed the door so no one could easily hear our conversation.

"3 minutes." He looked confused, but he must of figured out what I meant because he started talking 

"Well you are popular now?"

"I guess." I answered while looking at my 'okay' manicure I got yesterday the lady did a really good job, but messed up one of the nails its a little crook-.

"Ummm cheerleading?" I could feel his eyes scanning my rather short uniform. Weird thing is I feluncomfortable under his gaze. I haven't thought this thing was short in years but right now I do.

"I have always been into gymnastics"

"Um boyfriend?" This caught my attention and kind caught me off guard but I kept my composure.

"None of your fucking business"

"I'll take that as a no."

"Take it as you want E-..than." Shit. I used his old nickname. I pray he doesn't notice. By the looks of it I wasn't as slick as I thought I was. Trying to add in the rest of his name like nothing happened. Stupidity on my part.

"I missed that, Hell I missed you." He smiled. His words were sweet, but I was so filled with rage that I couldn't take them for what they were. Who the actual fuck does he think he is.

"I didn't miss you." I wasn't looking down at the ground anymore. I was looking striaght at him. Making sure he knew that I was not just joking around.

"You don't mean-." I turned towards the door before he could finish his sentence. I was done with this conversation just like how he was done with me years ago.

"Your three minutes are up."

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