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"Evan Fong, I am not giving you a choice! You're running, and leaving me behind." The middle aged woman could barely speak as blood spilt from her torso onto the dusty carpet below.
Her son's tears were falling freely from his brown eyes; he lost his whole family except his mother. He refused to accept it.

"No... No! There must be a way... there must be..." The young adult sobbed as the dying woman stroked his cheek. Despite what Evan felt, she had the biggest smile she could muster on her face. "I'm so proud of you, son. I love you..."

It felt like a gaping void was left in his heart after hearing those words, her final breath escaping her lungs. Her eyes stayed focused on Evan, every inch of her body becoming more and more lifeless the same.
He couldn't save his mother, despite everything. Her corpse was still leaning up against the wall, eventually becoming cold to the touch.

"I'll avenge you." A new-found rage boiled within Evan's stomach as he wiped his eyes dry.

He didn't see their face, though he took notice of his maniacal laugh echoing off the walls and into Evan's ear, where he was hiding, weaponless.
Evan vowed to put a bullet through his skull before he himself would be six feet under.

Chapter One
Three Weeks Gone

I woke up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating. You would think these nightmares would have been gone by now, but they were still haunting me; making me restless.

"Have the same dream, Vanoss?" Another male asked from across the living room, writing yet another note to a friend whom he was separated from. A soft scoff left my lips as I sat up from the brown leathered couch. "If it's that obvious." I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"Still trying to find Lui?"

David sighed and nodded, or as I call him, Nogla. It was obvious he wasn't getting any more sleep than I was; the bags under his eyes could carry all our guns, metaphorically speaking.
He nodded his head, interlocking his hands together. "Yeah. It's only been a week, and he couldn't have gotten far."

I, myself, was praying that we would find him. Even though it was less than a day that I got to meet him, part of me missed him too. But, Lui seemed like a strong kid, he can definitely take care of himself.

David yawned, which only made me more worried for his well-being. "Nogla, you should try and get some sleep. I'll take the shift." My hand reached to the floor, fingers brushing the cold metal that had 16 rounds loaded into it. As soon as it was in my hand, I stood from the couch and peeked outside. The sun still hasn't showed any sign.

"Okay." David's voice sounded fatigued. His movements also proved that; he was quite sluggish in making his way over to the place we claimed as a proper sleeping arrangement.

Almost immediately, it seemed, he fell into a deep sleep. Even though it's been a couple days longer than a week I've known the guy, I cared about him. Like he was the younger brother I never had.
Of course, I was about two months older, but it still counted.

For the next several hours, I've had to repeatedly close the memory from close to a month ago. It was possibly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, it was the only thing that repeatedly haunted me. David has shown he was sympathetic, and offered to be an ear if I ever would want to talk about it, saying it's "healthy to let it out." But, it was painful. It'd always be painful, I suppose.

"HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE!" A voice echoed from outside, breaking my train of thought. They sounded like they were yelling for several hours, making their voice hoarse and crack.
Without another thought, I ran and swung open the front door, holding my pistol to my right side, finger on the trigger.

The man was halfway down the street, carrying another, very familiar individual. He was knocked out cold, it seemed. Or fainted.

"Lui?!" I finally realized who the unconscious individual was. The man caught sight of me through the darkness, a look of relief washing over his features.
With not a moment to lose, I myself ran to the duo, slinging Lui's other arm over my own shoulders. Every fiber of my soul prayed that he wasn't bitten or sick.

We walked inside the house as quick as we could, the other individual setting Lui onto the ground, then he himself collapsing to his knees.
I quickly shook David awake, "Lui, it's Lui, Nogla. Get up." My voice was anxious and quick, only making the other male sit up quicker, almost as if he was awake the whole time.

"Lui and I found each other a couple days ago," the stranger panted, leaning against a wall. His voice was small and almost gone. "We were running from a horde and he just fainted out of nowhere earlier today. I've been yelling all night."
While David tended to our shorter friend, I crouched next to the other. "Thanks for taking care of him. What's your name?"

"It's-it's Jonathon. Lui gave me the nickname Delirious, though." He answered, wiping sweat off his forehead with his sleeve. My hand gripped the pistol tighter. "Why 'delirious'?" I asked, my gut giving me a bad feeling.

Jon quickly raised his hands in front of him in a worried rush, shaking his hands around. "No, no, please, I'm not dangerous. I'm just a bit chaotic when it comes to walkers and enemies." He started sweating bullets once again. "Please. Lui has told me about two people he was with- Vanoss and Nogla, was it?"

Finally, my hand dropped the gun to the ground next to me as I sighed. "I'm Evan, or Vanoss. That guy over there is David, or Nogla. I suppose Lui likes to give us nicknames."
Delirious furrowed his eyebrows and looked down, shaking his head. "We have to leave, or hide. There are a group of bandits out for me and Lui, and the last thing I want to do is have his friends hurt." He mumbled in a worried tone, calming down a bit.

"How many?" I asked, that memory popping into my head once again. Though, no amount of people scared me, not even the body count after I was finished with them.

"U-uh, about... Four. But they're scary, especially their leader." He counted on his fingers, the worry fading and fear replacing it in his voice. I can't deny a shiver went up my spine. "Do you know who it is?" My heart pounded.

"I don't know. But, he's wild."

Collapse (TyVan Fanfiction) ((discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now