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"You can't hide forever, 'lil bro..." His voice sounded like a purr, laced with acid and bloodlust. The words bounced around the room, only the echoes entering into Evan's mind as he hid.

Under a sheet behind several boxes provided him with enough cover, but having that under the staircase offered protection. Sweat formed on the back of his neck and forehead, every breath he released was shaky and almost silent. 
Though, that was nothing compared to the clap of Adam's boots against the wood floors, making Evan jump slightly as if it were loud as thunder. 

All he was able to do would pray. Pray that Adam would leave, search elsewhere, giving Evan a chance to run as far as he could. If he could get that far. 

Pain was still registering through his nerves from a wound on his ankle, the only thing he was able to do was cringe silently. The purple bruise only grew more and more unbearable, giving off the sensation of the metal bar that caused it was still swinging. 

A dark shape is what Evan was met with when the sheet that was draped over him was pulled off to the side. His heart seemed to jump, his muscles froze. 

"Hello, Evan." Adam chuckled darkly, holding the metal bar over his head for a swing at Evan's sweat drenched head. 

My heart rate jumped dramatically as I quickly rose from the bed, sweat causing my clothes to cling to my skin. My breathing was uneven and quick as I replayed the nightmare in my head several times over. It just felt... so real. 

Chapter Ten

Two weeks after the fact, I was three towns away from the Resistance's old base already, clearing out what supplies were left. There were several groups of Purifiers that I either killed or ran from on my journey, hellbent on bringing me to their base. To Adam. 
After every time, I couldn't get out of town faster and hide in cabins within the wood surrounding the many cities around here. 

My fingers rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I stood from the bed. Early morning sun shone through the dusty windows, trying it's damnest to warm up the house. Though the Autumn breeze was slowly becoming cooler, signaling Winter was close. 

Winters were always easy for me with my mother and father, but this one there's no telling. 

The journey ahead was long and the roads unforgiving, at least one person wanting to kill me for every crowd of zombies I met along the way. But I can survive on my own, and I'm doing a hell of a job. I want to meet all these bitches and get myself a little target practice. 

"Speak of the devil..." I mumbled, catching sight of three, maybe four survivors armed with some heavy duty looking pistols. There was no time wasted as my hood was pulled over my head, jumping into the thick brush of trees as cover. 
No one uttered a word as they walked closer in range, their faces angry, determined... And a bit fearful. Wouldn't blame them for it; I've gotten at least thirty confirmed kills on the Purifiers. 

My SKS stayed in it's place on my back as my fingers gripped on my trusty pistol, the only thing that's been there and stayed with me. This baby has the highest kill count than any other weapon I've owned. 

Steadily, I peeked around the tree I was taking cover behind, lining my sights with their heads. Too easy, they're moving slower than the walkers. 
Before I could get a target, a branch snapped from behind, causing me to turn in less than a second. My gun was focused in front of me, trying to find the source of the sound. 

"Now!" A voice yelled from the street. 

Of course, it was a set up. They've got my technique down. 

Several different handguns were pointed at my back, rendering me useless. "Drop it, and stand." The same voice from earlier spat,  her British accent thick in her words. I obliged, setting the weapon on the dirt. As soon as I rose, my back was slammed against the tree.
"Okay..." I coughed, trying to regain a breath. "What was that for?"

Not a minute after, someone's gun collided with the back of my head, my lights immediately going out. 

"Ugh..." I grunted, squinting my eyes open. The back of my head throbbed with pain, making it hard to really see clearly. 
All that I could make out was a silhouette in front of me, two more behind that. The unknown man didn't miss a beat, as if he were watching me the whole time I was knocked out. 
"Hello, Vanoss!" The man said over-excitedly, a smile breaking his face. I could see everything clearly as he began speaking again. 

"Sorry for knocking you out, man. Orders are orders." He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Orders from who?"
He looked genuinely surprised. Man, this dude is all around crazy. "Oh, you know him. Terroriser, yeah?"

"What?! The hell does he want with me?" This time, I was the one surprised. Brian was the one who threw me out in the first place, now he's gotten me tied up somewhere?
The man adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Well, uh, I honestly don't know. He wouldn't tell anyone, not even his closest friends."

"Well, who're you?" I asked, clearly annoyed. Oh, when I get my hands on that bastard-

"People around here call me Mini Ladd, or Mini. But my real name is Craig. Nice to make your acquaintance, Vanoss." He interrupted my train of thought. This guy, man...

Voices pulled us from our conversation, them yelling outside of the room we were in. Of course they'd sound familiar, like usual.
"What do you mean it's 'a secret'? How come Craig and Marcel get to know?!" One man yelled, revealing the identity of only one of the other men here. 
"Because I feel it's safer if only a select number of people knew. God, I thought you were intelligent, Tyler." That bitch boy Brian yelled back, obviously talking about me. 

Hearing their voices tugged my heart a little. Even though they back stabbed me, it made me slightly emotional. I never realized how much I missed Ty... and the others, of course. 
The metal door swung open, revealing the man known as Terroriser. 

He didn't bother shutting the door behind him as he stomped up to the chair I was tied to. Not two fucks was given when his hand slapped me across the face, obviously angry. "You... Why don't you just die already?! You're screwing everything up!" 
I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you mean? I've been killing Purifiers, and if you didn't know, they're your enemies as well!" My voice's volume matching up with his. 

Like a bull, he blew air from his nostrils in anger, staring me down like I've done something wrong. His expression was unreadable, all sorts of angry emotions piled together. 
"Evan goddamn fucking Fong." Was all he mumbled. 

"Why not let Wildcat, or Nogla, or Delirious know I'm here? Thought y'all were into this together!" I purposefully yelled their names, trying to make my voice echo to them. 
Terroriser continued fuming. "And as you were screeching at everyone, I've managed to cut these ropes on my wrists!"

As soon as those words left my lips, I was on my feet. My right fist connected to the knock-out nerve below his ear, causing him to immediately fall over and not stand up. 
Marcel and the other unknown man took action, pulling out their knives to try and stop me. Craig was off to the side, unmoving and confused. 

"You assholes should know I don't fail easily." 
Without wasting a minute on them, I took off running through the open door on the other side of the room, slamming it behind me. 
There was no one to see as I escaped from wherever I was, not even my old friends. 

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