April & Trent

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I avoided Trent all day after our whole encounter. I shot dirty glares at Blake. But over all...

I missed Melissa...

Once Trent dropped me off at home, I didn't even give him the chance to say goodbye. I tore up my driveway and didn't look back. Nobody has seen me cry except for 2 people, Melissa and my brother. And now Trent, too.

My life is turning into a giant disaster. It seems as if I can't make good choices anymore. Everything was okay for the time being. But it seems that whenever I get close to someone, they die. Disappear. Gone from my life. No one wants me to be happy... Not even me.


April avoided me all day, I wasn't sure if I said something wrong. But I was so confused. She acted all lost, and alone. I wanted to be there and remind her somehow that she wasn't alone, and that I could find her. I wanted to be her map back to civilization and the arms to wrap around her to make sure she was happy. I always had a good time when April was around, an when she was with Blake, I'd hate to admit it, but it made me furious that her attention wasn't towards me. But towards him. When we talked it always brought a smile to my face that she was so easily aggravated. And all this time I had been too stupid to realize that I was falling deeply in love with her. April Crater, the most annoying, beautiful girl I've ever had the honor of befriending.

After school that day and football practice, I drove to her house. I expected her parents to be home. But not in a million years did I expect my parents to be there, too.

"Hey honey!" my mother called from the love seat.

"Hi? What are you guys doing here?" I questioned.

"Oh, just wanted to see our friends. Is there a problem with that?" I shook my head then turned to Mrs. Crater.

"Is April in her room?" She nodded and said, "Go right up."

I sauntered up the staircase towards April's room, whenever I came here I never got the chance to look at the pictures, and I didn't want to rush myself to get to April to clear my mind a bit. I took a look at all the past pictures of April, Melissa, Mrs. and Mr. Crater, and... Some guy that was almost the split image of April. Except, while April's eyes are a nice brown, his were a stormy grey. They were so captivating that you could see all the mischief and sorrow in-

"What are you doing here!!" April squeaked. My eyes lifted from the picture to her.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

You could see her gulp, then avert her eyes from me, "Because, I felt like it..." Then tried to turn and run back to her room. I ran up the stairs taking them two at a time, she wasn't going to get away from me.

I grabbed her hand before he could close the door, and slipped into her room.

"Get out." she said, looking at the ground.

"Not until you tell me the truth!"

"I did, I felt like avoiding you! So can you please get out?"

I grabbed her other hand and backed her up to her bed and made her sit down. I stood in front of her, taking in her completion.

"You need to calm down, and tell me the truth. I am not here to criticize you. I'm here to understand." I said the sadness and determination evident in my voice.

She looked up into my blue globes, "Fine, we'll talk about it. But just know I'm not happy with talking about it." She said trying hard to look angry but failed.

I smiled, "Alright then, so why have you been avoiding me?"

She heavily sighed, "Because I was embarrassed."

"Why would you be embarrassed?"

"Because no one has seen me vulnerable except Melissa.... And... and... Never mind."

"Nice try, April. Who is it?"

"It's no one. Their gone now."

"Well it obviously matters to you."

"It was someone special to me."

"Well obviously, but I need to know who." I need to understand...

She shook her head.

I was getting aggravated with her secrecy, I didn't even know how close I was to her.

"Look at me." I said.

Her brown eyes lifted up to mine, obviously noticing the close proximity. Our breaths mingled, while our eyes searched each other.

I could close the gap, and kiss her right there. But I couldn't. She wouldn't either.

"Can you please tell me who?" I asked, dipping my head down and backing up. .

"He was my brother. Trent, Trent Crater."

I was shocked, no. I was flabbergasted. Her brother's name was... No wonder she flipped out when she said my name.. All the panic attacks make sense now, "Where is he?" I ask without thinking.

"West of Saint Paul street, North of 8th.." She said looking down at her shoes, West of Saint Paul street, North of 8- New-berries Cemetery. 

"I- I'm sorry April. I have no filter, it all comes out like a verbal avalanche, I'll work on my filter around you. Wait it wouldn't be verbal avalanche, it'd be verbal diarrhea. You know how parents are always saying "that is some real verbal diarrhea" well yeah, like I said I have no filter. Wouldn't that be weird if every person had like a coffee filter on their mouth and they'd have to change the filter everyday or they'd... They'd sound like me." I laughed sheepishly,  "Sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck, I could feel heat rising to my ears. Crap, why am I embarrassed. Why wasn't she saying anything? Well maybe because she's laughing at you jackass. Shut up voice! But sure enough, April was laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes, it made me smile that she wasn't sad or depressed. She was happy. She was smiling because of me...

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