Chapter 15.

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"Yusuf after 3 months I'm only hearing of this now. Why?" Nabil asks.
"I thought I told everyone"

"Hmm. Am I the only one finding it awkward that Yusuf is about to be a father?" Bello asks making a disgusted face.

"Believe me it's even more awkward when I am with him and my sister I'm like 'I know how you got pregnant fah" Samir says.

"See you. Hurry and get married so you can let my sister live her life".

"Yeah gaskiya it would be really awkward. Yusuf kai how do you feel?" Nabil asks.
"Haba normal. I'm used to it". Yusuf says.
He laughs.

"Well either way congrats. I'm so happy for you, welcome to the daddies club". Muhammed says.
"Thanks I am highly honored hearing that from a renowned father"

"Mukhtar and Yasir are next. Shoot fast".
They all laugh.
"I have something to tell you guys" Bello announces.

"We are all ears" Nabil replies.
"I told Mama to get me a girl".

"Bello, arranged marriage isn't always the perfect marriage, you just get to be lucky. Yusuf and mukhtar were arranged and they're living fine but not every arranged marriage works out. Muhammed married the woman he loves and as far as he tells us he is happy. And we can tell because when Muhammed is in pain everyone knows". Yasir preaches.

"But if you feel it's the best for you then go ahead". Mukhtar says.

"Thanks guys, anyway Yusuf congratulations. I pray the child looks like Khadija, not you because...damn! You are hideous".

"If you say so" Yusuf says.

Khadija's POV.

"So Iman will soon have a playmate" Rufaidah jumps excitedly.
"I hope your son won't witness his mother behaving like he does". Zainab counters.

"See who's talking, you were in your underwear a few moments ago".
"Khalipha or Khalid could just pop up" Leenah, Nabil's wife says.

"Where is Laila?" Asmau asks looking around "I thought I saw her?"

"She went downstairs".
She smiles "That girl looks older than you, but all that will change now that you're pregnant".

"But you can stay here if you want, you don't have to stay in a hotel with the other guys" I try to convince Yusuf.
"Khadija your friends are here, I can't sit and talk with you, while the guys are in town. I can't hang around with YOUR friends" he replies emphasizing the 'your'.

"But Rufaidah is here, you two literary grew up together".
"Doesn't change anything. Don't worry we will come back early tomorrow morning for breakfast but no one sleeps in my room except you fah. You know I love my privacy".

"Khalid and Khalipha boy's quarters. Asmau, leenah in my room, rufaidah, Zainab guest room and then Laila and I in the last room. What do you think?" I smile.
"As usual, you made it work" he replies back.

"Okay. Be safe fah".

"Eat and rest".

"Okay I will, just be careful".

He gives me a peck and walks out.

I enter the kitchen. All the girls were there helping me clean up.
"Awwn you guys are so sweet. please don't leave" I sit on a chair.
"You know Yusuf will murder us when he sees you doing all the work". Rufaidah says.
I just smile.

"Ya Khadija we're heading out" Khalid says waving his hand slightly.
"Don't forget to take Khalipha with you so he can stop disturbing us". I answer back.

"I'll try" he leaves.

"We are done let's go. I need to rest badly". Zainab says yawning.

We switch off all the lights. Then everyone went to their various rooms to rest.

Laila excused herself the moment Khalid calls her, it's weird and I know she can sense it too.
My phone starts vibrating and I pick it up.


He texts me. I didn't even notice he was online. I checked the time it is already 1am.

Hey. How come you aren't asleep yet?

Well today I'm with the guys they don't sleep early and I should be the one asking you that I thought you said you'd sleep by 10pm?

Crazy circumstances, right?

You know you need extra rest now more than ever, right? Because you aren't only resting and eating for yourself.

I know and believe me when I tell you I am doing that a lot.

That's good to hear. But right now what I want is for you to go to sleep. You have been working all day even after I told you not to and you need rest.

Okay I will. Goodnight love.

Love you. Night.

I keep the phone on the bedside and pull my duvet.

"No way. 8 is better than 7" Khalipha says to his brother.

Rufaidah and I were already awake, we made breakfast and came to the living room to watch before everyone wakes up or the guys get here. Unfortunately these two are awake too.

"Khalipha that is exactly the same thing I said".

"No that's not what you said, you said...ooh it's true you just said it in a different way".
I just smile looking at them.

They are very close and yet they fight a lot. I wonder if all twins are like this because if they are mother's suffer.

"So when are you going home? You know for the whole giving birth thing?" She asks taking my mind off the boys.
"Not sure, Yusuf and I haven't discussed it yet".

"Wow I'm so excited to se––" she was cut off by the door. The guys come in.

First bello came in then Nabil followed by Yusuf and Muhammed who were having a conversation not noticing us then lastly Ya Yasir.

They all sit. Khalipha and Khalid stand up and leave.
"So how was your night?" Rufaidah asks smiling.

"Long. Very very long" Nabil answers back.
"Okay why don't you go to the dinning room, we just finished making breakfast" I say.

"Let me serve" Rufaidah says as she follows behind the guys leaving only Yusuf and I in the room. He sits beside me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks smiling.
"I'm good and believe me when I say I can't eat anymore".

He just smiles at my comment.

"But what were you talking about with Muhammed it looked deep?"
"Company handlings with a shareholder. Don't worry about it".

"Tell me maybe I can meet up with that person" I say.
He bursts out laughing.

"I doubt bringing my pregnant wife to work is the best thing to do. But you can stay here and take care of our baby". He says mockingly.
"Just go and eat" I say pretending to be hurt.

"Khalipha!" He calls his brother.

"Yesss?" He says when he comes in.
"Get me my food I'm having breakfast here, with my wife".
"Too much information" he walks in to get it.


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