Chapter 13.

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"You still like her?" Khalipha asks Khalid pissed off.
"Yes I do. Just cause you apologized doesn't mean none of that crap really happened" he says stopping the car.

"I apologized what more do you want? For me to give up my life for you? I thought we were already over this?"
" might have gotten over her but I haven't because you ruined things for me".

The rest of the ride back home was silent.
Immediately they got home Khalid got out of the car and went in not waiting for his brother.

"Where did you two go?" Yusuf asks when he comes in.
"No where, actually we just wanted to drive around. I haven't been here for a long time".

"Where is Khalipha?" He asks.
"He is outside doing god knows what. I'm tired, I'm going to go sleep". He goes to the kitchen instead of their room.

"Something seriously smells good. Can I help you with anything?" He asks sitting down.
"Nope I'm almost done but you can tell me why you and Khalipha fought". She says making his smile vanish.

"He is so self-centered. He was angry because I said I still like Laila. He kept saying that I'm blind, he was asking me how I can still like her when he dated her".

"Wow it's really awkward that you two talking about my sister that way. But what you should do is stop letting what he says affect you. Just talk to Laila, if she's fine with it then what's stopping you two?" She says.

"I know but he annoys me, I don't know if he is doing it intentionally to piss me off".
She just nods.

"Wait how did you know he and I fought?" He asked raising his eye brows.
"Oh I went to buy vegetables when I saw you two in the car. At first I wanted stop and talk to you but the atmosphere felt tensed so I drove off. And also the fact that you didn't notice me park beside you".

"Yup" he says popping the p.

"Come on, let's eat I'm literally dying of hunger". She says as she takes Yusuf's food to him. She comes back to the kitchen.
"Call your brother, your food is here". She says as she carries her food and leaves the kitchen.

"It's getting serious" Yusuf says as he drops his spoon.
She only nods in agreement.
"I don't even know what to do. Most of the time when they get angry at each other they sort it out themselves but this, this is getting completely out of hand". Yusuf complains.

"Yeah it is. I think you need to sit and talk to Khalipha. Anyway guess who I met at the market"



"Seriously what did you say to her?"

"We just talked about a few things like you and me".

"What? Things like what?"

"Not much she just kept asking how our relationship has been going, whenever I want to divert to something else she still goes back to us so I made our a encounter short" she says packing the plates.

"Did Yasir tell you Zainab is coming here?" He asks getting up.
"Yeah Asmau is staying here while her things are being moved to their new house" she smiles.

"Oh right I'm not going to be here when they do".
"Yeah you are going to Katsina with Khalipha and Khalid right?"
"That's the plan"

"I like it here wallahi it's so much better" Asmau says folding her hijab.
"Yeah it is, anyway dinner is ready are you eating up here or are you going downstairs?"

"Up here since Yusuf isn't home"

Asmau and I went downstairs to get the food by the time we got back upstairs Zainab was already sleeping.
"This girl is so lazy" asmau says as she starts laughing.
"Come on let's eat I'm so hungry" I say as I keep the tray.

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