Chapter 18.

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Yusuf's POV.

I was pacing around the room going mad with what I just heard. My wife has eclampsia and I wasn't told. I had to hear it from her doctor. I drove to auntie halima's house because she has been staying there for a month now.
"I know I should have told you" she says holding my hands.

"Why didn't you?" I asked pissed off.
"You were so excited last night because of your project and I didn't want to ruin it but I wanted to tell you today" she says.

I just don't like it when I'm being kept in the dark about something this serious and I can't pretend that I'm not upset.

"I'm sorry but I seriously wanted to tell you today, that was my intention" she says. I stay silent for a moment before I look up at her and put up a smile.

"It's okay. I just don't want anything happening to you or our baby. I want to be made aware of everything"
She just nods.

"So when are you starting it officially?" She asks.
"After our baby comes but for now I'm focusing on my wife"
She smiles.

"Malam Yusuf"
I hate that voice.

"Zarah you came back I'm glad" I say sarcastically.

"Ahh don't worry I note your sarcasm" she says with a smile.
"I have to go to work" I say to Khadija before I get up to leave.

"When I just arrived? Such a pity don't you think?" She asks.
"Be back later" I say to Khadija ignoring Zara's question.

Zara and I were very close in fact we were too close, inseparable but it changed with she started maturing. She thought she had grown up and was above us that haven't matured.

But what she didn't get was the maturity between girls and boys are different. Girls mature first.

She stopped talking to me at first I didn't like it but then I got used to it. Then we separated. After a while we met up but she changed completely into something I despise, a woman who doesn't respect herself.


I was sitting at the airport waiting for my flight when a girl came and sat beside me. I turned to look at her because she was too close for comfort but from the way she looked I didn't even want to be seen with her.

She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans. She put on her veil and a flat shoe. It's really easy to read girls like this in fact very easy.

I had my ear piece on so I could only pick up a few things I hear around me.
"Excuse me" she called out but I couldn't hear her.

"Excuse me" she says snapping her fingers in front of me.

She painted her nails. Tell me if I read her wrong.

"Can I help you?" I ask not really interested in a conversation.

"You look familiar" she says with a smile.
And now she is using the most common phrase, even hues don't use it anymore. Of course I would know this since I'm a guy.

"I'm sure I do, but sorry don't think I know you"
"Then let's get to know each other" she says to me.

"I'm really busy"
"Okay" she smiles at me.

After a moment she talks again.
"Wait! Yusuf?" She asks surprised.

I look at her with the same expression hoping I didn't get myself tangled up with a stalker.
"Excuse me?" I ask waiting for her to respond.

She looks at me from the shoe I was wearing to the very cap I had on my head in astonishment.
"It's me. Zarah. Zarah Ali"

I look at her unbelievably. There is no way auntie Halima will let her daughter dress like this, no freaking way.

"Zarah!" I say surprised.
"Yusuf long time no see".
"How Have you been you've changed a lot".

"You too" she says.


When I get to the office I did a little work went to the site and went back to auntie Halima's to see Khadija and now here I am with my most immature friend and my brother in-law/ closest friend.

"See you" Bello says disgustedly.
"You miss your wife and it's so obvious" he says.
"Shut up! What do you know?" Samir replies him.

"I deserve respect" Bello complains.
"What are we going to watch?" I ask.
"Mortal Kombat".

"Hell no!" Bello shouts "I watched that when I was 10".
Samir laughs "It's the new one. 2021"
"Ooh I think I saw it trending".

I feel a vibration.
I yawn and pick up my phone and the first thing I saw was:

37 Missed Calls.
So I quickly call back the first number I see.
"Laila? What happened?"
"Ya Khadija is in labour!" She says sounding agitated.
"Send me your location"

I hurry to Bello's room and take my keys, wallet and sweater and ran out as the guys followed. I was wearing a vest and sweat pants but there was no time to change.

Bello had to drive really fast to get us there in time. Everyone was outside waiting impatiently.

Laila walks over smiling at me "It's a girl".


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