Chapter 20.

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Hello Readers, finally the last chapter of bonded!

"Khadijah!" Yusuf calls me.
"Yes?" I answer back.

I zip up Anissa's lunch box and hurry out.
I see him holding her hand talking in hushed tones.

"What are you two gossiping about?" I ask him smiling.
"It's between us" he says back "Right baby?" He asks my baby girl. She nods even though she has no idea what we are talking about.
She collects the lunch box and runs out.

"She's hyper active like you" He says watching her running.
"No. She sucked that out of me, she's flaunting my energy"
He laughs.
"Really? Anyway I'll see you later" he gives me a peck on my cheek and walk out closing the door behind him.

"Lock the door!" he shouts.
"Okay!" I shout back locking it before I forget.

Three years later and I've never been so proud.
My two sisters are finally married and so is my lazy brother.
But despite that I feel bad, Khalid still has feelings for Laila but he knows that part of their life is over so now all he does is avoid her like a plague. He gets emotional every time she's mentioned but instead masks it up saying he's pissed that she couldn't tell him directly that she is getting married. He is also like my brother and unlike his playboy of a twin he's calmer and better in every aspect not that I've ever told him.
But obviously he is my favorite and if it was up to me I would have wanted him and Laila to actually hit it off but he completely forgot about her the moment he left and during that time she met someone else who she loved. I can't ruin her relationship for him, she's still my favorite sister.
All I can do now is pray he meets someone who will love and take care of him.

"Yaya what are you thinking about?" Laila asks me as she stirred the stew she was making.
"I'm thinking about how my little sister decided to get married before she finished school" I reply back.

"Yaya I love Sadiq and I know he loves me too. And I prefer it this way. I'm in my own house, I can drive myself with my own car. If I wasn't married you and all my brothers wouldn't let me have a car, would you?" She asks with a smirk.
"Nah we wouldn't" I say back smiling shyly.

"So what are you cooking?" Maryam asks when she comes in with Anisa.
"You know I have my different way of eating stew, turns out Sadiq prefers his that way as well. It's actually awesome" she says giddily.
"You two are meant to be" Maryam says and I nod.

Maybe it's time I get that there is nothing I can do now. She really loves this guy and it seems he loves her too, the best thing I can do is support my little sister through it.

"Yusuf You broke my heart" Bello says when he comes in with Mohammed walking behind him.

"What did I do?" I ask innocently.
"I already told you that I don't want to have a bachelors party"
"Bachelors party kumah? Please stop joking. Who told you parents like Muhammad and I have time for that?" I ask looking at Muhammad. He just shrugged sitting on the sofa with a smile.

"I don't really know this girl. But my mum knows her family and she says the girl is wife material and with the few encounters we have had I agree".
"So? What does that have to do with anything?" Samir asks as he walks in.

"Ask him! I'm just here watching their drama" Muhammad says back.
"I thought you were on my side?" I ask him.
"I'm your one and only audience" he winks at me.

"Bastard traitor!" Bello says to him.
"What is so wrong on being on MY side?" He asks smiling.
"Because there were only two teams" I say.

"So when are you and your wife going to have baby number two?" Bello asks.
Yasir turns his head away when Khadijah is brought up.

"Let's keep my sister out of this" Samir says typing on his phone like he wasn't the one who just spoke.
"Yeah let's keep her out" I say gladly.
"Of course you will take advantage of it" Mukhtar says laughing.

"What happened?" I ask when I notice Laila's reaction. She just finished her phone call with god knows who.

"Aunty Zainab had a miscarriage" She says sadly.
"What? Are you serious?" I ask worriedly.
Allah sarki ya Yasir, that's the fourth child they have lost these last 2 years. And I know it has been bothering him even though he has another wife.

"Have you spoken to him?" I ask.
"Maryam says he switched off his phone and no one has heard from him since Zainab went back home. But she also said Ya Samir said he's keeping an eye on him"
I sit back on my bed.
"This is horrible Laila, I don't even know what to do or say. I should call Zainab"

"No don't! Ya Samir says that Ya Yasir doesn't want her to be bothered about it"
"Okay. I'll go there as soon as I can to see them both. I can't sit here while my brother and his wife are in utter agony, that'll just be crude"


Not Everyone Had Their Happy Endings But I'm Sure Yasir Will Have His Soon, Hopefully.

The End.

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