Chapter 12.

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Book II
This book will start from Chapter 12, that is right after "Chapter 11" in the previous book.

"Khadija we have to go" Yusuf says immediately he comes in.
"Alright" she turns to Asiya and Amira who were busy playing with their dolls.

"I'm going to miss you two"
They keep their dolls and hug her.
"We are going to miss you". Amira replies.

"Wait you are leaving already?" Laila says when she comes in.

"I told you yesterday" she replies still hugging her sisters.
"I thought you were joking"
After a lot of begging she finally let's them go. They all come out to see them off.

The ride back home was swift. Khalid came along with them. They talked and took turns sleeping to keep Yusuf company.

"Are we there yet?" Khalid asks.
"Khalid for the 8th time, No". Khadija says typing on her phone.
"If you're so bored watch on your laptop, isn't that why you brought it?" She adds.

"Yeah that's true" he says putting it on his lap.
"Khalid! Khalid!" Yusuf wakes him up.
"Yeah I'm up, are we there already?" He asks with his eyes closed.
"Yeah and hurry we have to take our things in, it's about to rain" Yusuf says.

"You know I never really noticed how big your house is until now" Khalid says smiling. Both Yusuf and Khadija just smile.

"I'm going to go take my bath and rest I'm so exhausted" Khadija says as she leaves the dinning room.
"Yeah Okay. I'll just switch off the lights when I'm done" Khalid heads upstairs.

"I feel so weak" Yusuf says as he lies down to sleep.
"Yeah, you need a lot of rest".
"I didn't expect the two to start a war when I told Khalipha to make things right. Now he doesn't want to see him"

"They will eventually, they just need space".
"Yeah I figured. But at least he has some friends here to get his mind off that mess".

"Yeah I'll introduce him to Anas, Muhammed's cousin".
"You've been yawning" Yusuf says yawning.
"Look who's talking". She laughs.
"Yeah well I have to close that window it's too cold".

"Najah I'm so glad you came over" Khadija says as she hugs Najah.
They sit down.
"It's been a while" Anas greets her.
"Yes it has. How's school?" She answers back.
He laughs "We've been thriving".

"Khalid! Khalid!" She calls him.
"Yeah" he comes down.
"Ya Khadija, you overhyped the movie" he says as he made his way to the parlor.

"Oh you have visitors" he greets najah.
"Khalid it's good to see you".

"You too".
"Can you keep them company while I get them something?" She asks him.

She comes back with a tray of drinks and snacks.
Khalid and Anas weren't even in the parlor.
"They went out?" She asks najah.
"Yeah immediately you left" she smiles.
"So how is everyone?"
"They are doing well. Muhammed told me you went to Abuja for sallah" she tells Khadija.
"Yeah we did".

Yusuf went to Bello's house.
"You called me, what's up? You sounded serious" Yusuf says as he sits.

"I want advice and I know when I tell Muhammed why I want it he'll start preaching me".
"Okay then, what is it?"

"Do you remember the girl I told you about? Farida?" He asks playing with the zip on his hoodie.
"Yeah the girl you dated when we were in school? I remember her vividly. That girl really loved you" he says taking off his cap and keeping it on the chair.
"Yeah I know, I saw her this sallah during that reunion party". He says frowning.

"So? Did you talk to her" he asks expectantly.
"I couldn't... Yusuf she's married with 2 kids. I couldn't believe it. I always thought when the time came she would be there". He says, he looked so sad.

"Yusuf I had promised her she won't regret it if she gave herself, that there was no use since one day we would be together. But when I saw her with her husband I felt so stupid. She has children, she now has responsibilities the same girl I took advantage of because she was a child. I was so stupid. I really liked her but I kept telling myself that I had time and now.....Do you know who she married?" He raises his head to look at Yusuf.

Yusuf just raises his eyes brows.
"Suleiman Makarfi".

"Wait but we were his seniors with 3 years, you and mukhtar bullied that guy to the badly".

"That's not it. I was his senior but you had to see him yesterday. No matter the kind of expensive watche, shoes, clothes I wore he looked better than I did. He had his beautiful wife, two cute kids and although his clothes might not be as expensive as mine was, I wished it was me. He talked to me like I never did anything to him in the past. Then I started thinking about how we got here....but I realized I was the only one who didn't grow up. You, mukhtar, Salem, Yasir are married in fact Muhammed has a kid. But I didn't realize it until I saw them. They looked so happy".

"Bello you can change that. I'm not going to tell you that I told you so because you already know that. Right now, you just have to stop being a child. We aren't in college anymore. I got responsibilities and you do too they might be different but you do. Get your life together".

"What hurts me most was letting her go. I was so stupid and I really loved her fah. But you're right I can't sit and wait for things to happen I have to make them". He says giving Yusuf a faint smile.

"Exactly". Yusuf replies back.

"Are you happy?" He asks Yusuf abruptly.
Yusuf raises his eyes brows in confusion.
"Are you happy with your marriage?"

"Yeah I am. Very. Of course we have our ups and down and we argue once in a while but we care about each other".

"Thanks, that's why I called you. You don't judge me all the time".
"Let's go get something, I'm hungry".

"So how was it?" Khadija asks immediately Khalid comes in and sits.
"It was nice but I miss hanging out with my friends" He answers with a wide smile
"I love it here" he adds

"Have you ever thought of telling Laila?"
"No I don't even want to".

"Khalipha was just hurt you got the girl he likes".
"He never told me he liked her and I told me a long time ago that I did, infact I was the one who showed her to him but he feels everything should belong to him".

"Why do you say that?"
"Khalipha is always accepted wherever he went and I hate being the center of attention so whatever he did never bothered me but the case is a whole lot different now".
"But it's because you are his brother. He should have talked to you, you know what? let me call him".

"Nah don't waste time, he probably won't pick up".
"Who says I was calling him on the phone" she smiles.

"Khalipha! Khalipha!" She calls him.
A moment later he was standing in the living room with them.

"Yo! when did you get here?" Khalid asks.
"Sit" she motions to Khalipha who sits next to his brother.

"Khalipha you shouldn't have done that, if you knew Khalid liked her first you should have backed off, so if she had said yes you'd date her?"
She continues "You two know better than to let anything get in between you, especially something you can prevent. Not all the time does a girl like you back so there's no point lying about her. Can you let it be?"

Khalid nods.
"Yes" Khalipha says faintly.
"Okay then".

"Yeah but can I meet this Anas guy?" Khalipha asks.
"So you are asking for my car keys right?"
"Well if you want to give it to us we will accept it but tomorrow".
Just then Yusuf comes in.

"You're already here?" He asks.
Khalipha just nods.
"I Missed you two".
"That's odd, coming from you".

"I know"
They nod.
"I want you two to go see aunty Halima tomorrow".
"Yeah sure" they both reply in unison.
"Alright I am going to go and sleep once you three are done watching please switch off the lights.
"Goodnight" she says as she walks upstairs.
"Night" Yusuf replies.


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