Pokemon Fanfiction: Daniel and the Legendary Warriors

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This is only a fanfiction. All credits go to Nintendo and Game Freak. Support them by buying their products. :)


Daniel's POV

I have a strange power that I always hated. I was the core of destruction. Everytime I became angry my hands shine a sign. It's pattern is ringed shaped. Kinda like chain but not oblong. I only see it.  It shines in the color of yellow. After that, there is going to be a hurricane or tornado that lasts 2 weeks. Is it a coincidence? I don't know.


20 years ago.

Arceus' POV

"Ok. Now all legendaries are all here. Except for Mewtwo, of course. He isn't classified as a legendary because I didn't created him. People only say he's legendary due to his "incredible" power. Anyways. We will perform an oath that even me coudnt break. We will not go to Earth anymore. You will be staying in my place." I said.

"Arceus, why? Why woudn't us go to Earth?" asked Kyogre.

"People invented the master ball, the pokeball that could catch any pokemon,even us. Giving them power to control what you control. For example, Lugia was catched. He could control storms and irritate the balance of this universe." I said to Kyogre.

"But what if a human captured Mewtwo. Would this irritate it?" Rayquaza said.

"No. He coudn't control anything. He's a pokemon made by humans." I said.

"I decided next 2 years will be the generation of your representatives." I said.

"Representatives?" Lugia said. 

"Yes. You each have a human who has an orb by them that allows them to control your powers. Don't worry, when they are born, they will magically have a mind that they shoudn't just give it to people." I said.

Then we performed the oath.

All of a sudden, Mewtwo appeared. He look exhausted.

"What are you doing here? You know this place is only for legendaries." I said.

"There is an emergency here so I needed to follow you here." He said.

He went up to my chair and said "Come with me."

I went to him,not knowing that I will be in a deep,deep slumber.


Mewtwo's POV

HAHAHAHA. HOW STUPID. He went up with his archenemy? Well he doesn't know that I got an orb I was looking for at his chair. The ability to create pokemons.

We went to the "crime scene"

"Why are this pokemons surrounding us? Who is that human?" Arceus said.

I flew to the top to not get affected. 

The pokemons surrounding him used Sleep powder.

"No!No! This is not happening again!" he shouted. Then he fell asleep.

The guy was my owner. He helped me revenge on him after he didn't make ma as a legendary pokemon. His name was Matt.

He threw a master ball at Arceus but it didn't work. I guess he has a orb that won't allow him to be catched while in a effect. We'll just wait for 22 years for him to wake up. We enclosed him in a cage made out of obsidian.

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