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My parents raced across the floor, I was curious. So I called out,"W-why are the you t-two so nervous?"
  My mom said franticly,"The Tucker's! They were old friends in high school, and they want us to go to there Christmas party, but I don't know if I want to!" She said chewing her nails.
  My dad sat next to me and sighed,"The Tucker's, now live in one of those fancy neighborhoods. We used to to go to school with them, and they want to see us again."
   I sighed and scratched my arm,"S-So, I'm gonna be here alone Christmas night?" That does not seem very family like. What if they decide they don't love me anymore? What if they want to abandon me? What if they are still mad at me for spilling the coffee beans?!
   My mom gave me a mad,yet shocked face,"No. Mister, you're coming with us."
  My dad patted my Leg,"It's Fine, Tweek, she just is paranoid. Her and the Tucker's were good friends and doesn't want to make a bad impression."
   I sighed and got up and patted my moms back,"M--Mom, don't worry, you got t-this! A—after all, you g-got stubborn ol dad."
  My dad laughed and told her from the sofa,"Yes, dear, you have nothing to worry about!"
  She turned to look at me and smiled,"Thank you for that, both of you."
  She sighed,"I just...well...Laura,Thomas and I were best friends. They did a good job at letting all of us do things, and them not making me a third wheel. Now that we are meeting again, it feels...Like I am being overwhelmed with Anxiety." She dusted off her dress and creased her cheek,"I want to go, but I also don't."
   Dad said,"It'll be fine!"
I heard my phone alarm buzz. "I have to go to the bus stop!" I grabbed my bag, that laid next to the door. I looked at my mom and dad and said,"B-bye!"
  My mom said,"Bye Honey, have a nice last day at school!"
  I smiled and ran off to the stop. I heard Clyde yell,"In telling you, it was a real fucking rat!"
  Stan said in an annoyed tone,"I doubt it, there is no way you caught a rat in a trap that small."
  I stood next to Token and asked,"What's happening?"
  He said,"Just ignore it."
I heard the two bicker, and Kyle tried to stop it. I sighed and pulled out my thermos. The bus came down the road, and stopped for us. I was the first on,as the rest kept arguing. I sat in the back and leaned my head against the cold glass. Jason's laughter was heard from the front of the bus. He walked back, as the bus started moving again. He sat next to me and patted my leg,"Hey old pal!" He said, trying to be annoying.
He and I used to be friends,until he spread a rumor that I was gay, which is true, but not everyone needs to know that.
    He said,"How you do you feel gay boy?"
I gave him a glare,"I-I'm not gay!" Lies.
He smirked,"Are you sure, you seem gay."
   I wanted to slap him, but Token loomed over him and said,"Hey, you dirty rat, scram."
Jason rolled his eyes,"Whatever. Kids at school still hate him."
  Token sits next to me and said,"Don't listen to that dick."
  I sighed,"But, he made everyone hate me. If my parents knew about my school life, they'd cry."
   Once the bus stopped, we all rushed off. I walked in the school, and avoided eye contact, and looked down. Once I reached my locker I saw in red paint 'merry Christmas gay boy'.
Many people around started laughing. As I felt tears build in my eyes. A strong hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I saw Cartman pull out a red sharpie, I tried to fight back, another boy had pinned my arms against the locker. People around lagged, and recorded it on there phones. He started writing, when I felt the sharpie wipe against my forehead, as Cartman fell to the floor. And the boy holding my arms yelled and ran. I looked up to see who my hero was, A boy dressed in blue and black. He looked pissed.
   He walked up to Cartman and set him foot on him, and relaxed his arm on his leg. He bent over him and said,"Hey, Fatty, might not want to be picking on blondie over there, I can say many things about you. Cartman said,"What, you te faggots boyfriend?"
  The boy said,"No. I don't even know him. If he is gay, why bully him for something he doesn't have control of? Unlike you tubby, you can lose a few pounds."
   Cartman glared at him and said,"Fuck you."
  The boy smiled. He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist,"Come with me." He lead me though the hall, as I heard the girls saw to one another about how hot he is. Typical.
  We went into the bathroom, he opened his bag and pulled out a package of baby wipes. He pulled back my hair and started to get the sharpie off. He asked,"How long have they been doing this,kid?" His Voice monotone.
  I thought for a moment and said,"W-well, I've always been bullied, but about being gay. M-my old f-friend-if I can even call him that- spread r-rumors about how I am gay." I looked to the floor, avoiding eye contact.
   He sighed,"Some people are dicks like that."
  I asked,"Y-You get bullied too?"
He went to the trash can and dropped the bow mostly red baby wipe into the trash, and pulled out another. "Yeah a bit." He continued to wipe,"I am pretty distant, so they really know nothing to make fun about me. They sometimes try to say I kill cats, or I have been caught watching porn in the bathroom, and like you, they say I'm gay."
  I felt putty for him. He seems like a nice guy, who'd want to be mean to him?
  "I-I'm sorry." I managed to say.
  "Nah, the rumors go away quickly." He removed the wipe and said,"Done." He threw the wipe away, as I looked into the mirror. I didn't even know what Cartman was trying to write. I asked the boy,"What did he write?"
"I think he was trying to write faggot." He said.
   I sighed and praid he was being punished. The boy said,"I'll take you to your locker, then I'm gonna leave."
  "Huh?" I asked picking up my bag. "Y-Your not a student?"
  "No. I am only here to look at it, and decide if I want to go here or stay at my current school." He pulled the guest lanyard out of his hoodie pocket. We both left the bathroom and quickly went to my locker, I saw the words were covered with duct tape and a note was tapped to it.  I knew something was done. The boy said,"Well bye!"
  I asked,"Hey, what's your n-name?"
He stopped and said,"You don't need to know."
  "W-Well I wanted to thank you properly." I said. "T-thank you so much for your help."
  He smiled and walked down the hall, disappearing around the corner. I took of the note and read,'Dear Tweek,'
This is Mrs.Meyers handwriting.
'I'm sorry for what Eric had done. If you want you may go home, stop by the office to revive the over break events such as games. As well as the Christmas play. If you do not want to go home, give this note to your teacher.
                                         Amanda Meyers'
I folded up the note and headed to the office and grabbed the paper. The secretary said,"I am sorry for what happened,Tweek. I emailed your parents letting them know why you'll be home early."
  My heart stopped. I don't want my parents to know! They'll He ruined! I rushed home, and logged on to my mom's email on the computer and deleted the email.
   I sat back in tre chair and sighed. Fuck my life.

Creek-We Met On Christmas-(TweekxCraig)Where stories live. Discover now