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Tweeks POV
   I felt the bed shift, and heard the sheets moving. I raised my head a bit to see past the wall of pillows.  Craig sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face. I quietly grabbed my phone to check the time, 9:47.
  Craig stood up, but he wobbled a bit, then fell to his knees. I sat up quickly as asked,"You okay?!"
  He laughed a bit,"Yeah. I felt lightheaded from standing up to quickly."
   I got out of bed a pulled on his arm,"You need to rest."
He pulled his arm away,"No, I'm Fine. It's just when you stand up to fast, you get light headed and your vision blurs."
  That sometimes happens to me. I stood by his side as he stood up, ready to help him if he falls. I'm just over reacting, like always.
    He opened the door and peeked around the corner. He went back in the room and opened the bag of guinea pig food, and put some in stripes food bowl. "He's going to have a friend soon," he looked back at me,"I don't know what to name it. Any ideas?"
"Spot. If it has any spots."
  Craig laughed a bit,"Because Stripe has Stripes? So Spots will have Spots?"
  "Well duh." I said looking into Stripes cage. Trica-or Ruby- opened the door and asked,"Hey, you two up for playing outside?"
Craig said in a sarcastic voice,"Yes it sounds so much fun to get hypothermia and die."
  Trica said,"That's what winter shit is for,dumbass."
Craig said,"What about Tweek? Do you wanna go?"
   They both looked at me, wanting me to answer differently. It's hard to say both of them, they are both too cute to say no to. Wait- I just called HIM cute.
  "I-I Don't know..."
Trica pulled out her phone and said,"Head, outside, tails we stay in,Siri flip a coin." The automated voice said,"It's Heads."
  Trica said,"Booyah." She gave us a sly smile. Craig rolled his eyes,"Let's eat first."
She yelled out,"No! Stop trying to procrastinate!"
  Craig threw me my Jacket,"Let's go." He groaned.  I put it, as so did he put on his.
  Ruby pulled on Craig's arm,"LETS GO!"
When we made it out side she said,"Let's play hide and seek, then we can make a snowman."
  Craig yelled,"This is fucking retarded!"
Ruby said,"Craig you seek!"
"N-nah, that's to much pressure!"
  Ruby sighed,"I guess I'll seek first, you brats." She turned around and covered her eyes, then turned back around,"I just realized, it'd be easy to find you, id be able to follow your steps."
  Craig said,"yay, now let's go in."
Ruby stopped her foot,"No! Let's go to the park thingy."
  Craig walked up to the house,"No way in hell."
"No swearing on this Christian property."
Ruby called out to him,"Wait! Can we at least make a snowman?!"
  Craig looked at her and sighed,"Fine."
Ruby squealed with glee.

When we started, we already had the body, but it was hard to get the head right. Craig threw the failed head the back of the house,"Ugh! Why can't we get it right?"
  Ruby sighed,"Let's take a break."
Craig let out a sigh and walked into the woods that they had behind them. It was small, but you couldn't see the house behind them though it well. I followed him as we walked down this path. He asked me,"Are you Fine being here?"
   "Yeah. It's just that, I Want my parents to be here to."
  Craig asked,"What do you think of my parents?"
  "I like them. They are nice, I'm very grateful they let me stay here." Every word I said was true.
Craig said in a stern voice,"My isn't nice at all. Sometimes, he gets mad and yells at me and Ruby. He's barely hit us though. Maybe only Twice."
  "Are you serious?" I asked.
Craig nodded. "What do you think of my sister?"
" I like her, she's really n-nice and f-funny."
Craig stopped waking, and asked,"What do you think of me?"
  "Huh?" I asked stepping back a bit. I felt my cheeks burn. I hope my cheeks are already red enough so he wouldn't see. Craig stepped closer, making us closer than we were even before I stepped back,"What do you think of me?"
  "Well your a good friends. I've only known you for like a week, but your really nice, and I like you a lot." Why did I say I like him a lot? He may now think I like him like that. Do I?
   Craig put his hands on my shoulders, and I didn't know what to do. I don't knsk what's happening, what do you do in this situation?!
  I had no idea what to do, so I just closed my eyes. Soon, I felt his breath on my lips, is this leading where I think it is? Do I really want to kiss him?
  It was too late, I felt his lips press up against mine. I felt my heart skip a beat, I didn't even have time to kiss back. He pulled back and walked away, I stood in shock. I could hear him say to Ruby,"I'm going in I feel sick."
  Ruby said,"It's Fine. I finally got his head done." I slowly walked out, and saw Craig racing to the house. Having zero self control, I raved after him. When we made it inside, he ran into his room and shut the door behind him. Leaving me out. I covered my mouth I'm still not sure how to feel. I went into the bathroom, but rested my hands on the sink and stated at the bottom of the sink.
  Does he like me? Did he do it for fun? Is it a prank?
  I sat down and had my head against the door, now this may sound really gay, but I wanted to kiss him again.

Creek-We Met On Christmas-(TweekxCraig)Where stories live. Discover now