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I fell asleep on the sofa, and woke up to my mom and and dad coming home. My mom asked,"Hey, Honey, how was your last day at school?"
I didn't tell them the truth. "I-it w-was g-good."
My mom smiled,"Well that's good." She took off her winter hook and hung it up. She handed me a grocery bag,"Can you pu this stuff away,please?"
I took the bag and went into the kitchen, and got out all the stuff. I saw Christmas gift bags, and a fruit tray, stuffing paper, and three boxes of macaroni noodles.
My mom walked in and asked,"Are you packed? I know we are leaving in a few days, but it's better to be ahead."
What? Packed? Where are we going?
I gave asked,"Wh-where are we going?"
There not taking me to an orphanage right? Or to a slaughter house to kill me?
She said,"No. When we are going to the Tucker's, we are staying there from Christmas Eve, until after New Years."
Why are we there so long?!
"O-oh...y-y-you didn't tell me..." I said slowly.
I put the macaroni boxes in the cabinet, and the fruit tray in the fridge. She sighed,"Oh...I didn't tell you?"
I shook my head.
She looked at me with curiosity in her eye and asked,"What's up with your forehead?"
She stood on her tiptoes to get a better look. It must be from the sharpie!
I made up a false story out of panic,"C-Clyde took a red marker, and drug it across my head while saying,'Simba'."
I did a fake laugh.
She smiled and giggled,"Oh that Clyde."
My dad wandered in and laughed with her,"I heard what he did. That's Clyde for you."
He started to brew coffee, and asked,"You excited to go to the Tucker's?"
I shook my head and scratched my neck,"N-not really..." truth.
My mom asked concerned,"Why?"
"W-Well I don't know t-them like at all! What if they want to kill us i-in our sleep!? This is t-to m-much pressure!!" I yelled pulling my hair. My mom rested her hands on my shoulder, trying to calm me,"It's okay sweetheart."
My dad said,"The only time Thomas wanted to kill someone is when a boy tried to take Laura. Romanticly. That is."
I still felt a bit of panic, but I felt eased.
She said,"Now, go wash up before supper, I am making my homemade macaroni."
I ran up stairs, and went in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and saw my forehead was a bit red.
That boy didn't clean it enough,but he did enough so she couldn't see what was written.
I took a shower, and went in my room to change. I sat on my bed, and sighed.
I wish I didn't have to go. Maybe I can stay at someone else's home. Wait-if I do...my parents may be hurt.
I groaned and got changed. I laid on my bed for while, thinking of ways to get out of it, but nothing seemed to work. It was airtight. I heard my mom yell from downstairs,"Dinners done, Both if you, get out here!"
I lazily got up and went downstairs to eat.
I sighed and sat at the table, my mom got out the macaroni from the oven and set on the table. My mom sat down and served us, she saw my sad expression and asked,"What's wrong?"
"I-I don't even know what I'd do there, a-at the T-Tucker's I mean."
She took a bite of food and said,"They have two kids, near your age. In sure you'd make friends with one."
My dad asked,"What's there make again?"
She said,"They have 16 year old son makes Craig, and a 14 year old daughter named Tricia, but she likes to be called Ruby. I don't know why."
I ate a bit and asked,"Do you think I'd get along with one?"
My mom pondered. She took a drink of water and stated,"From What Laura told me, Craig is cold. He is very distant and keeps to himself. Tricia, or Ruby, is very sweet, but when you make her mad she becomes like her brother."
After dinner I took care of the dishes and went up stairs to pack. I stumbled across a deck of playing cards, I pulled out three to do fortune telling. A jack of clubs which meant, A dark-haired or fiery youth. Popular youth who is good-hearted and playful. Can also indicate an admirer. That's odd, and a 5 of clubs, a new friend or admirer, and ace of her arts, new love. I felt my heart skip a beat. I set the cards in there case and put it in my duffel bag. I continued packing, I sighed,"I d-don't want to go."
I crossed of today's date on my calendar, the 22nd. Sunday is when we leave, and I don't want to leave. I don't know then at all, and I don't think I'd get along with them. They'd probably bully me. I sat against my wall and sulked.
Eventually it became late and I went to sleep.

A/N Please read.

Hello! This Is my first fanfic. Also Ruby's name is Tirca, I am not kidding look it up! XD but I like Ruby and I want to call her that, but make it known her real name is Tricia. So yeah, bye thanks for reading.

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