Not-So Amusement Parks*

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I felt the anticipation build up as we stood first in line, overlooking the gigantic rollercoaster sitting in front of them. I never have been on a roller coaster before, I always wimped out whenever my eyes came in contact with one.

I even found myself quaking as I scooted into the cart tightly. My stomach turned into knots as I overlooked the twists and turns off the rollercoaster, creating me to look back in hope that someone would take me out of here.

"Babe, come here." Harry summoned before I moved even closer to him, soaking in his warmth. It was good to have a boyfriend that knew of my fears and he took care of me not many girls could say their boyfriend was absolutely perfect but I could. Every inch of him was perfect and I was so utterly and hopelessly in love with him. There was no turning back now.


"Ohmygod. That was awesome!" I smiled quirkily as I exited the ride beside Harry, Louis, and Liam, whilst Niall and Zayn went to go check out the cotton candy.

"I know, Alaina! So where do you want to go next?" Harry asked as he let his hand slitcher around my waist to tug me closer to him.

"Uhh, I just have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I replied before pressing a quick kiss to the crown of his forehead and scuttling in the other direction.


~ Harry

I sat down at a blue picnik table to wait for Alaina and began to chomp down on the cotton candy Niall had bought for each one of us seperately; One huge bag for Alaina since she was his best mate, a medium-big one for the rest of us.

I always thought Niall had a tad bit of a crush on Alaina; which I got since she was flawless, even her bad side had its quirks. I remember just a few months ago we were constantly argueing and now we were just constantly being there for eachother and doing stuff normal couples do.

"I'm here! Hold the applause!" Dana hooted as she came and sat down at the table with a deep-dimpled grin, "Where is my cotton candy?" She pouted.

"We didn't know you were coming. . ." Liam uttered as he scooped a hand full of blue cotton candy and gave Dana a fairly odd look that made me question If Liam even liked Dana at all.

"Well now you do." Dana smirked as she set her big gucci purse on the table and placed her hand under her chin, trying to catch Niall's attention once she spotted the money on the table, "Niall can I have some cotton candy?"

"Don't you have your own money?" Niall questioned cryptically as he crunched the money in his hand.

"No, I spent it all on a new big screen television for you guys!" Dana hollered above the silence, creating our eyes to drop open in shock. Dana, of all people, had just bought us a big screen television? This was bound to get interesting.

"You bought us a television?" Zayn whispered, leaning in for the lowdown from Dana. He must of knew that this was just a bribe but as the boys began to short their distances from her, I knew that they were buying into her trap! Come on, they had to know she was just trying to get them to sign her!

"Yes, why wouldn't I? You guys were the best childhood friends I could ask for!" Dana flattered as she sandwiched Zayn, Niall, and Louis into a warm embrace leaving Liam and I speechless. We were too smart for her stupid games, and the boys needed to know she was just a cheat.

"This is making my stomach twist." Liam breathed softly so that the other boys couldn't hear as he tossed his cotton candy in the nearest garbage.

"Mine too, how are they buying this?" I ask in disbelief, as the spiteful Dana began to chat to them about having the party of the year at her house and that they were welcomed to come at any hour of the night.

Alaina stopped in her tracks as she spotted Dana sitting next to the three lads that were practically saliviating over her. Finally, someone else saw it to. But why Alaina? Alaina tried to see the good in everyone.

"Alaina! Did you hear I just bought the boys a new flat-screen!" Dana boasted as she fluttered her eyelashes and turned towards Niall, "Nialler, why don't you tell dear sweet Alaina about it since you two are so close?"

"Nah. I don't want to hear about it." Alaina said with absolutely decency. I sighed in relief, I knew my baby girl was smart. She wasn't going to let anyone trick her!

"Aww, are you jealous little Alaina?" Dana supressed, creating me to rise up from my seat and escort Alaina to a seat.

"Don't call me that." Alaina cracked as she gritted her teeth hard, Oh no Alaina was close to blowing up. 

"Umm, Dana I think it would be best If you just leave now." I admitted shyly, hoping that Dana wouldn't pull me in like she did with the other boys. Of course Liam wasn't dumb enough to fall for it, I just needed to teach Zayn, Louis, and Niall to not fall for her charades.

"Why? The party is just getting started and after all, this is a park that allows everyone in, isn't it? Yeah I thought so, so If anyone should be leaving it's you." Dana defended creating me to hold myself back before I blew up myself. You can't hit girls, Harry You can't hit girls.

"Dana, can I talk to you for a second alone?"

"If your going to yell at me, No." Dana snapped as she turned back to Niall, "Is he going to yell at me?"

"No." I answered for him before grabbing a hold of her wrist and pulling her a few feet away, "What are you doing?" I tested, keeping my voice low.

"You don't want anyone to find out your little secret, right?" Dana cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, as she flipped her hair to catch me off guard.

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