True love conquers all*

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I heaved out a long sigh, Great just the last person I wanted to talk to, Did she bring Alvin her lovemonkey to London with her? I sure hoped not. I left New York so that I could be with Harry, and escape form all the drama in my life. I didn't need any more of it. In fact, I could definitely go without another bombshell in my life.

"Who is it?" Louis peered over my shoulder, trying to catch a glance of the written letters on the screen.

"It's Natalie." I stopped for dramatic effect, "She wants us to talk."

"Listen Harrylover." Louis started, sending me a nonjudging look, then went on, "Natalie is really sorry for what happened between Alvin and her, when she came her I read it in her eyes and she is the reason why You and Harry are together in the first place."

"I would have told him!" I guarded as I picked myself off the ground, "I just needed the time."

"How much did you want? Maybe if she would have never told him, You and Harry wouldn't be together right now just think about it. Would you still want to be just friends with Harry or stay the way you are now? I hope it's the second choice because you make a pretty good girlfriend."

"I was scared okay! I wanted Harry to see me as I really am not the girl that everyone steers clear of because they think she is a freak. I didn't just want to be that beautiful girl that Harry dated and dumped later on because he secretly thought she wasn't cool enough for him!" I howled, disregarding that fact that Liam, Niall, and Zayn could probably here in the distance.

Just then, Louis did something that caught me off guard. He enveloped me into a tight clinch and traced my back with his index finger, "Your not just beautiful, Alaina and let me be the Harry to tell you that. Harry thinks your strong, smart, and even thought you wouldn't admit it, something. There isn't enough words to describe you." He lifted my spirits and placed his lips on my temples to calm me down.

"Did he really say all of those things?" I looked up optimistically.

"He said more."

"Your the best, Louis." I complimented as I flipped my hair and batted my eyelashes just to creep him out.

"I am aware" Louis commented as he fanned himself, initiating that he himself thought he was pretty darn amazing. "Hold on girlfriend, gotta text my boyfriend." He chuckled as he pulled out his phone and began to type some letters out.

"ALAINA! Someone is here to see you!" Zayn shouted as he jumped up and down on the couch like a five year old boy who was hyped up on sugar.

I felt my stomach churn at that thought, I didn't know whether to run or to throw a pie in Louis face and get him a wig so that he could pretend he was me.

Finally I made my decision by exiting the bathroom and making my way into the living room, where Natalie stood with a unpleasant look on her face, "I'm really sorry, Laina."

"Did you really help me get Harry?" My eyes glinted as I stepped closer, "Because if you did I need to know."

"Yes. But it wasn't so we could be friends again. It was too help you to realize how much you and Harry are destined to be together." Natalie stated as she set her arms in front of her stomach, "But now I just want you to forgive me. It was just a fling and I was intoxicated that night that it happened, Please just forgive me."

Before I realized what I was doing, I pulled Natalie into a big bear hug and a tear spilled down my cheek in happiness, "It's good to have my best friend back."

"It's good to be back."

"Aww, Now make out." Niall laughed lightly from the threshold, "Seriously."

I felt my hands slip away as he commented with one of his usual jokes, though it was funny it slightly made me uncomfortable. "Okay, too far now." I beamed, hoping he would take it as a joke.

"Aww, I really want to see it happen though."

"Could you guys please stop flirting with my girlfriend?" Harry appeared on the other side of the door, sending me one of his a million dollar smiles.It was good to know the normal Harry was back, now I could finally stop worrying.

"HARRY!" I shouted excitedly, as I ran towards the door almost ignoring the fact that my face was squashed into the glass, "Open the door." I added at last.

"Fine but I think you are turning into the boys." Harry remarked as he opened the screen door and wrapped his strong arms around my waist and lifted me into the air creating my laughter to voice the air.

"Young love." Natalie sighed dreamily.

 All was right with the world, I got my man back and Niall had his Nandos to fill his broken heart. Seriously, we need to set him up with a girl one of these days, It's getting quite weird when he dances with a bag of potato chips.

Harry carried me in bridalstyle as Dana waltzed in with her superior attitude just screaming at us, even though she hasn't uttered a word. I still had a bad feeling about her, but I guess I just had to wash it away. She was staying with Harry now and I couldn't let that ruin Harry and I's perfect relationship. Okay so it wasn't perfect, but he was perfect for me.

"You guys don't expect to have the fun without me right?" Dana stared at all of us blankly, then giggled. "I am just kidding, Where is the alcohol? You know you can't have a party without alcohol right?"

"Uhh, Liam and Alaina don't drink." Zayn butted in as his jumping decreased, "And when I drink, It gets pretty bad. You remember the Australia publicity?"

"I don't really pay that much attention to One Direction news." Dana shrugged as she sat down on the couch next to Zayn as everyone sent eachother puzzled looks. Even Directionators knew about the Australia thing, right?

Whatever, She is a liar. That's how she knew they were still living here right?

"Oh well, who wants to play twister?" Liam, the most athletic of the group, inquired. Uh oh, there is no perks to Liam choosing the game.

"I'm out." Niall finalized as he fell back on the couch, neglecting Zayn's existence.

"Ouch, get off of me all your food goes to your butt!" Zayn complained as he pushed him to the left side of the couch so that he could stay alive.

"Hurtful." Niall whispered below his breath.

"It's okay Niall, I don't think your butt is fat." Dana encouraged as she rubbed his shoulder creating Niall to smile at her in interest.

"Thanks, I don't think yours is either."

"Stop flirting your going to make me barf." Louis joked as he placed his finger on his tongue and dryheaved.

"Yeah, It isn't exactly my cup of tea either." Harry shook his head as he went to give Louis a low high-five.

"AAH!" A voice blared through the house creating us to all look at eachother in confusion, Where did Niall go? Oh no . . .

I was the first one out of the door to find Niall blowing fireworks in the backyard with a giant smirk planted across his lips, "Hey look! I found Louis's stash!"

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