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"I don't know what your talking about. Liam just had some chocolate on his lips and I wanted to get it off." I lied as I fiddled with my fingers anxiously. I shouldn't have kissed him, I should have just went against the sudden urge. Liam was one of Harry's best friends, and even If I was furious with Harry I shouldn't have done it. But a part of me, doesn't regret it at all.

"Your in denial, seriously. You kissed two boys in a famous boy band, any girl would kill to be in your shoes right now." Natalie pouted as she came closer to Alaina, rubbing her back. "It's okay, It's not like your going around kissing ugly boys. You know I wouldn't be a very good judge of character if that happened."

"It's not funny, Nat. I can't stand knowing that I'm sinking to his level. We haven't even officially broken up yet." I grimaced, crossing my arms over my chest.

"That doesn't matter, he cheated on you, Alaina. Why are you holding on still?" Natalie's honey marbles searched mine for some realization. She had no clue how I felt, I had mixed feelings about two boys I really cared about. It was a nightmare for me.

"I don't want to think about that."

"Then what are you going to do?" Natalie whispered as she sat up on the stool and twirled around in a circle, letting her mind drift off into the world of possibilities.Anything could happen, Her and Liam could get together. Even though it appeared wrong, I like to rub it in Harry's face. He didn't deserve me.

"I'm going to play-even. He wants to start the fire, so I'll keep it burning." I spoke with a seamless swimming in my eyes. This was inevitable, I had to face Harry sometime. The sooner the better.

- - -

~ Harry

"I ruined it. I ruined it all." I scoffed as I looked down at my lap, breathing a sigh of melancholy. "Just have Niall and Liam stay the night at her house and watch her."

"Why did you do it man?" Louis's voice cracked from the opposite side of the couch, creating me to look his way. He almost looked as broken as I am, but I didn't blame him. Just when Louis and Alaina were getting along, I went and screwed it all up like the boy I am. But then again, Louis could always go see Alaina himself.

"I-I don't know. I don't even remember any of it." I shook my head as I rubbed my hand on my forehead. "I have a terrible migrane."

"Hmm. . . I wonder why." Louis rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Thanks for making me feel better, Lou." I said sarcastically.

"Hey, It's my job!" He raised his hand, patting himself lightly on the chest. "You really need to apologize. It's the only way you can win her back. Being drunk is not an excuse."

"Well I can't remember anything else! If I would have know that I was cheating on her I would stop it right away! I didn't mean for her to get hurt." I confessed as a tear slid down my cheek. Great, I'm such a man. I'm crying in front of my best friend.

"Are you sorry for your actions or are you sorry for getting caught?" Louis tested closely as he brought his eyes to meet mine. He looked so disappointed, like being my best lad and all was just bringing him down. I hated knowing I let everyone down.

I licked my lips in concentration then took a deep breath, "I'm sorry for everything. Truth is, She deserves better and I wish I could take it back."

"You didn't say that when we were first hooking up." Dana waltzed in with a lopsided grin, creating Louis and I to roll our eyes. We had enough of her, her visit here was nothing but strictly drama. I wanted her out.

"You can't stay here anymore, Dana." I blurted out. Taking the first step, I really felt like a man now.

"What? What do you mean I can't stay here anymore. I still need you to do me a favor." Dana's attention finally snapped her towards reality.

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